World server down

I was logged on in about 4 mins

LOL was online for a whole 2 minutes! , progress

We are paying for a service which doesn’t work. Game time extension? Ohh, wow, I feel young again. Exact same thing happened 15 years ago.
Deja vu


Please, I don’t wanna deal with reality. I just wanna play wow.

im in again :stuck_out_tongue:

Got in on my main. Forgot about the issue and logged in on my bankalt, World server down =(

Over 3 hours of lag/crashes end not being able to log in theyre probly doing all they can to fix it. but this sucks…

I just see server statuses as “layered” …something about removing layers or layer related caused this issue I guess…nice job blizzard.

I don’t get it either.

Around 30 years og game-dev experience, over 15 years of MMO experience, around 2 years of preparation for WoW Classic, and they keep having these fukups around a few times a week.

My theories are:

1). They do it on purpose (tin foil hat alert!) to give us the “true classic experience!” , although i doubt that even 15 years ago it was so problematic as now. (Or they do it to get people back to playing retail so ppl can buy lots of stupid vanity $hit)

2). They are just too incompetent, which I think is the case.

I remember in the olden days where Blizzard would compensate players with play time when stuff like this happened, but no more of that. They seem to care less and less.


My character was in Darkshore (level 16), when I logged in today I was in front of Scarlet Monastery Library :slight_smile:


An update from Blizzard, with at least a comment like “we are working on it” and “we estimate to have solved teh issue within…xyz…” would be nice.

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They definitely don’t do this on purpose.
Imagine what hardware they were working with 15 years ago and how hardware development progressed since then.
Anyway, they have some issues for sure, but incompetency and firing experienced staff defo helps.

NA is working that’s all that matters to this small indie company


Yup, that’s pretty much it. I logged in on a char I made when the game launched and forgot about. That server pop is “high” but no issues. Seems like only “layered” servers are experiencing this problem:

Pyrewood Village, Shazzrah, Zandalar Tribe, Ashbringer, Firemaw, Gandling, Gehennas, Golemagg, Mirage Raceway, Mograine, Nethergard Keep, Noggenfogger and Razorgore

Just to be sure though, please let us know if you are on a realm other than in this list and still experiencing the problem

no blue post, no twitter, nothing
soooooooooooooooooooooo trashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

why i cant playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

blizzard just suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The issue is still going strong. Imagine the stress that the developers have to endure at this very moment trying to fix this fuQ up and how many firings there will be as a result of it. There will be blood.

Yes, this fact alone should be enough to make the game much more stable today. Hell, even private servers managed to achieve much more stability than this.

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here is your bluepost

Im on Eartshaker, same problem man