Wotlk experience

God, u just post completely dumb stuff in every thread. Please go outside and get some oxygen… u are clearly missing a lot of it :man_facepalming:

@OP there are stupid people in all level ranges. Just put him ignore list and be happy u didn’t have to group with him. Sorry u had to deal with him in the first place

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Maybe he thought you’d roll on the same gear, or had his friends whisper him instead - who knows.

Making a post on the forums about it is rather petty, though (my 2c). Enh shaman is absolutely fine for dungeons/raids (real pumper spec compared to ret atm).

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Try iviting two discipline priests. They will surely be grateful for the invite.

Do you really think you will be kicked by 3 vote against you because of your specs ?
I don’t think so, even more if you are low lvl, they don’t will take the risk to end the dungeons at 4.
So no make sense.
Even more when you have to wait 15min before the first kick.
So, bad faith with bad argument just to say “I don’t like RDF”

I prefer this small risk than being kicked for no reason after being summoned like it was on TBC.

You know, you don’t actually need a logical, valid or agreeable reason to not invite somebody to your group. I’ve declined people’s requests just for having names along the same theme of coolguyweedsmoker. If the group leader doesn’t want to invite you, then he doesn’t have to.

You pointed out that he immediately invited two other DPS instead; goes to show that DPS is an easy spot to fill. Want an invite to every group? Spec healer, healers are in low supply.

Why do you keep saying bad faith whenever somebody disagrees with you? And no, the 15 minute kick timer wasn’t initially in RDF, that was added later. So too were the kick limits.

Youre making the assumption every player in RDF is a random. Often its groups of friends that just need 1-2 more/just want the teleport. You dont really need 5 players to clear the dungeon so what risk are we talking bout?

Thank god no one listens to demon hunters.

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So you really think that players want to wast 30min to get in and out the dungeons to at the end cleaning is longer because they kicked you for your bad spec ?
I don’t think so.

They could kick a DPS and easily replace them.

Infact, it’s even easier to do that with RDF because then you don’t have to wait for the new guy to get to the instance. Your argument is bad.

Bad faith, monkey boy. 1057 dollars.

It happens all the time. (Or did atleast untill i stoped playing retail)
The more you post the more you show how little you know about the game.

12 years on Wotlk with different way game design
Some months on Classic
Some months on TBC Classic
Currently playing Wotlk Classic
Tried every expension some months

What about you ?

12 years without a real RDF.
You have never used RDF.

I started playing in 2005. had some breaks in cata, pandaria and WoD. Stoped playing retail finaly in 2018. Level a char to 60 in classic. Then i did not touch the game again untill TBC classic and have been playing since.

I have experienced the real RDF, you have not.

Play on a serv with 8k players and you will see if it’s not a real RDF.

Yes i did, you are just a toxic troll.

Ok so you are exactly what i explain here

All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

You are an old player blinded player with stucked memories who get traumatised by RDF when he was a kid because he get a kick once, so you are here now with your outdated argument.

Yes exactly, you have experienced while i’m experiencing it everytime over 12 years.

To resume :

You : Argument based on a different era
Me : Argument based on the evolution of the mentality of the players over 12 years on the same game and based on now in 2022

RDF was removed for social improvement.
Is RDF imrproved the social experience ?

Buff please
Summ please
Ty all cya

Answer ? => No.

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So, how many from other servers did you play with during these 12 years?

No you did not. You are a delusional troll.

I am an old player that played with RDF. You are a player that never played with real RDF.
If you call a 26y old a kid then sure. (I was 26 when Wrath was released, how old where you?)

Except you are not. As you never experienced real RDF.

They did it in TBC all the time “LF Frost mage ONLY”… Terrible community, so glad i did it all back in OG

Why is there a reason to experience the “real” RDF when you can get the current one ? Just asking :smiley:

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If you want to be taken seriously in a RDF discussion you should know what you are talking about.

Just because you have driven bumpercars dont mean you know how to drive a real car.

Wotlk :
Ad Vitam
Gamer District
Frostmourne 1
Wotlk Classic

So yes i did, you are just living in your moon, thinking it’s impossible to play the same game over 12 years.
You are trying to get a reason to make me wrong, and i already know your future answer, calling me a lier or something like that.
Accept that some players get a huge better experience on Wotlk than you, because it’s obvious, you don’t played Wotlk over 12 years, you are coming back from other era with other mentality.

So, wake up and stop being toxic.

Wake up again the real RDF is just our RDF with cross-serv, which is already like that on a pserv with 8k players.
8k or 4k players, we already don’t care about other players and RDF or not it’s the same :

Why ? Because what do you want to say more in 2022 ? Talking about your life who nobody cares ? Wake up again.

Ok so you are the kind of the boomer who are living in his dream and getting traumasited by some people who didn’t said “Hello” to you at the intrance of the dungeons.

I’m 30.

Can you please answer to that before repeting the same useless argument which isn’t one ?

Wake up or stop being in the denial i don’t know

How can you know what you are talking about when you have an OUTDATED experience ??

Exactly, you are the kind of the old man who get the drive licence in 1930 with 50Km/h cars, do you think you have the hability to drive at 160Km/h in 2022 with recent cars ??

“Hey kid, i repaired computers back in the day in 1980 you wont learn to me how to troubleshoot a computer in 2022 !”


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I have experienced real RDF and pugging 5 man dungeons in wotlkc feels like RDF, zero difference. There is no social interaction for most parts, people get kicked over nothing, certain specs/classes are being gatekept, there are no repercussions for ninjaing loot or being toxic, everybody’s name is forgotten, etc.
Every single downside RDF has (or according to some, causes) is already present. Might as well add the convenience factor at this point.


So all the private servers where connected with the RDF? Impressive. No? Oh.

No you did not. You have even said that the realms where not connected in the past.
You are wrong. I just need to read your posts to see that.
You dont have a better experience than me. I played the actuall Wrath, you never did. You have played classic (not the same as wrath proper) and you have played PS that changed a lot of things.

Cross-Server makes a MASSIVE difference than having it on a single server. But as you never experienced it you will never know.

You dont know mhow to be social so ofc you dont understand anything. You are most likley as toxic in game as you are here on the forumes so i am not surprised that you have huge issues finding people to play with. You most likley also have a name in the form of “Deathkillertwokay” or something stupid like that.

I am not traumatised but i have experienced it. Just because somethign is bad i dont get traumatised by it like you Gen Z snowflakes that need “safe spaces” to not have a mental breakdown.

Why are you quoting your self and tell your self to stop being in denial? lol.

I have the real experience. With the real tool. You have not.

You are so delusional it is amazing to see tbh. The only one that is getting close to you is the weird RDF paladin but you are taking the top spot without any real competition.