World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

i think its a double edged sword, sure u get 3 months of content without the need to make a 4th raid per xpac, but on the other hand only ppl who didnt do remix have to farm mop mogs/mounts, i did remix, got everything, i delete pandaria from game content for me as an example

Be nice if the ilvl was 480. Been gearing up all my alts to get there and won’t be able to do that for the remixes as there’s not enough time.

Maybe some kind of rotation would work best. Start from vanilla all the way up till they see fit.

Rotate every expansion, are you mad?

Could be an option. :sweat_smile:

You could stock pile the currency for them.

True… was hoping to just be done with the event though after these last 2 alts :rofl:

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Hope you’ll bring it back for other expansions - with lessons learned of course.
Best time would be during the downtime at the end of the current expansion.

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You can always just write them off as ‘will gear up in new expansion levelling’

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Yeah true, I was mostly gearing my current ones to be able to farm Jaina easier, but I got her mount now so…for Mechagon?

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They were soulbound anyway, so you couldn’t share them

Heirlooms are soulbound (once they’re made) - soulbound items can’t be shared

Shadowlands Remix inc, see y’all in the Maw xoxo

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Shudder lol…

Thank you so much for that. I had been trying to get the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent with my timerunner as she achieved exalted with Shaohaoh. I transferred the timeless coins from another character and so was able to buy it!

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Remix was a fun ride. Sadly I myself was done with it all in 3 months.

Oh hell no!

I would like TBC Remix. Since I dont see something bad

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Neh. Worst expansion of all of them and really old ugly gear.
If they uprezzed all of it; maybe. I still wouldn’t like it, but then I’d see a reason to do it.

You just want to see the world burn don’t you.

I’ll bring the gasoline. I would pay good money for that just to see everyone have a heart attack soon as it was announced.

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