World PvP Killing Classic?

You seem to be quite delusional about wpvp. The fact is it’s almost never fair (and mostly extremely unfair) on any level. Be it level 60 rogue ganking lowbies or a raid of a top1 guild with sappers wiping questing hubs and BRM.

Note that PVP players are perfectly fine and happy to meet other PVP players. Be it a raid or another rogue. I am always happy to call friends and fight Raid versus Raid or rogue versus rogue.

The point here is that if you are rolling on PVP server you need to be ready and willing to fight. If you are not, then why did you roll on pvp server?

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Changing the game part wasnt aimed at you, sry, was about the “give 48-59lvls pvp immunity” and other genius suggestions the forum is full with today :slightly_smiling_face:
As for ashbringer - it was 50-50 at start, has changed a lot since then. Ofc there is always a possibility there is a huge part of horde only playing 8am-2pm and we never see em :smiley:


What to say really. You can’t argue against it.
Some do not like counterstrike. because u lose or die all the time.

Some do not like wow, because you die all the time.

What to say really mate?
What do you want blizzard to do, some love it some ain’t

Only thing I can say, is: If you don’t like the smell in the bakery, the door is right there -->

Well. I might come to Ashbringer, sounds like a nice place :wink:


Yes, we rolled a PvP server, not a horde server.


I’ll refer you to this post by myself The inconvenient truth of world PvP & why to turn War Mode off and roll PvE in Classic

In summary, the only reason to roll PvP server if you really really like wPvP win, lose or draw, fair or unfair. This is a known quantity and I’m afraid that I’m going to have to inform you that there was already plenty of information into how PvP servers work, that it would seem you did not take the opportunity to absorb. Take a life lesson from this.

In answer to your specific situation, you have three to four options.

  1. Continue as you are
  2. Re-Roll on a PvE server
  3. Stop Playing
  4. Wait to for Blizzard to put a paid realm transfer service in the game.
  1. Put the kettle on and wait for BC

This is not vanila. This is more like a bad private server. The new chinese leadership at blizzard is terrible.

Mobs stucked into trees and the ground.
I receorded a video at winterspring about bots buying recipes from vendors.
It’s imposible to go out from any cities. 70/30% horde server.
EVERY SINGLE flightmaster camped 0/24. Dismount -> instant dead.
Servers are loaded with disgousting players. 40 man raids against llow lvl questing players.
Dismount, fall, die if you dc while flying.
Continous whispers, channel invites to buy gold.
It’s impossible to talk to a GM anymore. Instead of that you have to write to some stupid AI, what can’t understand you.
I reported a lot of cheaters, goldseller, nothing happened. Ever. Noone contacted me. It was impossible to make a ticket to a GM.
The list is endless.
I played this game from the beginning. Almost every expansion. I had fun. I was camped, killed on boat, MC-ed to lava, etc. I know horw it goes.
I already cancelled my subscription. 50-100k player shoud do the same in the next few days. Or classic will die. And maybe thats rly ok.


EVERYBODY told you it would be like this the moment the honor system was released.

Take a week break or so until it dies down.

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Like what? Full of bugs, cheaters, bots, …? Maybe try to read, before you copy+paste your “this is pvp, reloll, blabla” answer from someone.

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Read the posts. No one is complaining about PvP. We complain about the faction imbalance, causing the so called PvP to be let’s just very say one sided. If the balance was fine, you would see very few complaints.

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I’ve seen this and it is annoying though the frequency i’ve encountered this is not enough to make me quit the game

This was a known quantity, if you were unaware it’s becasue you didn’t take the time to find out how PvP servers work

As above

I’ve not experinced this but you have my sympathy

This is actually something that happened a lot in the earlier expansions and abosloltey something blizz should do something about

In my cynical opinon this exists so Blizz can “streamline” there customer service to put reduced costs over customer service.

I do expect the forums to light up with players who didn’t really understand the reality of classic and/or PvP servers. They are no “fair” and there is very little balance in the game, classes and it is not an “instant reward game”

This is not PVP.
And the main problem is not the PVP.
The honor system without BGs --> FAIL.
PVP server without PVP rewards --> FAIL.

Re-Read my post, this was already a known quantity as already stated. I’ll re-iterate that if anyone didn’t know this would happen, that flight paths would be camped that the balance would not be equal and if low levels would lose the ability to quest it was because they’ve not taken an number of opportunities to learn about this. One of these was even made by Blizzard themselves at the announcement of phase 2.

This is a reply for @Septimius

No, i won’t. I don’t care with this game anymore. There are much better options. This is not fun anymore.

Peace. Free Tibet.


That is one of the options as i outlined in an earlier statement.

In regards to your earlier post

Again I have to refer you that the prior knowledge of this information was all made available before the release date. BGs come in Phase 3 for example .

Honestly, most of the time people talk about “fair” PvP I assume it means “I get the jump on them so I have an advantage. It’s fair for ME.” So your comment is spot on.

PvP is fair in battlegrounds. You know you’re going to kill or be killed and you can pretty much determine the moments you’re going to meet your opponents. There has never been anything fair or honourable about wPvP.

Also I’ve seen some posts here a’la “I love PvP, I was always on a PvP server, not in vanilla though…” – that means you were never really on a PvP server because TBC & flying mounts effectively killed wPvP. Just because the label says “instant coffee” doesn’t mean it’s literally instant.

Another type of grievance, “I played vanilla and I don’t remember…” – yes, I played vanilla too. I don’t remember it being exactly like this either. I remember it being worse. Before lvl 50 or so, 99% of red players on PvP servers would mostly ignore me in Classic. Ganks were rare. In vanilla, we started later with a group of friends and honor was just in by that time. It took dozens and dozens of evenings farming mobs and the alliance, in equal proportion. Combined with dozens of corpse runs and insane corpse res timers because we’d died so many times in a row. It’s just more concentrated and organised now so it might seem worse. But it’s actually not.


It’s never fun when you are loosing. In any game.
Get good maybe?


The point is, Blizz should have made it very clear that 90% of wPVP is ganking / camping and to participate you better be lvl 60 rogue by a certain time. And what is also important that you still can enjoy PVP on PVE servers without ganking experience. I think a lot of people assume that you can not PVP on PVE servers when they pick the server. Leave those PVP ganking unbalanced realms to people who can lvl to 60 in time and fight with eachother, which in my personal opinion is not the case of their initial server choice, take killing lowbies out of the equation and PVP population will diminish dramatically.

BFA is right over there, it is baby friendly. Go go go.