World of Warcraft: The Social MMO... But Only If You Like Queuing with Strangers

It’s been doing that to every post without a direct quotation for me so now I just quote everybody so I don’t get people confused.

People keeps offering solutions.



I believe that was because the game was hard ~ And the social-comunication aspect was thriving.
Right now tanks can solo the entire dungeon in LF since not only they can tank but also dps+heal.

You don’t need interaction with anyone now and majority of wow players not only become anti-social but extremely aggressive .

You understand that Loneliness is a big factor to a character Development and is very common that people that don’t interact with others become more negative.

I remember spamming “LFM tank” in the Ironforge chat for an hour, then starting the dungeon another hour later when everyone got there, then doing this halfway through the dungeon again when someone had to leave. There weren’t meeting stones and hearthstone CD was an hour, so travelling back and forth ate up a lot of time. I did one dungeon per day.

You can still have a strong community experience in this game, but you have to put effort into it. People already covered all of this, so I won’t repeat everything everyone already said. Put in the effort and get results - exactly like 20 years ago.


You are over exaggerating.

Endgame is not in the Dungeon Finder. Its in other means that forces you to talk to people, to engage with people, and to be nice to people.

In fact, the system itself punishes you for NOT doing that. Because you are 100x more successful in M+, Raiding, and PvP if you actually do it with friends. On voice com.

And those that still insist on Pugging with strangers are perpetually 10 steps behind any progress.

So back to LFG :

The reason nobody talks there is because nobody cares. Nobody does that for fun. They do it to farm something in that dungeon to allow them to do all the End-Game activities I mentioned above…

That is why. And in fact, that is why Blizz put LFG in the first place : Because in WotlK it was horrible to find people to do your daily dungeon for Valor.

And why did people want Valor you say ? To raid ICC with their guild and friends…

You’re about 16 years to late. WoW is not a social MMO…

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The issue is, though:
It is the other way around. Dungeon Finder etc. got implemented because random people stopped playing together.
It fueled it more, yes, but it happenend nevertheless. If Blizzard wouldn’t’ve implemented the Dungeon Finder, poeple nowadays still wouldn’t properly “MMO” anymore.

Humans just care less and less for eacth other, nothing you will change about that.
Society has become so extremely fast paced, it’s not just WoW that suffers from this.

Humans tend to gravitate towards the solution that is the least amount of effort.

So standing in one spot shouting for people to join a group will always lose out to a pre-made dungeon forming system.

QOL is another matter.

These day being social inside of wow has a possible price and a cost. If you mess up typing hello, then this could be enough to get kicked, so it is best not to even say anything.

I say this cos this happened to me. I got kicked probably for mis-typing hello and that was enough to send some deranged player into a spin and vote kick me.

Ive made my peace with no talking pugs. I am not there to talk. I am there to get loot. I will talk if circumstances dictate i do to get us past whatever is holding us back. But only then.

Hot take but probably not. I like that you dont need to run to the dungeon and find people to queue up with when it comes to normal/hc dungeons. The non-mythic ones are easy enough to complete in 5-10 mins and will take even longer time getting there than completing it.

I know it is not like that for everyone, but normal/hc is kinda “filler” content where i learn the dungeon layout and basics, maybe try a new spec or talents. I don’t feel the need to choose my groupmates for that or want to spend too much travel time to do that

This is a you problem, get over it.

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I order even my food online and ask them to leave it at the door so I don’t have to actually interact with human beings in person.


I played in guilds from mid Cata to mid Legion. Long after the introduction of things like LFD, LFR, shared quest tagging, shared rare tagging and the nerfing of world content. I found the game extremely social and had no problems joining a guild.

I stopped playing in guilds in late Legion because I was bored of raiding on a schedule. The game is less social for me now, and it is entirely of my own choosing.

If you want the game to be social, you can choose that too. There is literally nothing stopping you from going to raider io or wowprogress and looking at your server’s guilds. Hell, they let you join guilds cross realm now. If you don’t want to use a website, i’ve also joined guilds via trade chat in Legion and via just whispering a guy who looked like he had his stuff together in WoD.

Socialising is not a thing that happens to you - IRL or in game. If you don’t proactively take part in it, you will not get it.

If you go on like that in groups OP, it can’t really be a surprise to you that no one wants to talk to / interact with you.

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Doesn’t fix it but when introduced you can’t expect it to be removed because i guarantee there would be hell to pay from majority of playerbase.

And to be fair people can blame themselves for lfd/lfr tools because if people had not been so gatekeepy before those tools maybe those things would had never been implemented in the first place.

Obviously my attitude in groups is nothing like this attention seeking post. I’m was just annoyed and needed to vent abit.

Your comment adds nothing to the discussion, you’ve only posted this to get a reaction and you’ve had one.

Well i played back when we had no dungeon finder and i cant say that it made the social aspekt of the game so much better.

I can count the amount of worthwhile or even midly interesting conversation i had with random people. Most of the time there was not more then a “hey” maybe they asked if we can port thats it


this is not even an MMO after dungeon finder in WoTLK era

tell me, why not just have bots in the game instead of people?

no world interaction
no general chat
no party chat
guild chat dead because no need to form group

just make WoW offline, add bots with AI instead of people and donate your £15 a month to charity to feel real good, oh what a colourful world of adventure

If, by any small chance, a Blizzard employee happens to read this, please consider this: communicate with the community about the possibility of removing LFG. I think you’d be surprised how many players would actually welcome a return to a more immersive system, where finding groups through a dedicated channel brought people together. If someone acts like a jerk, their reputation within that community takes a hit, rather than them being a faceless, disposable player you’ll never see again.

I genuinely believe that a lot of players turn to solo play now because the overall community morale is so low. People are frustrated and taking it out on each other. Look no further than the forums—half the comments contribute nothing but negativity. It’s all “it’s a you problem” responses, as if the state of the game and the community are beyond help. That’s how bad it’s gotten.

There’s no sense of accountability anymore. People act however they want, knowing there’s no real consequence or impact on their reputation. I truly think a system that encourages more meaningful interactions and consequences for toxic behavior would go a long way in healing the game’s social fabric.

Looks like we’ve got the usual selection of fallacies in here, all ship shape and ready to be fired like they mean anything.

  1. “Oh don’t use that massively multiplayer online role playing game world to find people. Use Discord! Get with the times!”
    Yeah, let’s rip the soul of the whole genre out.
  2. “Just play classic!!”
    This ignores that one of the core design pillars of classic is a constant stream of content. Era is not vanilla, and it hasn’t been vanilla since it became era - and in some ways wasn’t even before that. Problem is, every time Blizzard tries to actually create vanilla, they fail!
  3. “Just play the game in an inefficient manner”
    Only to realize that people overwhelmingly pick the path of least resistance and, if it isn’t fun, they quit. This whole thing of making a game boring if played well is absolutely absurd.
  4. “Get over it, just quit!”
    This is how our community dies. Making an MMO and forgetting about that fact until everybody quits.
  5. “You’re just unable to make friends because you suck”
    Not through the game he isn’t! We’re all relying on external tools for an inherently social video game experience. It’s absurd. It’s actually absurd that this is the case and being defended.
  6. “Times change”
    Ok Garrosh. How’d that work out? Oh right, we still got invaded by the Legion. The truth is that human nature doesn’t change on a whim. What was fun 20 years ago is still fun. If you’re losing players in a live service game, that’s because you’re making a mistake, not because humanity has magically morphed itself into a different state of consciousness
  7. “Omg OP is being ripped to pieces, he so stupid”
    Being “ripped to pieces” by a small community of 15 people out of 12 million former players is not the win you’re all hoping for, folks. You can rip into him as much as you want, that doesn’t make him wrong.

The truth is the game fundamentally shifted from an MMORPG into an action role playing game more akin to Diablo 4. A loud minority complained about one issue after another all related to efficiency, and here we are. A game that solves itself for you and tries desperately to invalidate using the world to create a community.

WoW is a parody of its former self, and Blizzard has proven again and again that they can’t deliver a classic experience short of literally copying what they did 20 years ago verbatim. They don’t understand it. This isn’t a bad game, but it’s not WoW.

Classic was a crutch made by a community so distrustful of Blizzard’s capabilities they just didn’t even care anymore. They just wanted vanilla, because they knew Blizzard couldn’t deliver that kind of experience any more.

Funny thing is now they’re making questionnaires that are explicitly mentioning a few private servers that actually get Classic+ right. I hope one day we’ll get real World of Warcraft again. This is fun, but it isn’t WoW, even if it masquerades around as if it is.

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I’d quit if LFG got removed, plain and simple.

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