WOTLK classic Valanyr

With ICC ahead will you plan to change the dropchance % of valanyr fragment? During ICC season noone will be interested in Ulduar anymore and even now its really hard to obtain valanyr weapon.
Will it drop in 10m as well or will there be other option how to get it? Thank you

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Who do you think knows the answer?

Yesterday I, on my prot/holy paladin alt and a fellow resto druid tried starting MS/OS 25 Ulduar HM run.

  • 20% of people were HM ready on their alts.
  • 40% were geared, but didn’t knew anything even about normal modes like Ignis and other normal mode only bosses. Mostly because they had bought their 4,8-5,1K GS gear from ToGC GDKPs. So I started explaining tactics in detail allready in mid run instead of initially just making general assignments and looking where the problems rose on each boss first pull.
  • 30% were a bit lower by the dps that you except from people of their gear
  • 2 players left on Leviathan 4towers HM that we did killed after a few wipes, so most bosses were killed in 23 ppl with not so many player’s to replace them as we started pretty late at 22:30.

For 3 pieces of Valanir dropped within 3 hours of 8 bosses this is not bad, but not good either as we did the Iron Council in normal mode due to lack of dps. Around 7 people needed 232 upgrades up from their 225 ones from beta heroics they had. Where were they, when I tried to make normal Ulduar run for half of the week?

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They should provide option to purchase it from NPS for essences e.g. …

While I am not a fan of increased loot, I do not mind “catchup mechanics” to a small degree.
For example Naxx/Uld 10 gear from dungeons was fine to get more people into raiding.
However, do you need frag vals to “get into raiding”? Probably not… but it would keep Uld a bit more relevant as a catchup mechanic, so yeah, I think it would probably be a decent idea to boost the drop in 25 and even throw them in for a low drop chance in 10 man.

You get 5 guaranteed shards a week if you do all the hardmodes including Yog 0 lights, that is enough of a catch-up mechanic to get a legendary weapon.

That means every 6 weeks you have a guaranteed Val’Anyr.

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