WOTLK RDF Doesn't "Feel Classic"?

So I heard something that really concerns me, and there’s plenty to be concerned with #NoChanges becoming #SomeChanges and being stretched beyond what would be reasonable changes.

I read that one of the official reasons RDF or Dungeon Finder in general won’t be in WOTLK is because it doesn’t “feel classic” and how apparently you’ve listened to the community about social bonds etc etc, but I’m sorry, saying that RDF doesn’t feel classic is insane when it was in the game at the time and is a big part of the expansion.

Maybe making it that players don’t get instantly teleported to the dungeon, and it’s just used to create a group, that would be SomeChanges. But the indication from blue posts is there will never be a dungeon finder in WOTLK Classic. You are simply wrong on this, and #SomeChanges needs to be scrapped if this is the pathetic justification that’s being used. Don’t get me started on the soul less corporate pillars and values that were put out, but if this is the case, don’t call it WOTLK Classic.

P.s. can’t wait to see what “offensive” things will be removed, and what MTX there will be to annoy everyone. Retail is for retail, Classic for classic.


RDF was introduced along ICC so I wouldn’t call it a big part of Wotlk. It wasn’t part of the overall experience at all.

Imagine this time right now in TBCC. Streatch that 10 months. Would you call this time right now a big part of TBCC just because it was very long?

Anyway. The issue with RDF is cross realm, teleport to dungeon and buff when playing with random players. Remove that and we can talk.


It’s an issue for social interactions, yes, because you will probably never see these people again, so why bother to socialize?
BUT it’s also a way how to fight the realm imbalance. For example on Golemagg rn, the Alliance is dead. Finding a group there for anything is way more difficult than doing the same thing when playing Horde.

And the latter is IMHO a bigger issue, so I would be for cross realm RDF


That argument could be used against most features like Dual Specialization, Tome of Cold Weather Flight, mount mechanics (costs, no dismount in water, mounting speed), class design or even balancing overall. That a feature was released later was never used as an argument before for any other feature that was not progression related. Its only used against RDF, not because its a good argument against RDF, but because its hard to find arguments at all.


Its used against RDF because RDF is destryoing the social dynamic. It’s draning the world of players. It is in direct conflict with the Classic design pillars. The other changes are not doing that. Also the things you mention was part of Wotlk before RDF…

We dont “feel” classic anymore. As devs started to change things (though promised not to) it is now “fel classic”.


The social aspect has nothing to do with the argument when it was introduced in wotlk though.

That the world is drained of players by RDF is a myth too. Players on max level will all fly to their dungeons. You wont see them interacting with the world except for the summoning stone. With RDF players have more time than ever to do outdoor activities, since they dont have to spam LFM in a city or wait at the summoning stone for an hour.

Even if some changes were released before RDF, it still doesnt make the good point to exclude it because features were introduced 4 months later than features in 3.2.0. The line you try to draw is only for the sake of the argument.

I agree the RDF should be altered though. While I find teleport necessary, at least for low level players, I agree that there should be no additional rewards besides the daily heroic reward instead of the daily heroic quest, no group buff, daily heroic lockout should be active and crossrealm should be optional or at least the matching system should strongly favor matching players of one realm.


Couldn’t you have used one of the 20 other threads instead of making a new one?

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It has been altered and is available at prepatch. You are just not happy with the result. You want #SomeChanges but #NotThatChangeReeeee

Just dont get me wrong, but I think that they divided community with RDF on purpose, because they want to absolutely burry bots and rmt problems … but whatever.

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The LFG tool is not the RDF though, since it doesnt address even one thing that the original RDF addresses and doesnt provide anything, that the current tbc tool already does.

Some things the RDF addresses are:

  1. automated match finding, no need to keep a look at the tool/chat all the time
  2. no gatekeeping for bad gear/underperforming spec
  3. teleport (important only for low level)
  4. random heroic reward causes gearing and already geared players to mix for all dungeons
  5. less spam in lfg

RDF is simply removed. The current tool is the old tbc one with new design plus the need to list there in order to type in LFG-chat.


Ofc its not.

The #Nochanges movement didn’t exist because people thought the game couldn’t be made better. It existed because we know that Blizzard can’t make it better.

Now the game is officially #SomeChanges and immediately people are going #WaitNotTHATChangeInTHATWay

I meant RDF and dungeon finder, but I would disagree that it wasn’t a big part. Because even though I raided at the time the memory of deciding to do a raid some afternoon on a whim without going through all the PUG groups reserving a third of the loot tables and showing gear etc was an interesting thing for me and I’m sure others. All the aspects of WOTLK made it the way it was.

It’ll feel like I’m just wanting to disagree with you, but I would also disagree about NoChanges and why the movement was there in the first place. NoChanges was wanted and took onboard because the players who wanted it didn’t want Blizzard to make changes as many thought they would, that they wanted the game as it was, problems and bugs included.

Officially SomeChanges after officially being NoChanges, think that was before they realised it was popular. Real hard time trusting any of these companies, but what’s new.

Exactly. This is what I have been saying like since before launch!.

and yes to this too, If you want to change RDF so that there’s no teleport, count me out!

I’m OK to fine with no crossrealms (even if I’m on a low pop server), happy with no bribe for randoms, but leave the teleport in or I’m out!

Can you explain in what no RDF is better right now for social ?
Because "LF last for " + “Hi +1” + “Hi all” + “Buff please” + “Ty all”
Is not really social currently and with RDF we have exactly the same result.


I know you asked the other guy, but trawling LFG for players is fun imo in that it feels like you’re advertising and you do interact with players to get the group together, and to summon etc. RDF and Dungeon Finder does cut all of that out and you get whatever AI chooses to give you, but it’s still part of WOTLK. Players did still use LFG to find players or put groups together also, although very few did it.

Bobby drank from the pot of greed, it will never be the same


The same ones who were asking a ton of #Changes in Classic are now upset about #SomeChanges because they don’t change the game they way they want.

“WTF Blizzard are you trying to keep Classic a Classic game ? How dare you ?!”

Prolly deserves its own thread, but saw a reddit post, where genders got changed to body 1/2 on wotlk ptr. Nice, that blizzard is also slightly adjusting classic to modern times, but keeping its social spirit alive by not including rdf.

If they were, there were tons of changes they would not omplement. What’s so specifically un-classic in RDF as opposed to everything else brought to us in opattches 3.3.0 - 3.3.5?