World PVP real status+survey!

INTRODUCTION NOTE: This is a long post. If you dont have the pacience to read everthing or you feel just to pick a quota, just because a phrase isnt right (in your opinion) and start your “atacks” , please dont. Read everything, think, contemplate and then answer. Thank you.

As many of you know me already, especially the players that are more involved in wpvp forum section, i am a very vocal and persistent player. I shared in the past comments some ideeas/opinions about wpvp and WM concept and some players (majority from alliance side) rejected all my arguments and persisted with their opinions. In their point of view, ethics, fairness, honor, fairplay, etc doesnt apply. With this post, i wish to hear opinions from both sides.
Why i started this post? A player made 2 surveys wich i doubt their credibility because of 2 reasons:
First, it was a IP based survey, wich didnt require to make a account or at least register a email. I belive that one or more pro-“that player” persons used IP change software and answered more than one time to the same question.
Second reason is that most of the answers are “favorable” to that player’s arguments or pro-alliance orientated.
To crush my disbelief and to finally see how and what people think, the most fair option is to make it this way:
I will ask some questions that offers only yes or no/agree or disagree answer option. Middle options like “i dont care” or “maby” are confusing and can alter the outcome. Making this on forum, this would allow me also to see the players profile, therefor deducting very easy if his answers where bias or not. If for example a player posts from his 119 alt or 120 alt with 0 progress in raiding or PVP, then its obviously that the answers could be bias from a alliance player pretending to be a horde player or vice-versa. If a player answers from a “main profile” (wich can be very easy to check) that has progress in this expansion (like 5 or more kills on each boss in HC BoD or arena rating above 1800-1900), then this player has put some time and work into that character ,therefor resulting that the player plays the faction he says, therefor his answers have a high chance to be genuine and his opinion can be taken in consideration.
Therefor i would kindly ask if you could use ONLY your main char as profile and not use “alts profiles”.
Before i start with the questions i would like to share with you what i think is wrong with the current WM and WPVP concept:

  • Rewards and siding a faction: in my opinion Blizzard did a wrong thing when they combined PVE rewards with PVP content. Especially by offering PVE raiding gear as reward for completing AOO quest was very,very wrong. The first AOO quest, wich happend 2 weeks after 8.1.5 release in march. 90% of players had only one 400 ilvl piece from the first warfront and then the alliance received the second piece. I considered this like a “blunt” favoring of a faction and a free boost. Same story for the "bonus % " for wq. If for example, next week’s reset, when 8.2 launches, Blizz would give AOO quest to horde and reward horde with a 440 ilvl piece (that should be the HC ilvl i think), i am pretty sure that alliance players would storm the forums and complain. From all the data avaible from sites like realmpop, raiderIO, wowprogress and wowhead, the conclusion is that the ratio between horde and alliance, in the EU region (all EU servers/realms) is quite ballanced : 48-49% alliance and 51-52% horde. So for a difference of 1-2% between factions, i dont see a reasonable reason to give such huge rewards and bonuses. Beside that, we use theese sources to make a statistic,because Blizz doesnt want to share with us the real numbers. And just because a “guy from Blizz” says that a faction is outnumbered, that doesnt mean it is or not true. In my opinion, when Blizzard choosed to “favor” a faction because of outnumbering, the fair and normal thing to do was to reveal the numbers, so that at least the other faction to have a proof and a reason. Thatswhy, i used theese sites as statistics,because Blizz didnt revealed the real numbers.
    Another thing what they did wrong, especially that this expansion’s “story” is about returning to the fight between the alliance and the horde was to NOT implement PVP gear (like in old expansions, PVP gear that is usefull only for PVP and useless for PVE) or add stats for PVE and PVP and the coresponding gear (for example: PVE stats to be crit+mastery and PVP stats to be haste+versa, therefor separate the gear). In a PVP orientated expansion story, it was mandatory to add PVP gear.
    I think that each type of content must have its own type of rewards: you do pet battles wq? you get pet stones, pet charms, pet bandages. You do PVE wq? You get PVE gear. You do wpvp? You get honor,conquest and PVP gear. Mixing rewards between contents brings discontent and frustration. We already saw the “raiders” discontent, when Blizz added easy obtainable PVE gear with almost 0 effort. Then why raiders waste time, wipe hundreds of times, when a twink can gear himself almost similar ilvl with them by doing warfronts and wq?
    In my opinion they should do the following regarding PVP / WPVP rewards in the future: add PVP EXCLUSIVE gear and give ONLY honor/conquest+ PVP gear as reward from wpvp events/invasions/quests or other PVP activities (arenas,bg’s,etc) , remove any types of bonuses for wq if you have enabled WM (for both factions), give both factions equal quests (you cant give to one faction a quest like AOO and let the others “suffer the consequences”, aka being camped for a week). By making wpvp rewards only PVP exclusive, this would discourage PVE players that enable WM only for the bonus to join, therefor making a more “clean” enviroment, with only players that WANTS to pvp and like it. Another thing i would add a boost to all PVP rewards to stimulate players to join: ex: a quest similar with AOO that would reward 1000 honor+200 conquest+a HC piece of gear). The current wpvp rewards (ex: “Call to Arms”) are not so “stimulative” to make players join wpvp.

  • Alts (bellow 120 lvl) and twinks: the scalling doesnt work. We all know that. It works in a certain percentage if two 120 or apropriate lvl players fight, but they have different ilvl, but it doesnt work between two players that have a huge lvl difference (120 lvl vs 80 lvl). Many times i killed low lvl players in Pandaria/Draenor and Legion maps very easy after i got pissed off because i was ganked in BFA maps, so i seeked revenge. A 120 lvl player can kill a 80 lvl player in two hits. So therefor i consider that alts/twinks should be forbidden to join WM. Taking in consideration that WoW is a end-game orientated game (first you must reach max lvl, then enjoy the content of the game) and that is not “level progression” game (example: Perfect World, a game where you make 1 lvl in 1 month or more, where char lvl does really matter), twinks and alts should not be allowed to enter into WPVP content. We saw that during AOO quest, many ally players geared their alts and joined raids to hunt hordes and they just stood afk while they received a free piece of gear. Another reason to not allow alts/twinks join WM is that many dont know to play that class. There are players that did for example a druid alt, only for the Ragnaros raid toy (wich is a druid exclusive drop) and they have 0 clue how to play a druid, because for years they played only hunter. The ideea of growing a alt is that untill you reach max lvl, you have time to learn the class.
    Therefor in my opinion, especially that WoW is focused on a “end game philosophy” , WM should be enabled ONLY for chars that have 120 lvl (or max lvl in future expansions), not bellow.

  • WM cooldown: i heard many times this reply : “if you dont like it, turn WM off” . I think this is the most stupid answer a person can give. Especially when they argument that turning off or on its a matter of choice and that if you turn it on you accept “the consequences” . Well, first of all, in my opinion you cant say “that you did a choice and accepted the consequences” when you have the option to reverse that choice whenever you want or when it suits your needs. Example: I turn it on, i go Drustvar, i am ganked, i turn it off and then i go back to continue my questing like nothing happend. A choice means that if you accept it, you cant reverse it whenever it suits your personal needs. A choice is a conscious act in wich you accept any type of consequence: negative or positive.
    Another example, to point my view better,is the game “Do you want to be millionaire” : you choose a answer (that means you already made a choice), the operator asks you if that is your final answer , you say yes and then you receive the real correct answer. If the answer given by you was wrong and you lost the million, you cant say: “ohh wait, cancel my answer, i want to choose another option”. Its a irreversible consequence of your choice and because of it you lost the million dollars. A choice has either a positive or a negative outcome and you need to accept them both.
    Same should be applied in WoW: a minimum 12h cooldown (i would apply a week cd, but lets say 12h to please everyone) for WM enabling/disabling. Then we can say that it was REALLY a choice and that you accepted any consequences and you cant reverse it when-ever you want.

  • Sharding/phasing and LFG: this is one of the most annoying topics regarding WM. The ease and accesibility with wich players can form groups its not in concordance with the wpvp original concept. Wpvp should be spontaneous, not premeditated, unpredictable, unfair. But when a group of 40 players make a raid party and then they plan to go to a location and “massacre” everything in their path,that can be called anything you want, but not spontaneous or unpredictable and cant be called wpvp.
    How i would change wpvp?
    Well, first i would allow LFG+sharding only in some specific wpvp zones: invasion points, capitals, cities and villages (in wich i would add some faction bosses that needs to be killed by one faction and defended by the other for rewards and achievments), some random zones that doesnt contain PVE+pet battles world quests, but instead, they contain world pvp quests ( enter zone x and kill y number of enemies players), i would bring back zones like Wintergrasp and improove them,etc. I would not allow LFG+sharding to be able on the entire continent, only on specific wpvp designated zones, so that players to not abuse it: make parties or raids and camp wq zones or other zones (this would reduce the drama between factions players). I would allow “no rules” wpvp in all the remaining zones, but without LFG+sharding. That means you can kill, gank, camp, harras others do what-ever you want, but only with players from the same realm with you (if you want to party, you need to make manual parties). This would reduce the scale or “carnage” and “massacre” and would bring a more even wpvp enviroment. Some people would say : “yea, but i play alliance in a dominant horde server” . Well mate, most of zones are separated: horde has Zuldazar continent, alliance has Kul-Tiras continent. From what i noticed, usually each zone has its own faction majoritary on their own continents and usually players of oposite faction go to oposite faction’s continent only when there are invasions or wpvp quests (AOO, Call to Arms, etc). The probability to meet only “carnage parties” from oposite factions is very reduced without sharding+LFG and this we know all from previous expansions. Another reason to do what i said above,about sharding+LFG is that i think the lag/delay/frames will be reduced if they would apply this “strategy” .

  • Kill count: In wpvp i would allow “party kill count” (you are in a party,but another members kills the enemy and you still get the kill count), only in the specific designated areas mentioned above (invasions, capitals,cities,wpvp wq zones, Wintergraps similar zones,etc). In all the other zones (the entire world,except designated wpvp zones), where sharding+LFG are forbidden, i would allow kill count only if you do the last blow (last hit) to the enemy. Why? First of all to add difficulty: how it is now,for example during Call to Arms quest, i can be in a party of 5, i stay afk and cuddle my cat, my party does the killing and i get the count>>>thats bollocks. You want to kill a player outside the designated wpvp zones? No problem, work for it. Secondly: for the feeling of acomplishment. You encounter a enemy and you atack him, you fight and win and feel proud of yourself that you did something alone with “your own hands” .

Now, lets start the survey. Remember: answer only with yes or no/agree or disagree to each number (question) and if you want you can add or not add arguments (why?) . So…here we go:

  1. Do you agree that the current status of wpvp enviroment is wrong as a whole (sharding+LFG, rewards, no feeling of acomplishment, too easy to complete content, low content,etc) ? --> agree/disagree (+argument, optional)
  2. Do you agree that one faction to be rewarded “extra” just for the reason that they are “outnumbered” (thing that wasnt prooved yet, with a official Blizz statement, with real numbers) ? --> agree/disagree (+argument, optional)
  3. Would you like/wish that both factions to receive equal quests/rewards and to be more rewarding (add stimulation for more people to join) ? --> yes/no (+argument,optional)
  4. Do you agree with adding the WM cooldown, therefor making “the choice” of enabling WM a more impactfull decision? If you answer with agree, what is the “proper” cooldown you think is reasonable? --> agree/disagree (+argument, optional)
  5. Do you agree to be removed all types of PVE rewards from wpvp content (rewards like PVE gear, bonus wq % , etc) and keep the rewards to be exclusive PVP (honor/conquest/ PVP gear in future) ? --> agree/disagree (+argument, optional)
  6. Do you agree that sharding+LFG should be allowed only in the designated wpvp zones described above (read sharding+LFG section) and that in the rest of the world, the wpvp to function as before : only same realm/server players ? --> agree/disagree (+argument, optional)
  7. Do you agree that War Mode feature to be exclusive only for 120 lvl characters (or max lvl characters in future expansions) ? --> agree/disagree (+argument, optional)

Compared with the others surveys done, i think my questions are straight to the topic and dont give a chance for “confusing” answers. Before you answer them, you need to read the entire text, to understand where i want to go with the question (although the questions are quite understandable even without reading,but i suggest it anyway).
Please answer like this : give answer to each point punctually and at the end add your own opinion to any topic related to wpvp or WM if you wish.
Have a nice day.

Are you trying to make yourself a victim? And even trying to frame it to make more Horde players to sympathize with you? lol

I thought you were not a snowflake and could handle direct talk, well…

Great way to start your survey - with lies and zero proofs, just to discredit others with another of your BS, when in previous post of similar speculations I told you that I’ve just tried IP change - it doesn’t work.

Hopelessly trying start so far…

Again, more tries to discredit…
You know, only ppl who lie need this much BS, to try and make themselves look good, by lying about others to make them look bad.

This is a pathetic start.

Alter outcome you like to see? Because objectivity is not why you did this survey, right?

Basically - allows you to control the narrative you want, so this whole thing is very subjective to how you like to manipulate it. Ok, got it.

Speaking from your own experience, haha

So you just discriminate opinion of players who play more than one faction, or don’t do raids and rated pvp - way to do a survey - very objective and believable, yeah…

Start with yourself - you started to do any PvP only a couple months ago, when you discovered self-healing shaman build - your opinion about WPvP is one of the least relevant.

And here we go - trying to manipulate survey even before it started. How desperate are you?

Ok, let’s answer it:


No, I don’t agree. But there are parts of it, regarding tech and how it works that are bad.

Question note: Players can like parts of a system, and don’t like other parts. You’re trying to smash all together in hopes to get more answers you want.


Rewarded - no, Incentivized - yes.

Blizzard talked about outnumbering officially in Dev blogs, you were even provided with a link a couple of times. I’m not a part of tinfoil hats and conspiracy theories, so I see bonus numbers in-game, I know Blizzard employees play both sides (from their interviews, were also linked multiple times), Ion “game director” plays Horde - for me that’s enough.

Question note: Heavily suggestive and leading question, with lies and speculation attached, in hopes that players would be stupid enough to be manipulated.


I would like for both factions to have equal options for rewards.
I wish there were other mechanisms to stimulate participation, and discussed it, with possible ideas, many times.

Question note: More than one question in one, expecting just yes/no answer is very manipulative.


No, I don’t agree.

I think there is no need to limit players options, just to make a workaround for AOO quest. A better way would be to change rewards/incentives system so it doesn’t need workarounds - like seasonal achievements, weekly quest and rewards based on player individual participation, for both factions equally… discussed many times in a few threads.




There is no section “sharding+LFG”. If you mean “Sharding/phasing and LFG” in your opinions - that is not an objective information, and I won’t base my opinion on yours.

As for last part of the question - I would love if new technology - layering - was used to create big layers of combined realms (battle groups) - for both: faction balance and consistent community. With LFG-only limited to specific layer in War Mode… [Suggestion] Use Layering from Classic to improve Sharding

Question note: Heavily biased, suggestive and leading question, again with tries to manipulate with your own opinions.


No. Everybody should be able to do WPvP and it doesn’t matter on what level they like to do it.

Question note: Questions 4, 5, 7 are with least amount of manipulation. I wish there was more questions like this.

That is only your very biased opinion.

More than a half of questions are not strait to the topic, heavily biased/suggestive/leading, lack any objectivity, have more than one question in them, and quite confusing - because yes/no is not even an answer of how those question were asked and what about.

So, you even clearly state that you want others to go in some specific direction with your questions… yeah, way to much trying, way to much manipulation, and it’s very clearly visible… you’ve made an oopsie, again.

So you’ve just decided that it’s more fair, because it’s more convenient for you and makes it easy to manipulate how you like it, dismiss what you don’t like, etc… and now you’re trying to convince others it is… well - you failed, it is not, as you can see at this point.

I doubt that you’ll get many answers - results probably be very scuffed. Plus, you could notice from all your time on these forums - many players really don’t like to read walls of text. And if you add all that amount of manipulation, well - good luck.

Maybe now you’ll see why ppl use 3rd party systems for surveys and make questions with different answers, in which not all answers could be acceptable for everybody, but they make for non-biased information gathering.

Everything is not black and white, no matter how hard you try to manipulate it.

With how you make this survey - it is not an opinion of community - it’s your biased view about opinions of others, and nothing more.

Will you try to use your forum alts again? :wink:

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Before answering anything, how come someone who cares so much about WPVP/WMode only has like 3.5k HKs on this char and Honor Level 6 in total?

Are YOU in it for just the rewards :smiley: ?


It seems like someone need to stop posting and start farming if that’s his main char ;D

  1. Disagree.
    …I think wPvP could be improved (random buffs scattered around, more toys & potions for dynamic play, more objectives), but as far as sharding, lfg, rewards… I’m not too fussed.
  2. Agree (kinda)
    …if one faction is dominant to the point it discourages the other faction from participating, then I agree with introducing an incentive for the underdogs.
  3. Yes (kinda).
    …I honestly wouldn’t care if H+A got the same rewards. However, see point 2.
  4. Disagree.
    …I enjoy pvp (wPvP+bg’s). I genuinely don’t care about rewards, I just find them fun. But I came to WoW to play with a non competitive friend. If I’m forced into WM on or off, I’d have to go with off -in order to play with my friend. At the moment, I can switch WM off when she’s online & that really works for me.
  5. Agree (kinda)
    …it makes sense to reward pvp activity with pvp items, but that won’t incentivise pve players to try WM, and as there is no pvp-exclusive gear (yet), I don’t see this as a problem.
  6. Disagree.
    Let’s say I’m questing in Pandaria & some 120 who was demolished by other 120’s came to take his frustration out on me. What can I do? (can’t turn WM off, can’t join a group, can’t change shards).
  7. Disagree.
    …having the ability to chose WM (or not) is good, for all levels. Ganked? -turn it off. Can’t complete your quests? -turn it off. Feeling brave & want to try PvP for the first time / play with honour talents? -turn it on.

Bro, you’re obviously very passionate about the state of wPvP & it sucks to be stuck in a mode you don’t enjoy, so I empathise. But your ‘fixes’ wouldn’t work for me.

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Coolgroove did a test for you, not just ip based.

Not true. Of the 3 surveys, there were several questions with results I don’t agree with. But they are interesting results, and that’s my motivation.

I mostly WPvP, occassional random bg in between. No boss in raids, no arena. Because I mostly War Mode. Does that mean my survey answers in a WM forum are not valid? Nice logic.

Disagree - I have fun in WM WPvP, but always looking for new fun. Just at the right time, new patch has additional WM features. Looking forward to tower capture and netting flyers!

WPvP is an awesome challenge and very rewarding. At yesterday’s Voldun assault, we got massacred at Shatterstone by a horde 20 raid. Was very hard to get enough to retaliate. Eventually we did, wiped em, and controlled the assault quests to protect Alli questers. Lots of fun, very rewarding. THAT is WPvP. Sense of accomplishment and was not easy at all.

Agree - faction balance eu is important to minimize the number of overflow shards, which impacts Horde, not Alliance. How to increase one faction in WM by equally rewarding both?

Disagree - outnumbered faction needs stimulation. Agree on more rewards for both factions, but outnumbered must get something to incentivize WM on.

Disagree - I prefer a traitor system. Turning off wm has random chance to receive unremovable temporary traitor debuff, marking you as bounty for BOTH factions. This is better than simply forcing players.

Disagree - many players don’t just WPvP, they also WPvP+PvE. The bonus is compensation for extra gy walks in WM.

Disagree - how are you going to restrict lfg to certain areas? You will just create confusion. There’s already a bug where a player in same group can’t see others, even tho all wm on. That’s confusing. Confusing sharding rules, more complication. Coolgroves layering suggestion is better imo.

Disagree - I just created a new character, you telling me I can’t WM with it? No way.

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If you ever need a reminder about how much relevant those arguments you bring - this is a perfect example of complete lack of any relevancy for World PvP forums.

So you don’t have even “time-played” experience in PvP… ktnx, it’s clear now.

We are talking about world PvP, War Mode, etc, and you brought arguments like this:

Mr Face, meet Mrs Palm, Mrs Palm, Mr Face


Interesting survey, one suggestion. Try and avoid questions that have more than one question in them. Each should be just one question. Makes it easier to respond.

For example, two questions in one question looks like this…

That’s two seperate questions.

Q: Do you agree that X should happen and that Y should also happen?

Better like this…

Q: Do you think X should happen?

Q: Do you think Y should happen?

In your Q3, I would disagree with first one and agree with second. Complicated question = complicated answer = harder to work out opinions.

Don’t believe it. Blizzard support is VERY good with this kind of problems - they have a lot of tools and data to verify ownership and restore hacked accounts. It’s not that hard nowadays. They even restore accounts that were lost since Vanilla.

So, you see - it really looks like you are lying again.

Just don’t cry, OK?

Look, I’ve tried to show you about your stupid a**hole behavior and how you treat others, many times. Not a funny/smart-a$$ or otherwise entertaining a$$hole, no, just very very stupid one who can’t handle different opinions. You didn’t want to listen. OK, I ignored you for quite some time, giving you a chance to cool off and walk away. But no, you triggered/offended/etc, and you kept pushing it mentioning me - well, you got exactly what you’ve been asking for.

If you don’t like it - overcome your obsession and addiction, and - stop asking for it.

Just an empty threat. Do it.

You know what’s waiting for you - need another dose?

Lies and excuses again? You know I provoke you exactly on points from your texts…

Are you for real? Or so dumb and desperate that can’t even understand what was communicated to you?

Well, I see, dumb it is. Read this carefully - Pets are not relevant for PvP, just like any other activity besides PvP.
You should go make threads and surveys on pets forums - get it now?

Ahahahahaha, this is hillarious, and no - you can beg all you want, but you should have stopped when you had a chance, now - you are a fair game. You’ve been asking for it - enjoy!

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I think you made an awesome well written post :smiley:

I like how you put in your own thoughts into this, and the wordings is spot on :+1:

But but but… Unfortunately I can’t participate in this - I do not fulfill the requirements :wink:

This is my former main, and it have been my forum poster for almost 10 years - so I don’t like to change it for some answers :slight_smile:

I can’t show you any progress, when I don’t progress fast in anything in the game :slight_smile:

So I’ll leave the scene for others :smile:


Everyone is entitled to a opinion.
The fact that i said that only “main profiles” are more credible, is because that player put work into his char (ally or horde) and that his answers are from his own factions point of view.
You can answer and share what you think.
I am pretty sure that you wont answer as Vaeyn :
“Do you agree that one faction to get extra rewards” …and he agreed. That was a clear a bias answer, because no sane person would agree with that, with in-equality.
I see in you a logical and fair person, from your history in forum comments and i am sure that your answers will be genuine.

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Alrighty then :slight_smile:





Although, to much impact in my opinion :confused:

I am not a supporter of going to Orgrimmar or Stormwind to toggle it on/off (now off in rested areas).
It’s too much of a hassle for me as I play with different goal every day on different chars.

I like to fish in peace, so going back an forth to activate/deactivate this feature is extremely annoying.

Just give me the normal pvp enable/diable option without the phasing.

And I think a cooldown would bring the same to me as this travel thing does.


Pass - I don’t know :man_shrugging:


I want it to be more attractive for any lvls and every zones.

I hate the dead zones as I level my army of alts in WM, I need more people with the same levels in the zones I play in.

I think the game have more to offer than endgame, I need more people who wants to pvp as they lvl too.

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You said you wanted questions in a yes/no format, but you created a question where a yes/no answer is not possible for everyone. Just pointing that out.

That example is not related to the situation in WM. Not relevant.

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My bad, I misread question no 2 as “do you agree one faction are rewarded”

The new answer would be a no from me

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No I do not wish to receive less rewards. So my answer would be Yes and No to the full question, when it should only be yes OR no.

Then Blizz are lying? Why does AOO exist? To punish Horde?

I created a post to discuss alternatives to AOO… no responses so far :slight_smile:

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In my opinion YES. You cant do something without reasoning with proofs why you do that. Blizzard brought a reason why, but they didnt brought a proof. Was it so hard for Blizz to make a statement like this:
In the EU region there are 5.245.672 player. Out of theese 5,2 mil, 4,5 mil are horde and 0,7 mil are alliance. Therefor alliance is outnumbered and they deserve a boost, aka AOO,more bonus %, etc.
I keep hearing all day that alliance is outnumbered, but i dont see the numbers. From my play perspective, especially that i keep alway WM on, i see more alliance players on maps than horde. So how do i know its true or not?
You and Coolio ask me proofs everytime i say something. So why i am not entitled to ask a proof regarding this topic?

To give free boost for alliance. Same thing with the % bonus.

Nobody cares about your alternatives. We want equality. Is it so hard our request? Especially that this is a two faction based game.

Well, since you are making an irl accusation against Blizz… in law, the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. You say “in my opinion”, but that is not enough. Making defamatory claims without proof is at minimum unethical.

You have no evidence beyond your own limited observation. Being outnumbered on a shard is nothing to do with being outnumbered in EU region - the actual issue. Your observation has no worth in this situation. And stats like realmpop are not relevant to WM.

Why would Blizz lie about this. Upset Horde players for no reason? Makes no sense. There’s no evidence, no motive… you have nothing to back up your claim.

The post is not my alternatives, but requesting AOO alternatives. It’s easy to say just get rid of AOO. It’s actually difficult to come up with an alternative that achieves the required goals. A challenge!

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Forecast is 5.03 million in 2019 globally, estimating EU would be pointless tho. It’s ratios that matter.
https:// www.statista .com/statistics/276601/number-of-world-of-warcraft-subscribers-by-quarter/

Why estimate? We have a survey with ratio data: 58.46% always Horde, 23.08% always Alliance. That’s more than double Horde to Alliance ratio for one faction players. The total EU ratio is prob closer, but this is only real data we have.

We don’t know. Your explanation of cowardice seems a bit over the top, it’s a video game. Likely a combination of factors; A% will just not enjoy WPvP, Horde apparently are more PvPers than Alliance. Some Alliance will perceive Horde advantage in numbers, or faction racials, etc. and find that off putting. Part of the imbalance was excess Horde PvEers before AOO, those are now reduced, but not enough. Other reasons.

Not a solution. Does not achieve the goals that AOO does.

It’s at 15%, what does that prove? That Alliance is outnumbered in region?

Says it all :slight_smile:

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Yeah, sure, you don’t care - that’s why you went on a desperate rant about it, and still hopelessly trying to compare yourself to me to find anything even if it is completely unrelated and not relevant. You are lying & pretending again.

You’ve opened the door for it yourself - wanted to see how biased players in this survey - start with yourself - player who’is primarly doing PvE + Pets could be quite biased towards PvP, especially as chaotic and unfair as WPvP is.

You even make it worse by desparatelly pushing that anything else that you do in this game mean anything for your WPvP opinions.

It’s very very stupid - but hey, keep digging yourself deeper and it’ll me much easier for you to get your dose of mockery.

:rofl: Your desperation is at critical level - proceed with caution!

And damn, you’ve waisted a HUGE amount of time at this game - it’s pathetic that you even trying to somehow spin it like it’s something good, in hopes that any other experience will be relevant.

You again talking to yourself. Desperation overload.

It means that you still feel the need to compare yourself to me, with something completely NOT relevant, it shows your desperation, complete lack of arguments and your stupidity to actually think of something clever, but instead you are only able to push BS like a dim dumbass you are.

That sure looks like a scam, hahaha

Hacker and Burglar are two different things. If someone has your ID - it’s a common sense to change your ID to a new one, with new identification numbers/codes/whatever it is in your country.

If it is true and ID can get your account stolen again - you current account is also at risk without new ID, that you can send to Blizzard as the one to verify you by.

So if old/new accounts are not linked - how will you redem a token on the old one? Yep - that’s a scam.

You are trying to paint a sad story, yet it lacks consistency, it’s not very believable with Customer Support part - account/hacking/money is always a top prio, so delays, especially for someone “buying all” from the shop - not likely. ID… , and in the end you tried to scam me…

With your history of lies - how you constantly trying to make yourself look better by lying about something/someone, or just for no apparent reason but your own stupidity, of forums alts, of manipulations and other questionable and devious behavior - yeah, I don’t buy it.

You’re just a lier, who tried to scam me, and failed again.

Hahahaha, you have no reason to lie because you’re still comparing yourself to me… haha, right

Btw, in other tread I already told you about - only boys with small pickle feel the need for ego that big.

Look who’s talking, haha

If you don’t like it - overcome your obsession and addiction, and - stop asking for it.

And you failed to do it. That’s pathetic, lol

You are lying again. Your stupid a**hole behavior was “shown” to ANYONE who disagreed with you about even the smallest of things.

So you feel like you still need to lie about it? Still too weak to own your own actions and words? Pathetic.

“You must do as I say!!!” /stomps his legs impatiently

You are lying again - you just can’t stop, can you?

  • My answers were: 1. no, 2. no + yes, 3. no + yes, 4. no, 5. yes, 6. skiped, 7. no.
  • You asked for optional arguments - they are there, along with comments about your manipulative BS.
  • If you don’t like it, should have made it less biased.

You again talking to yourself, and lies, speculations as facts, BS, etc, again.

Last two, unbiased survey, that was done and results calculated without bias - have prooven that your truth is NOT the case, and what you constantly say “majority” is also NOT the case.

You are the one in denial, desperatelly trying to manipulate and twist anything, and now even clinging to the only person who’s still tries to approach you with any kindness. But hey - look at yourself, because of your current desperation - you started to show reasonable behavior towards others too.

Maybe Moothilda still pitty you and think you could do better in your behavior. If so - I applaud for that kindness of heart.

I don’t have pitty or simpathy towards you - I don’t care, and you should finally get it.

Get smarter already! People have different opinions - that is a normal thing.

Stop trying to lie about me - that is pathetic, my answers in this thread - go actually read them. If you don’t like that I talked about you manipulative BS - you shouldn’t have done it, but it still has nothing to do with my detailed and argumented answers.


Over the cource of a few threads and posts, with all of your lies, BS, manipulations, etc - mocking you is very easy. Many of your lies and manipulations are proven.

The only way for you to stop it - VERY simple - is to overcome your obsession and addiction, and - stop asking for it.

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Coolio dear, why you are so angry? If you need some pets, you could just ask. I can spare a few for you.
I like how you want to point what a noob you are and you insist in doing it. Its funny and sad in the same time. I think there is only one way to proove that you are not a noob: a 1v1 fight.
Just imagine:
A epic 1v1 duel between a legendary super-pro PVP only mage vs a pet collector PvE noob shaman.
What do you think? Shall we set a duel for this week-end?
If you win this fight, just imagine the glory and fame you will receive. Finally you can shut up this noob shaman, that has 0 knowledge about everything and comes on forum to talk sh#t about WM and wpvp.
…but ofc, i have a feeling that you will refuse. You will not “dirty your hands” with noobs like me? Or you will say that you are tired, busy,bla bla…
Anyway, you said that you want to hunt me…so here i offer you a way to satisfy your thirst for revenge.
But if you refuse, np, i have pacience. I still belive that one day i will meet you on one of the WM shards alone, i will spank you hard and after i will /spit and /piss on your corpse. They say that “pacience is a virtue” . I hope its true. xD