World server down

I recommend noose, seems like my father enjoyed it<3

Blizzard is like an old, sick bird and someone should really just put it out of its misery.

As long as people keep paying them money, that sick, old bird gets to stay aliveā€¦ and suffer.

And we suffer with it.

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They are making us to go to the gym, bastards!


Oh i get it. I they last desperate attempt to get people to use server transfer to low pop servers :smiley: /tinfolhat on

theyā€™re teasing me with 2 minutes of gametime then DC

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Oh godā€¦ I was just about to write an euphoric ā€œIā€™m in!ā€-reply, only to be greeted with a ā€œYou have been disconnected from the serverā€-message when tabbing back into the game again. Fun!

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Anyone seen rexxar?


Rexxar ran off with Mankirks wife apparently


Just logged in and booted out 2mins later :stuck_out_tongue:

LF tank, healer and 2 DPS LBRS, all loot reserved.


Perfect, if servers have been down this long all black lotuses are up!

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3 Hours of laying down, stairing at the roof thinking of nothing. Blizzard please help, this is an urgent matter, I feel lost in space. While waiting for your server to get up, I noticed that , my brother left the house, and my parents had a divorce, and itā€™s raining outside.


logged in pretty fast this timeā€¦fingers crossed :stuck_out_tongue:

U be back here in about 2m

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Iā€™m in :slight_smile: on ashbringer

Im in :slight_smile: finger crossed

Itā€™s back on

Nvm, logged me out of the game entirely!

You were totally right :smiley:

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aaaaannnd its down again :smiley: no fingercross can help here :frowning: