WOTLK Dungeon Finder - Tool

I am not gonna start this topic with “I think I speak for all of the Classic community” andy speak becuse that is never true, I have seen many comments about that and the Classic community is splitted on if want it in or not.

I think NOT putting in Dungeon finder in WOTLK Classic is the wrong move, it came in Wrath and should also come to the classic era of the version.

Its so hard getting groups on low pop servers or you need to sit and look for a tank or a healer in LFG 40-90 minutes before getting a group togheter. After 00.00AM or before 12.00PM there is even hard getting dps for groups, dungeon finder will fix that.

If you dont put in dungeon finder you need to look into to merge servers togheter becuse on some servers now the game feels dead, atleast the PvE content and it sucks… The though about “I choosed the wrong server” makes it very unmotivated to play anymore and I was looking forward for DF in Wrath becuse it would fix this so much!

Please reconsider putting Dungeon finder into Wrath or merge servers togheter.

EDIT: Also just by doing a normal dungeon ppl will request to have Gearscore probably to have as smooth run as possible, so thats gonna make it even harder when you lvling alts.


In servers like firemaw, the world chat is a spam fest of GDKP/rush and it’ll be the same in wotlk.


If LFD would be added to TBC it wouldn’t make you find groups faster. The only difference would be tank and healer leaving group if they see 2 rogues/warriors in party. The reason is that after certain threshold noone is really interested in farming reps or grinding badges for your Xth alt in TBC. Tanks and healers can get better gear in Kara and Zul’Aman along with said badges and some heroics are even harder than t5 post nerf, so you need special team setup for them, like a lot of ranged dps with CC.

In Wrath AoE tanking is easy thanks to 10x threat multiplier, and heroics are trivial enough. That, dualspec and DKs being added may bring extra tanks at the start and LFD has nothing to do about it.

Thats not true at all, ofc you would find groups faster and/or if not, you dont need to sit and spam LFG channel all the time so you can focus on farming/questing etc instead.

Dont think tank or healer would leave due to having to rogues or warriors in the group becuse they can also do really good damage and can have a smooth and fast run with that setup, I have had it plenty of time and also dont need to take as many mana breaks if its not only the tank and/or healer who needs one. Is it general better with mages and wlocks etc? Yeah sure but that dosent mean those groups will be better depending on the players.

Heroics is not hard today and no, you dont need a setup for it really, just good dps and a tank that dosent take too much dmg.

Threat as a paladin for example havent been a problem in TBC at all but yeah it helps the other tanks alot even if I think Bears have really good TPS.

At the start its not need to be in the game, w8 1-2 months to put it in when ppl are done gearing their main and goes to their alts to lvl up, it will help even how much you are against DF

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You can perfectly do any dungeon or heroic with an all melee setup. Of course there would be players, that leave the dungeon, because they don’t like the setup. There is always the possibility to bump into a toxic player. But the group would get a replacement within a few minutes, because a group in the dungeon gets higher priority. And the player that leaves would be locked out of dungeons.

No matter how you turn look at it the dugeon finder is a very good addition to the game, and while it can’t solve every problem, it solves a lot of them. And that without a real down side.

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What you state on your original post is precisely one of the main reasons the RDF should never be included in Wrath (except maybe for a small use case I explain below).

The random Dungeon Finder is just a band-aid to cheaply fix the horrible population management that Blizzard does on their servers after some time has passed after release. Right now on a healthy server, it’s just a matter of minutes to get a group for ANY max level dungeon you want (if you are proactively pursuing it, of course; just staying passive on Shattrat waiting for an invite DOES NOT COUNT as trying to group for a dungeon, most often than not it’s way faster you start building your own group)

Yes, people on half-dead servers would benefit from the RDF by being able to group for dungeons, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. A symptom of a much much deeper issue, that the RDF is just trying to hide under the rug, while giving Blizzard the excuse to do nothing about the root cause. But even with the RDF, the problem is still there. A half-dead server is still a half-dead server. That means no group questing, no raiding, no viable professions economy, no viable Auction House, no WPvP…

What all those irate people yelling to Blizzard for the RDF should be doing instead is demanding PROPER server population management after launch. Free server transfers. Server merges (as frequent as needed), and so on…
To ensure that any and all servers stay on healthy population ratios, so it’s easy to group for dungeons, as well as easy to find Raiding parties, good Auction House stocking and prices, etc…

The only reasonable Use Case for a RDF would be grouping for dungeons of lower level content, for alt leveling or late comers, where it’s indeed a bit harder to get groups even on populated servers.


Only problem here seems to be that your healthy server is my overpopulated server.
This is NOT an argument for or against LFD, but a reminder that we do not all agree on everything.

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Yeah on a >>Healthy<< server, Blizzard wont do anything about their servers so then you think its “Boo hoo, sad for you for your server dont have alot of players”, players quit due to this and that dosent bode well if players want to have more expansions after Wrath aswell.

Like I said, on the server I am on it can take up to over 1½+ hour even in peak hours just due to tanks and healers and yeah, tanks are the most rare to find but dungeon finder also reward tanks or healers when its not many of them to join DF to get some “extra” out of it.

They wont do anything so the best fix (and it also came in Wrath so dont see why it should not be in) is DF. You can hate it all you want, it should be in.

It should definitely be in from the launch so people can enjoy the game without having to spam ppl and still get ignored because you play a non meta class


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