Worst Tmog classes

They should simply convert shamans and hunters into leather users ,and tag existing mail gear as leather.


Couldn’t agree more.

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Honestly, I think with the exception of two or three choice picks, DK’s have real ugly sets.
I know people will disagree, but if I compare DK tier sets to Warrior or Paladin they’re so boring.

I’m literally wearing only one set on my hunters (the Nighthold one). Maybe it would be better with a female orc hunter, but ehh
 the rest are pretty bad.

Mail and Plate

I switched to play my Paladin and I feel like there is not much diversity in armor as it is for Cloth.

As someone who only plays melee, I struggle to transmog monks.

Feel free to create thread.

Ummm no. You just need to learn how to mog them. All classes are mog gable you just need to understand their mythos & style.

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Tbf, hunters started off wearing leather, then upgrade to Mail back in the day. I don’t see why we can’t tmog leather as well.

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I have so many great monk sets I actually struggle to pick one.

plate users can say same for mail :stuck_out_tongue:

Plate and mail for me. There’s no casual looking armor for them.

Yeah, hunter gets the short end of the stick a lot.

From a guy who has many hunters and had to delete some because they couldn’t find a mog they liked.

I personally have just given mostly up with the hunter mog options. I have one which I play quite a bit but just can’t find a decent looking mog for him.

Just throwing Hunters straight under the bus there! :grimacing:

:< Feelsbadman. I want a decent looking set that stands out :’(

Well mail set from Maw looks good :slight_smile:

Mail for hunters is mostly the ugliest stuff you could imagine. Thank goodness Shamans exist and you can usually salvage something together from off pieces.


There’s far too many dress mogs for cloth users
 I want to show I wear some pants!

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No. You’re not the only one. Mail Armor isn’t as good as the rest. Like AT ALL.