World PvP dosent exsist

you’d need russian language client for it, a lot of the people here do not speak russian.

well I have nothing to do if only players from /russian/ tab wants to actually play a MMO game, not a session MOBA one.

You want world PvP, go kill the botters.

WoW without WPVP is just a dumbed down GW or FF. Change my mind :slight_smile:

Never said it wasn’t fun. I use to be part of a huge wPvP focused guild. Simply was pointing a fact the main issue is that there is no reward from it so a lot of players don’t bother doing it, which is sad.

Wpvp is not that fun if you are a good player. Most wpvp players I came across were terrible, they hang in large groups and gank people who is always trying to level up. The others will try to caught you when you are pulling several mobs or at low hp.

A good player would be looking forward BGs and arenas where they can pvp in equal conditions.

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I would love to have some Warmode option. All servers (barring some ultra rare exceptions) are huge monofaction megaservers. Enabling cross-realm PvP on warmode option would be cool IMO.

If you dont want world pvp then go to a pve realm. Thats it.

Its not ture, sure there are idiots always, but camping the campers is a good thing. And sure someone trying to kill me with mobs? He can try but if im not a terrible player i can eat him anyways. If u are a good player u can enjoy wpvp if i are a p**y then go to a pve realm.

Join jindo or thekal, problem solved. Not firemaw or gehennas where everything ppl think about is parsing. Gehennas pvp died when apes left the server.

Warlock is a strong wpvp character, but sure not for cryer pve realm lovers.

Actually they dont have to do something about it, You realize that the reason those realms a 99/1% pop ratio is because people (The vast majority not saying you personally) dont want wpvp.

Why are you responding to a 16 days old thread ?

World PvP is best and somewhat true while leveling. That is, until you’ve bested your opponents often enough for them to either call their dad or bring their own main.

Fun nevertheless, because that’s when you know you won.

Wpvp is the most fun part in WoW in my opinion. Monofaction sheep movement and flying mounts killed it for the most part… it’s very present on fresh and smaller servers. So that’s were the real pvp players are… not some monofaction megaserver crap going for S tier arena comps

In my opinion, wpvp is fun when it is fair. Since that is very rarely the case, better no wpvp than unfair kind of it.

Should just have cross realm from one server with 99% faction to another one and always same servers.

Why are there so many people who hate wPvP but still insist to play on a PvP server in this thread?

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not only an issue in this thread but on most servers xD

Honestly, since I first saw PvP realm, I thought they would be FFA pvp everywhere outside of capital city, that would weed out all those pve losers complaining about being ganked …

Absolutely beyond me why pve afkers and other noobs decided to ruin every single PvP realm if they dont care about pvp …

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Well that’s because flying exists…adds it anyway.

:monkey: :clown_face: