Worst Tmog classes

Among mail sets there are like 3 or 4 I like
but in SL there are already few notable options
shame they are locked behind covenants

I think the hunters got the best Darkshore warfront Tmog. on horde side.

try a mechagnome most slots don’t even appear

Yeah I have the same issue with cloth pieces. There is no option to have vest + pants option. :confused:
Which is really a shame.

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Yeah but, no-one cares about Mechagnomes. xD

Having been a hunter since Vanilla, I have to say that our sets do get a lot of hate… and rightly so lmfao.

I’d argue that there are a couple of tier sets that look pretty good. But compared to that of warriors, rogues and warlocks, we tend to look ridiculous. Mail, in general, looks pretty tacky; though, shaman sets can look great. Tier 6 springs to mind.

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One color of Kyrian covenant set looks like it was made to be used with Thori’dal. I’m rather hyped for that.

I think this one is vastly over rated and the jet-shoulderpads looks silly.
I prefer the Northrend sets and troll themed sets. These are lovely.

As a hunter main, and a Worgen.
i know your pain!.
BUT it also inspire creativaty. And some of the basic leatherworking sets do look amazing.

But yet i agree hunter transmog is terrible!

  1. Hunter (all mail looks like it’s for shaman or someone addicted to licking hallucinogenic frogs - you can literally count good hunter transmogs on your fingers)
  2. Demon hunter (newest class, with like 46 less sets than the next one in line - DK. Granted some old items look “slootier” on DHs, but they really don’t have all that much to choose from)

Then again since old “sets” NO LONGER EVEN WORK (aka the set effects are removed from them), I still think the best Blizzard could do would be to REMOVE CLASS RESTRICTIONS from old sets. BFA already didn’t have any class restrictions, for better or worse.
This would help, especially since a lot of the off-set same-model items never got complete sets.

Their sets aren’t the best but the Tombs of Sarg set looks amazing. if you take a look at https://www.wowhead.com/tier-20-armor-sets hunters are the worst. :<

I don’t think the legion DH sets are all that great. Heck my DHs use the mix of DH starting gear and other items, rather than any legion or bfa items.

I checked your mog and really don’t like that set, like most monk sets actually. It just doesn’t suit me. I wouldn’t say they look bad, it’s just that nothing appeals to me. I like the big red xavius shoulders and can made a decent mog with it but they are a bit too big x)

It’s pretty known that Hunter drew the short stick on gear sets. Really sad considering I’ve seen some concept arts from WoW players who’ve made insane looking ones.

Funny how Blizzard always struggles with mail, yet the variety is unending when it comes to “hunter-like” ideas for sets.

I always disliked plate and warrior transmorgs except tusks of mannoroth.

Rogue tier sets are terrible too.

I have a hard time mogging my mage since 90% of things are robes.

Hunters have the worst transmogs hands down, the only remotely decent set is the Mythic Nighthold set but even that isnt amazing.

I was hoping for Leather wearing Dark Rangers as a new class but alas ;(

Hunters and shaman hands down are the hardest to mog give them more robes, kilts and skirts .

Hunter has very bad tier sets. However, they can do pretty cool stuff with mail pieces. I got many that looks very cool and unique as a Hunter.

Shadow priest