World server down

It’s pretty scary. I did it earlier today. Got sh*t in my pants…

Ugh, for that much time you could have bought and installed new servers. Any news when are we gong to get some play time.

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I got in! Made a HS and then got kicked. Blizz best compensate me for that soul shard!

Mmh got error wow51900328 when connecting to the realm server… do you have the same error ?

First time I logged in on BFA since release of classic :smiley:

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Ooooh i got in for 3 mins :slight_smile: character was still flying from Orgrimmar to Winterspring but i started to fly like 2h ago :slight_smile:

Blizz I found what is wrong! You have to put Hello World in “” and end the line with ;

also hire me! (remote only btw)


Haha, same here. Stared at my chars for a minute then logged out again to try Classic :slight_smile:

Thanks logged in to dish wash now

Shi t happens tho.

#baited by Blizzard

They even tryed the classic turn it off n back on again we really screwed guys

I got in for 1 minute. Orgrimmar was more empty than in BFA. Sad times.

They are trying to make us play retail. WONT HAPPEN


nah bro sry

got the same issue on both retail and classic shrug

oh thank gad wow classis server down
i was stuck in 2006 and couldnt wake up .D

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Im in btw.

checked AH and got disconnected again…

There’s still the “kick it an see if that makes it work” technique

Seriously what I don’t understand why they keep the servers up if they definitely have issues.
This has been going on for more than 5 hours. A proper mindset would dictate that they take the servers down for emergency maintenance with a message ending asking for forgiveness.
They are just giving people false hope now, letting them log in and disconnect in 30 seconds.