Wotlk classic - changes

I have changed my mind and now third change stands for no addons only in rated arena. Raiting itself is not a good factor to divide pvp scene that can or cannot use addons i would say that we need to get rid of them completely for competitive pvp.


triple talent spec is desperately needed. as a warlock for example you need both demo and affli for pve forcing you to respec for pvp.

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  1. I wouldn’t mind, but… if you want changes in that regard why select a different arbitrary number of specs. May as well rip the bandaid off and allow people to purchase a bunch of talent slots with each increasing in price or just give everyone talent slots for free, respecing is dog mechanic. If we go for #somechanges then may as well skip half steps

  2. I wouldn’t mind, but… if you want to implement transmog to wotlk then why not port appearance collection tab from retail? The requirement to keep some random items in bank is mega cringe. Again, if you want changes why not take the most polished version?

  3. I don’t really care because I play arena casually, but… I don’t think Blizzard should kill arena to make it more competitive for 100 people who care and 100 posers that pretend to care. The reality of the situation is that most people use addons and if you will ban them from already niche activity, people will just bail out of the activity. I remember that back in the day Blizzcon tournaments were played without addons and it’s probably the best place for that format.

As far as random balance changes go… I don’t trust Blizard with rebalancing of classic. Surely I won’t trust random wanna be glad from forums.

And even if this thread was full of actually good ideas none of them would happen, Blizzard can’t even make a decent group finding tool right now.

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it is not arbitrary there is a certain feeling that would be depreciated by having an infinite amount of specs you can slide through on a whim. talent trees are there to give player choice in the first place and its why the retail system is so disliked.

Ah, the “Ghostcrawler argument” - 2 specs is fine but 3 destroys RPG values. There is no real choice in old talent trees, specs have 0-3 floating talent points that often go into completly filler talents. The only choice in this system is “am I paying for respec or not doing X activity until I am willing to pay”.

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three? you said infinite

also this is not necessarily true people are still theorycrafting wotlk talent trees all the time

i.e preg paladin and sweeping strikes/prot which are now meta builds

Yet if you would have ret pve build, preg pvp and standard ret pvp you need 3. Thats what I’m trying to say, Triple talents spec would be solving more issues with variety of gameplay options than we could imagine.

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i did already say this

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Would it not be better to have unlimited spec unlocks? Like pay 1k for an extra slot with no limit. I mean what if I happen to want 4 PVE specs, 3 PVP ones, 2-3 for solo-ing old raids and a few more just to try around.
Why should they listed to your triple spec idea and not my 20 specs idea?

because being locked out of content completely i.e doing no damage in raids and being 1shot in pvp due to the wrong set of talents is not the same as being in the ‘wrong fun’ spec?

Asking to fix bugged skills or talents like warbringer in prot war spec seems like crime. Even though you point out something that doesn’t work there will be ppl that will hate you for that and yell “heretic!”. So i just wanted to expand the double spec feature by 1 additional spec so #nochanges ppl heads won’t explode.

Well it’s an inconvenient to me so …
Why is your inconvenient more important?

clearly there is a language barrier here so i will pass this one.

Dude you are talking about changes and here we asking for orignal wolk tools like RDF which blizzard removed without asking anyone. So good luck with your changes.

Transmog is a very good idea it would revive low lvl raids.

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Never heard of blizzard something like this

IF you put removal of the carets (those small up and down triangles in the minimap, that were first implemented in Legion) on your list, you’ll have my vote.

What do you mean? If this was implemented in legion how would it affect wotlk classic?

Because they for reasons unknown to us ARE implemented in Classic, and have been since 1.14 went live. I want to get rid of this un-Classic thing :wink: