I dont need. If you want to proove a point, resubscribe and lets meet. If not, shut up and mind your bussines.
And i didnt edited nothing.
You are exactly what you wrote about yourself. So, why so angry?
I dont need. If you want to proove a point, resubscribe and lets meet. If not, shut up and mind your bussines.
And i didnt edited nothing.
You are exactly what you wrote about yourself. So, why so angry?
Nah, it’s more fun to deny you, and you was already told a few time - you are nothing, not important.
The only way you can “win” this is - stop, cool off, let go and walk away.
Nothing else is going to work as you think it would, but something tells me you are too dumb to understand.
So, if dumb - go change your character name again, use more forum alts, delete more posts - more hiding and pretending.
You know, I get it - I’ve asked you to try and be creative with your insults - you are trying with all that “wrapping insults in quotes”, not creative, but hey - at least you’ve tried, good boi, right, haha
That repetition of the same, again - you don’t have even a drop of creativity in you, everything is just a hateful anger inside with only primitive abilities for interaction… meh
I don’t need to be angry - you are doing it for me, and you’re doing great!
All I need to do - is to take your hateful anger and turn it against you - the rest you’ll do yourself. Because you just can’t stop.
I’m having fun doing it. But if you’re looking for hateful garbage (you love that word, right?) - then just look in the mirror, since it’s you who’s doing all the heavy lifting, haha.
I wrote you 3 words…you wrote me a entire novel to explain me that you are “grumpy” (maby because grumpy cat died?) .So? Whp’s angry? xD
Haha, look who’s talking about novels.
Always the one who’s lying, bad with math and humor, tries and fails - that’s your thing.
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