Yes you could, but it wouldn’t be true, because my arguments are based on recent experiences while yours are based on 12 year old memories. And people tend to mix up a lot of stuff in the memories over Y years, or think they remember stuff, that actually never happened. Memory Isn’t reliable and therefore arguments based on memory are worthless.
Ok the numbers are just an estimate of my experience in TBC Classic. And there are many more that say the same thing. I think you’ve only had a different experience, because you didn’t run many random dungeons.
And that’s exactly the point. You weren’t running random dungeons, you were running with your 3 friends plus a random. This makes a completely different group synergy and of course your experience was different than mine, because I was doing most of my dungeon runs random. I actually played with the community and not just a small social circle.
No I didn’t try the random dungeon finder in Retail. But I had a lot of fun with the RDF on Warmane. And if the experience is so different in retail, than it is on warmane, while both have the RDF, it just shows the RDF isn’t to blame for a bad experience. So what exactly is your point here?