WOTLK Classic Faction Change Issue

Hi folks,

Purchased a faction change for my Human Warlock, which appears to have gone through, however I’m not able to complete the faction change.

Breakdown below:
Click the Faction Change Icon at the Top Right.
Select the Character
Click Accept.

At this point there’s no prompt to continue, to select the character race etc. First thing I did was delete the Interface/WTF folders but no change there.

Any help would be appreciated.


Iv got the same problem

Got the same issue :\

AH interesting, so it looks like there’s an actual issue at play here.

Had a ticket open with them about it since 10am this morning but not heard anything. Hopefully gets resolved soon!

Opened a ticket earlier and got a response.
GM said they cleared the cache for me and to try again, so I did and no change.

nothing new?

Looks like it’s a bug - I suggest you report it. I think it’s ingame for classic the same as retail. If they get plenty of reports it might get fixed more quickly.

I would suggest you reopen the ticket or, if that’s not an option, open a new one and refer to your original ticket number to say it didn’t work.

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Same issue. Reported to support.

Had the same issue but just tried again and it worked!

lucky you, still not working for me=/

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I have the same issue since yesterday.

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i have the same issue since yesterday. and still going, ticket are sended for 14 hours ago and no respond, do anyone have any tricks?

Had my ticket open for 24 hours now… the response times are a joke, average wait time 2 days mine says…

Some months ago it was several weeks for a response, and even recently it was up to a week for a response.

Up to two days is not unnatural for most customer support services.

Edit: It’s a known bug as confirmed in a ticket response below.

Trying to faction change from Horde to Alliance on Mograine EU, and it’s not working. Anyone who’s got any updates or replies from support?

Same problem here! - tried clearing cache and relogging, checked for mail and the gold limit, all fine.

Seems like a known bug

I’m having the same issue. Been trying it off and on now for 2 days strait and still didn’t manage to get it changed.

Response from my ticket was my character has too much gold (above the 25k limit for transfers) i only have 1k haha

Still got an issue with this. Been waiting for help without any assistance for my ticket. My character has no mail, no gold and no guild and I already have horde and alliance on the server. How can this be an issue?

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