World Quests = 2.1 Arena Rating

So apparently, blizzard now thinks that world quests are just as hard as reaching 2100 rating in arenas since they are increasing the world quest rewards to 400 ilvl.


Another patch change another Drae whine Topic.

I wish I was as addicted as you to this Game to care that much and keep playing PvP.

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I don’t even know where to begin with this one, therefore I won’t bother


Its alright mate, I know you cant let go for whichever reason.

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how do I explain it so that people like you understand it…

I still enjoy the game, the expansion is just utter trash


Dont play it then lul. People should stop whine alrdy and stop playing it if they dont like it :slight_smile:

And keeping your sub up while you dislike the Expansion is the worst thing you can do.

I checked your comments on your profile and youre mostly if not always negative about the Game, the Game wont change or barely to a better state until 9.0 if even then.

If all the people complaining would actually speak with their wallet Blizzard would be up for changes a lot quicker, especially if those leaving provide proper criticism instead of behaving like a mental ten year old.

You are clearly not enjoying the Game otherwise you wouldnt be complaining about literally every new Patch in the Arena Forums.

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Did both of you fail to read the first part of the sentence?

That doesn’t mean that I can’t critisize their design choices though

Also speaking with my “wallet” will surely help. We saw how it helped in WoD: Sub numbers went down to 5 mil. from 10 mil. in 1 year and the expansions have only gotten worse since then


Hes right on this though ?


They should just remove scaling in pvp so the ilvl becomes real


whining about him whining makes you in which way better?


Let the guy say what he does not like about the game.
After all we want thia game to get back to its old glory days or closer ,right?

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blizzard is making it easier to get gear on alts so u can pvp/pve on them faster

find a way to complain about it

jesus christ drae you never cease to amaze me

edit: also yes this means that blizzard unironically thinks that doing world quests is harder than normal CoS, literally galaxy brain so huge rmp players are envious

It’s not the regular world quests rewards tho right?
I think it’s the emissary quests, and you get maybe 1 or 2 of those on a weekly basis that actually reward gear. And it’s still rng, so there is a very very high chance that you get a piece where you already have 400+ ilvl equipped.

But I get your point.
I haven’t read all the patch notes and stuff. Are they not increasing the pvp rewards at all?

mocking a guy for a passion (any) its the most retarded thing i know… specially when you clearly have the same.

Its like saying “you are stupid because you like a cheeseburguer, then go ahead and eat it aswell”.

Also you do not look cool saying that other people care more than you do for pvp when you clearly care else you wouldnt be first post.

So, cya.

On topic,

its beyond me why im getting 400 ilvl from cap items when my chest is a random chance of a 415 (wich i wont use probably).

They need to increase cap to at least 405.


TBH I don’t mind these 400 ilvl rewards from emisaries. More azerite items on alts is fine but they need to upgrade ilvl for PvP rewards for sure.

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bro, activision is not giving any interest to the pvp, i think they decided so, to give more players access to do raids in Heroic/Mythic modes, and prepare players in term of gear level for the next patch

it’s a pure PVE decision nothing else

The point is that blizzard is throwing the same gear after pve players that pvp players have to work significantly harder for. Also there’s no way to gear up alts playing pvp only.

It’s not that they are increasing gear rewards, the problem is that they do it for pve players only.

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If item levels were higherbfor pvp, people could use it as a viable source of progression.

Increase all pvp ratings item level rewards by 5+, save for 2400. They should instead get a higher chance to get a warforge/titanforge.


There should be a sense of progression the fact you can level an alt do a week’s worth of grinding and be competitive in PvP against people that have been grinding from the start i think is a bit wrong people with gear should have a significantly better chance at beating people without it otherwise what’s the point of having gear at all? Might aswel just remove gear completely and make it cosmetic only if that’s how little it matters