World PvP Community is Alive

Alliance - if you like community in WPvP, check out the Alliance lowbie zones Duskwood and Stranglethorn Vale.

Been hanging out there a bit, trying to put down lowbie gankers. Sometimes it works, sometimes I am murdered due to skill issues, but I try gard darn it :relaxed:

Sharding works differently outside of bfa zones, and you usually see the same allies and enemies even if not grouped. I think the shard manager would only create a new shard if there’s a need.

In lowbie zones, you get fun, naturally occuring wpvp, with a good reason to be doing it - defending lowbies. Not just senseless killing, tho I find that fun too.

It’s slower paced than bfa wpvp, and patience is required. But Horde usually hang out at rebel camp in STV. Go say hi! I mean, kill em.

The players that hang out in the area seems to be regulars and know each other. It’s a little micro community. If you like the sound of that, go check it out.

There are zero rewards, except a community vibe, and doing a good turn for our lowbies. Sometimes you even get a real thank you. Aww.

Only issue is the pacifists, but just ignore their whispers.

Now I am looking forward to zone design upgrades in 9.0!

Help defend our zones! Join Alliance Defence Force WPvP community. Alternatively, here’s a list of Horde and Alliance WPvP guilds and communities.

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