World Quests

Please… return them to a daily cooldown. The lack of relevant daily content is… concerning. I’m a raider/m+ player, I won’t care in two weeks, but lot of casual open world players will mind.
A few suggestions:

  • Reduce the WQ cooldown
  • Add in daily quests for Renown
  • Enable the Primalist Invasions
  • Add daily dungeons for renown, cosmetic chance etc
  • Since rare / rare elites are the only real daily content so far, make their spawn a zone-wide message, f.e.: “The SuperRare Enemy has spawned near Tuskarr Village (and will be attackable in 2 minutes”
  • As someone on the forums mentioned, make dragon riding races queueable from anywhere

I have to end it on a positive note…

  • Expansion looks amazing
  • Dragon riding is 11/10
  • New talent trees are fun to play with
  • Dungeons are fun and look great
  • Story so far is good for me
  • Weekly content is great

Do you people know what you want? First you say ’ i dont want to be obligated to be online each day’ now you are asking to blizzard to revert the most of what you as a community ask? Really? Are you even serious?


Well said!


I prefer this new format. It’s so much nicer.


There are events on the map all the time :smiley:
you don’t need to play world of warcraft daily it’s ok to logout and go play something else for example i can finally play new POE league

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I enjoy being able to do whatever I want right now, there’s no “have to” stuff around.


But we want to Play wow daily. Especialy on expansion launch . We get it that there ar people liek you who only want to log in for raid and then log out. But people like you are minority and because of it thsi expansion will crash and burn already on month one.

Clock is ticking. Tik tok tik tok .

I like this new format - no obligation to go online everyday to ensure I don’t fall behind.

I play every day because I want to, not because I have to.


If i wasnt stupid enough to have bought a years sub, i would probably just unsub because of this.

They took out so much of what i loved about wow

Having no content for 5 days a week feels awful.
This expansion had so much potential but now is looking like the worst

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Me too, as long as we can get to the same point in roughly the same time then the twice weekly reset is great all round. The feeling of having to farm WQs twice a day is not a good one.

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add daily proffesion quest what reword u with proffesion knowlage …

Why are you people making things up? When were wq’s mandatory ?

Good proposal Yukio.

Nothing in the game is mandatory. But many people felt they had to do them when they were up. For those farming rep, non-raiders collecting gear, pet battlers etc.

It really sucks though as i enjoyed playing the game as and when i wanted.
If i wanted to play 3 days in a row i could.

Now its 2 days a week only, and 3 days apart.

This is super lame and has ruined the expansion basically

I prefer the current format so much more.

I managed to level my main, get geared and level an alt, which is geared ready for M0 and now levelling a 3rd alt.

I dont feel obligated to be at the screen non stop, or feel guilty about playing an alt vs not farming everything day and night on my main.

Nope, speak for yourself I prefer this, the previous format was wearing very thin.

I agree as some one who does wqs. However there is the promise of other things to do , renown, professions etc. Time well tell if the hold up as an alternative but you could do them as well. If they don’t then from a casual POV then DF will be in trouble.

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Doesnt most of renown come from world quests though?
Sure you get 50 rep for rares should you find one but they are pretty rare this expansion it seems.

Im really hoping that the only reason there is an extreme lack of stuff is to push people in to trying the new professions and world stuff will return with 10.1

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