Wotlk experience

How your brain is working ?
This is exactly the inverse, it’s because i played Wotlk on pserv until recently that i know the reality.
I already told you

Oh so every pro-Wotlk in 2022 doesn’t know how to be social ?
So the problem is not us but maybe this game is not for you ?
Is Cokesniper toxic and a bad social player too ?

The toxic is who trash talking and being stubborn whille the other guy is explained exactly concrete reality.

Another weird judgement/argument.
I don’t have any issue because nobody cares about me in the game :

Hi +1
Buff please
Ty all cya

You are hilarious, i don’t need another name, i only post with Djansoul.
But yeah i know, you are in lack of argument so you need to get something in the hand to write.

You are traumatised by RDF for sure, otherwise you wouldn’t be here H24 to trash talking to me and everytime trying to defend the RDF removed.
At the inverse, in reality i don’t care about RDF, i’m full stuff so i don’t need dungeons and i don’t have any problem on my 10 players servers to find a group for the heroday.
But i hate lies, misinformation, injustice and misunderstanding.

I’m quoting myself because you don’t read, or you don’t understand, or you just skip the argument because you don’t have anything to say.
Exactly when you ask to me the servers where i played, did you answered to that ? No, because you know i’m telling the truth and you are trying to prove something to other here on the forum i don’t know what.

There is not real or unreal experience, there is different experience.
Both are good, but one is outdated, yours.

And in 12 years on Wotlk, i never see a toxic community like yours.
I remember so well on the forum in 2019

“Oh you will see, the classic community is so kind, so helpfull, retail community is toxic, cancer etc.”

I could believe that because i accept the doubt, but at the end, I have never been so disgusted with a community like yours.

PS: You even don’t answered to Cokesniper

Let me quote because you always think i’m alone to think that.

I wait for the end of this conversation, after that i will configure the account to /ignore you

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In the current day any argument against RDF is just ridiculous, because you don’t lose anything.

“Oh but the emersion and the friendly people and the active world.”

That just doesn’t exist. I have played the game enough to know that no one really cares and that’s just nostalgia at the moment. Trust me if I had other good options I’d be against the RDF as well but nowadays that’s just dumb. My arguments for the RDF:

  1. It will fix the issue of nitpicking classes for lower levels, because good luck getting in a group as a rogue, feral druid, and basically any class without AoE . If we get the same RDF as it is in retail currently people won’t even be bothered to kick you, because by the time 15 min of the dungeon pass you would’ve done like 3/4 of the dungeon.
  2. Faster groups. Most people don’t even bother signing up for the LFG anymore let alone creating groups I have to constantly /w people for dungeons and some of them actually want to do the dungeons but cba using the LFG tool.
  3. It will help the lower pop servers DRASTICALLY because the things I mentioned are x10 worse there and most peoples’ saving grace is realm transfer.
  4. You get to do different dungeons - when will alliance to RFC, Wailing caverns and even RDF/RFK now. As for horde you’re just missing out on one of the best dungeons for leveling - The Stormwind Stockades.
  5. Convenience - no running to the dungeon. Yesterday I couldn’t do a Scarlet monastery 3 times, because no one wanted to come with me to summon.

Let’s leave it at that. Those things can’t be fixed with the current LFG tool because it seems like such a hassle to use. It’s very good for farms, raids and from time to time for quests but dear God does it not work for dungeons. Just feels awful to use and thus people don’t even bother using it.


I don’t want to be part of this pseudo-discussion but couldn’t help myself - trying to protect a myth/legend from the past that no longer exists is just as Gen Z snowflakeish.

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Your reality is from PS. Not the real game.

Are you saying you are playing the DH on classic? Or did you not understand the argument yet again?

I dont skip arguments that are relevant. And i did not skip anything above that. Most of your reply on the other hand is just garbage so no need to reply to your trolling.

There is a real experience or are you telling me that it give the same understanding driving a bumpercar as it does driving a real car? For real?

THe only toxic people in the community is the Pro-RDF people coming from PS’ers.

I did not answer Sniper because what he post is not true. Why should i argue against his fantasies and the fact he dont understand the social argument or his innability to actualy be a tiny bit social?

You dont gain anything with RDF. <— Holds the same weight as saying we dont lose anything with RDF.

You literally gain all the things I mentioned what do you mean ? If you’ve read the 5 points that is.

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My experiences differ from his therefore his are fantasies and untrue.
I sometimes like your comments, but sometimes you’re just really weird.

I am social with my guild & friends, and I’ve had my share of exciting new discoveries and making new friends when I was young and the year was 2008. The year is almost 2023, I’m not looking for friends or social interactions with strangers whose names will be forgotten when I’m just getting my daily HC done.
We play on the same server, so I know for a fact you denying what I said before is either cap or copium, either way you’re the one living a fantasy.

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Alright thank you now to prove you are full of bath faith and being stumb.
You are not here to debate, you are here to impose your vision of your way to play the game.
Everyone who saying that the experience is not like yours ideals are wrong, false, lier.

Now i can /ignore you and never see anything about your toxic mentality.

Cya boomer.

Dodging a 3 hour SL run? That tank sounds like a hero to me. :slight_smile:

Yup and thats Blizzard’s fault making enha shamans useless in both PVP and PVE in this expansion. This was my experience playing private 2009-2019… Now I can see some enhas in 2v2 on Warmane but not in the top.

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Um no the tank was just an elitest jerk, my DPS with daggers was like 5% behind combat.

Now is the time to add rdf, dungeons are dead under lvl 80

For someone who is 40 years old you sure act immature. On a forum about a video game no less. Take a breath dude, it’s not worth it.


Dude, i literaly give him answer, no one want to play with noobs in 15 year old game, nobody care what you think

I sure don’t want to play with noobs. Guess that makes me toxic.

Did you just click the “request invite” button? I always auto decline silent requests, and if they whisper after, I tell them I don’t like their name :wink:

I was 23 when Wrath released and played with RDF from 3.3 until 4.2 in Cata when I quit.
It was nothing like you describe it, people by and large loved it all of ICC patch and any complaints (and toxicity and kicking) only started due to heavily overtuned Cata heroics. I claim you are misremembering things and are tinting your memories heavily in a negative way by your current prejudice against RDF in Classic.


The fact that you don’t realize what’s wrong with your behavior shows that you are even dumber than i thought to begin with… and that already was a lot

The whole point of RDF is for everyone to be random. All those people crying for RDF want it specifically because they don’t want to socialize with anyone.

  1. If you don’t want to socialize you don’t need to be a pro RDF
  2. We don’t need to socialize and there is no RDF however
  3. People go in dungeons for emblem, stuff, reputation, not to socialize
  4. Who doesn’t want RDF to force other people to talk with them are exactly who cannot make friend IRL