World of Warcraft Shadowlands

I’m not impressed about the stormwind raid being reduced to just ironforge sucks.
However I think stormwind will be attacked I see a mighty blight bombing to kill us off to move the story into the shadowlands.
as there is blight ammo on SW harbour I cant see if shes already taken stormwind why’d it be there.

A huge big story not covered Nathanos and the black blade of the empire he wandered off with that blade in Nazjatar.
(it may be covered by the horde war campaign I have not seen yet)
I can’t see Bolvar just striding in and killing Lore’themar and beheading of Nathanos would probably up the rating to Mature.

Well there has been a ptr update and the 8.2.5 splash screen advertises this patch as the thrilling conclusion to the war campaign. If it is then why would they introduce stormwind as a raid at all?. Surely the final raid would end the xpac story like in Legion and previous xpacs.

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Yes I spotted that so if the screenshot is real maybe its 8.2.5.

I still think we need to look at something possibly going on in Stormwind.
“Black Blade of the Empire as War campaign finale”

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