Wotlk classic - changes

I’m fine with most of these changes but I don’t want Transmog in classic and if blizzard insist on a Cata Classic I would ask for it to be removed from that.

One part of wow I use to love and love again in TBC classic is seeing people around in their real gear, I loved seeing AQ40 Warriors in vanilla looking like a complete mess, but that meant they had some of the best gear in the game! And as they move into Sets it is cool to see people wearing the different set gear and showing it off.

Transmog became more and more popular as gear in game got more boring, like removing unique sets, reusing questing green assets as raid gear etc, ofc people transmog in retail, but not in Wrath!

No. Just no.

Are you aware of all of the changes blizz has already made? I wont go over them here you can just find it online. #nochanges is obsolete and bad

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Put RDF then.

RDF can come in the ICC patch like it originally came.

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I really feel that they will implement it around ToC or Icc when players count will drop

This patch that everyone is speaking at the moment was the start of easy mode in wow will all the features they put in patch 3.3.0

[quote] Cross-Realm Dungeon Finder

The Dungeon Finder is now available, providing players with quick and easy access to five-player parties. This feature connects all realms within a battlegroup using an advanced matchmaking system, making it easier for players of all levels to find a dungeon group. In addition, players can reap additional rewards through the Dungeon Finder by choosing the Random option, which is available to both pick-up and pre-formed groups. Check out the User Interface section for more details.[/Quote]

We do not need at the moment for cross realms or battlegroups realms . so why all the rdf was needed and so on.

Regarding this to many was crying cause they many times died cause of this , but was part of the game for so long i never understood why they removed it.

To many people that didnt whant to be caught in pvp enviroment cryed to this be removed…

The people didnt whant this cause pets could agro mobs in duns and whipe occured, but i can understand it.

I think this is not working at the moment cause if it was no people would level that fast in spellcleave enviroment dun.

This was another thing they change cause people was crying out loud that they do not whant to pause after one pack of trash was killed in dun or raid… everyone that played before this must remenber that , again, there was no easy mode they are doing on this classic easy mode of duns, and dont came up with , we are in 2022 not in 2007 or 2009 when this easy mode and downfall of wow started with easy modes.

Again casters where crying cause they did not whanted to have to drink so much so they did this, again start of downfall. and i could continue but we already are seing to much qol and stuff that are destroying wow as we classic players remeber from 2004 until 2009 … the rest we all know how it went even worse.

And what about 200 others mecanics/features that we already have ?

Yes and we did not have these things until ICC :melting_face:

  • Summoning Stones: To use any Summoning stone, a character must be at least level 15. There is no maximum level to use these meeting stones.
  • Health and Mana Regeneration: These regeneration rates have been increased up to 200% for low level characters. As the character level increases, regeneration rates gradually decrease, until returning to normal rates at level 15.
  • Troll and Orc shaman totems now have their own unique appearance.
  • Nerfed Oculus
  • The distance at which these health bars are visible to players has been increased by 40 yards. (oh wait, isn’t already enabled on TBC ? :slight_smile: )
  • The speed of improving the Norfendre reputations has been increased by approximately 30%.

Yes and we did not have these things until ToC :melting_face:

  • Cast duration to summon any ground mount is now 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds.
  • The skill Apprentice Rider (75) can now be learned at level 20 for 4 gold. A letter will be sent to characters reaching level 20 to direct them to the riding master.
    Companion Rider skill (150) can now be learned at level 40 for 50 gold. A letter will be sent to characters reaching level 40 to send them again to the riding master.
    The Expert Rider skill (225) can now be learned at level 60 for 600 gold from Honor Hold or Thrallmar masters. Faction discounts are now applied (Honour Hold for the Alliance, Thrallmar for the Horde). Flight speed at this skill level increased to 150% of run speed from 60%.
    Artisan Rider Skill (300): Faction discounts are now applied (Honor Hold or Valor Expedition for the Alliance, Thrallmar or Warsong Offensive for the Horde).
    To continue harmonizing the number of mounts available for purchase for each race, a new 60% speed ground mount has been added for night elves, and a new 100% speed ground mount has been added for Forsaken.
  • Object comparisons: by pressing the Shift key. while hovering over an item with the mouse now displays the stat differences from the currently equipped item in the corresponding slot.
  • Portals have been added to Orgrimmar and Stormwind to lead players to the Stairs of Destiny at the Dark Portal.
  • A new zeppelin dock has been added to Thunder Bluffs to allow Horde players easier travel to and from Orgrimmar.
  • The local mail department got tired of walking so far each day to collect mail and decided to install a large number of new mailboxes in Stormwind, Undercity, Darnassus and Orgrimmar.
  • All stackable potions are now stackable by 20.

Yes and we did not have these things until Ulduar :melting_face:

  • All ground mounts can now swim without unhorsing their rider. Flying mounts still cannot swim and dismount their rider when entering water.
  • Applying a glyph no longer requires being near a Lexicon of Power. The same rules apply for changing glyphs
  • Players no longer need to complete the Nat Pagle, Extreme Angler quest to become Artisan Anglers. The quest rewards you with a special premium fishing rod. Players who have already completed this quest can visit Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh to receive this new fishing rod.

You don’t want a Wotlk Classic, you want a Wotlk Reforged on what is good for you only.

It is so weird that people find adding RDF is so bad to the game while it actually improved the game by alot.
I dont get the meaning what people say about ‘‘social aspect’’ aswell , like if u use LFG , it is just the same as RDF, we want to do dungeons , we dont care about socializing inside a dungeon there u just want to have fun and gain loot.

RDF didnt destroy the game, it actually improved the game, and we want it in Wotlk, I dont want to be in overcrowded leveling zones that u wont be able even to tag a mob.

Well now I’m ok with that. I need my addons for raids but in arena surely there are some addons that are unfair…
I also like change ideas for demo lock, especially lower CD for demonic charge

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I really feels like too much at least for now with all other new changes that pop up everyday. Maybe after some time new features would be great, like transmog but now i would much rather see fixed bugs.


Maybe, but they are considering wotlk + so my ideas could be a good foundation.

Since they are adding so many stuff anyway i wouldn’t mind transmog and triple spec


Yup, transmog in wotlk classic!!


Too many bugged “features” right now like wintergrasp. But im pro transmog if blizz would ever add it to WotlkC

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So many things doesn’t work that i would like to see transmog just to have some fun in this abomination of a game called wotlk classic

Maybe after they will fix WG lag and when naxx phase will end people will get bored of dialy quests and farming mining veins we could get back to transmog topic, now there is too much bugs to fix


Maybe that’s subjective but i think that WG lag is a lot less than it was in the past weeks. So where is my transmog already?? LOL

I lost my hope of getting it in wotlk

Another usless post.

They wont change much.

Maybe they will implement rdf and thats it.

Addons in arena are used for 16 years.

Transmog isnt part of wotlk and will never be.

Its the same game as it was bk than only worse cuz comunity knows how to abuse it.

Aaa, and the omega WG fail implementation

No offence, stop asking for nothing, either play the game as it is or be done with it.

If u want quality of life improvements, DF is coming and looks pretty cool.

Actualy has similarities with wotlk but with modern qll


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