World server down

guys you asked for Classic , now why you’re annoyed don’t get it? here is the real classic experience,!
ps : cant wait to see what’s gonna happen once PvP go live ^

Its easy… servers will be constantly down due to large scale battles, you cant even 40 vs 40 atm without getting massive lags


I cant login aswell
I see the loading screen it freezes at 70% and then I turn back to character selection with World Server is Down message
My realm is Bloodfang

Servers getting ddosed they barely handle the people playing without ddos so EZ… Blizzard dont care they cant stop it so we just have to wait for hours until these prob 13 y olds stop.

Company is so bad… This Thing is happening way to much

50g/hr … i had 2 hours so far of available time to farm… Blizz You owe me… need that epic moun ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Was thinking about suicide due to IRL living but vengaboys saved me!! TY


This is still not the very real modern WoW experience, you can’t even imagine how many times you get DC’d in BfA, whole raid or just high chance to get DC’d if you use Eye Beam as DH. Getting first DC problem in couple of months is actually pretty slick experience.

School is boring without WoW…

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Zandalar Tribe still down…

Don’t play WoW at school…you have enough time to play WoW after, all afternoon and night!


Is the reason for the downtime mentioned? They are probably making things ready for phase-2 :slight_smile:

Reeeeeeee! My morning is ruined!

Lol im sure they do that hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

LOL at ppl saying blizzard is doing it on purpose. Calm down nerds :smiley:

But why waste a wholeton of time before afternoon?


Is it not scheduled downtime?

on gandling. have been online in STV for 1-2 minutes, then DC again. hearthed to UC, which worked flawlessly to my surprise, took a bat to kargath, got DC a minute into the flight and can’t log in since.

twitter is being super helpful, saying it takes 1 more hour every 1 hour.

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If this is the case then Blizzard are being really stupid by not taking responsibility for it :roll_eyes:

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This IS scheduled maintenance. Probably they realized the scope was larger than expected or some bad code got pushed in the process

5 hours, still not up. What a joke.