Wotlkc - bug compendium

i think the LoS is just how it was back then. they changed los a little for rated battlegrounds and now they revamped some bgs, u can log in on retail and test it in av for example how walls are just for visuals

some pet mechanics like pathing, pet jumping or not with the player are probably still working the same on retail - like pet just afk in dalaran sewers starting room sometimes

i think they wont give a single f about those 2 because its just how it was and is on retail

as far as i know readiness never refreshed call stabled pet

there was a bug u could get instant combat in arena match if u just clicked “petattack” when gates opened, i thought it was live on servers since wotlk until bfa or something … so like 6expansions maybe? im not sure if it was like that in wrath - from videos i watched on wcm it seems it was but i cant rly remember

there are a lot of strange mechanics that wont change or wouldnt change or that are changed but shouldnt

for hunters they should just fix traps, because it seems rly bugged - i know scatter trapping hpalas always was tricky because of the 30% reduction talent, but it was possible if nothing interupted u(aka not wasting time on gcd), now u just miss melee trap on 4s scatter non pala target which is like xD

i think we as a hunter players should report trap bug via in game bug report option every single freaking day, otherwise they wont do s*** a about it

The LOS system used on retail for a while now is basically that WMOs create LOS, and M2s don’t. People with wow dev knowledge will know what I mean. It’s a TERRIBLE system and should be reverted.

Yeah it’s a disaster

I have reported all from my list, what can i do more?

i tought the bugs where part of the classic experience.

its like the lag,whats a good old nostalgia trip without those?

i was actually watching tons of old wrath videos to search LoS situations
watch and have fun

i dont know whats ur los reference is but it was clearly always like that
can u type exacly which object in wsg is not LoS while it should be?

There are literally no LoS identification situations in those videos. For example those big tree trunks in wsg should be LoS and they are not.

there are situations of this in some of those videos
it was never los and its not on wrath classic
for example last video 3min40s

Maybe on BGs it works fine I just don’t know now but you also mean that hitting through pillar on arena is fine? And dying to sapphiron behind ice block is fine?

You do know that no one ay Blizzard will read this and they probably already know about all the bugs listed.

That might be true but I’m also spamming about it on twitter and i have sent this to youtubers to cover the topic. I know that blizzard knows that they are giving us bugged product, it seems like they are even proud about it but I’m trying to do something…

Ok i have new findings
14. Silence shot has travel time which should not be the case after 3.3.5. It had travel time in previous patches but definitely in season 8 on retail silence shot had no travel time.
And since we are throwing video evidence here, in previous patches there is travel time:

and then in season 8:
Silence shot has no travel time


Warrior spell reflect is bugged today i used wind shear to remove it, hardcasted a lava burst and still got reflected!!!

Source? They were never made to be LoS on retail before the revamp in BFA iirc. This is a private server thing

I don’t know current state of classic is disgusting some features are rarely working, los is completly mess rn. Arenas are unplayble… desecration rn is world debuff that last for 5 seconds after leaving zone, LOL. Frost trap is ticking every 3 seconds? What’s that supposed to be, cmon guys, we’re paying for some Alpha game.


Every area effect seems to tick every 3 sec, when you leave area effects you still have them for at least 2 sec. It’s just sad…

Also new findings hit reduction skills (Night Elf 2%, Ret pala 4% ranged, Sub rogue) feel so boosted… I sometimes miss 3 ranged hits in a row to NE or Ret, It really feels like the whole Wotlk classic is ticking every 3 sec and if you get MISS RNG vs NE you are missing to this target for 3 sec LOL

watching this s8 hunter and it has definietly traveling time but it seems like its very responsive i mean he got silence effect right before it lands
not sure it seems like in previous video it has a little longer delay even after landing
i always thought its like the interupt effect was instant but silencing shot debuff has traveling time but not sure now how its supposed to be

That’s pretty much what I explained above, and it ABSOLUTELY feels like it works that way. Also why evasion on rogues feels so busted, if they trigger a dodge window they will dodge everything for at least 1sec, sometimes more

Edit to add kind of a hilarious video proof from a VOD of my stream.
NOTE : I can’t link things here, so delete the space between “https” and “:”
https ://clips.twitch.tv/MiniatureSteamyOysterOpieOP-Hiz3TGV9PF7dgeAO

There’s no way to have this kind of stuff happens unless the game isn’t coded exactly as I described it above.
For reference, I was at 4.69% hit rating in that clip. There’s no way I get 4 hits in a row in less than a second at 0.31% hit away from cap.
Worthy to note that two spells missed during that timeframe, so the hit / crit / miss windows are at least longer than a GCD


Man it’s hilarious… If you don’t shoot a trap in a “PROPER” server tick ppl just go out of traps like they aren’t there…

Do hunters do anything else beside complaining about everything nonstop?

If I could sacrifice my pet and instantly resummon it, have my dots bypass resilience and have my gargoyle cast X3 too fast I wouldn’t complain either.

Instead I have a bugged freedom, a broken pet on dalaran, a travel time on my silence shot, a broken shadowmeld, and broken traps. So here I am complaining.

Edit : Also pet charge DRs stuns for no reason