Wotlkc - bug compendium

watching this s8 hunter and it has definietly traveling time but it seems like its very responsive i mean he got silence effect right before it lands
not sure it seems like in previous video it has a little longer delay even after landing
i always thought its like the interupt effect was instant but silencing shot debuff has traveling time but not sure now how its supposed to be

That’s pretty much what I explained above, and it ABSOLUTELY feels like it works that way. Also why evasion on rogues feels so busted, if they trigger a dodge window they will dodge everything for at least 1sec, sometimes more

Edit to add kind of a hilarious video proof from a VOD of my stream.
NOTE : I can’t link things here, so delete the space between “https” and “:”
https ://clips.twitch.tv/MiniatureSteamyOysterOpieOP-Hiz3TGV9PF7dgeAO

There’s no way to have this kind of stuff happens unless the game isn’t coded exactly as I described it above.
For reference, I was at 4.69% hit rating in that clip. There’s no way I get 4 hits in a row in less than a second at 0.31% hit away from cap.
Worthy to note that two spells missed during that timeframe, so the hit / crit / miss windows are at least longer than a GCD


Man it’s hilarious… If you don’t shoot a trap in a “PROPER” server tick ppl just go out of traps like they aren’t there…

Do hunters do anything else beside complaining about everything nonstop?

If I could sacrifice my pet and instantly resummon it, have my dots bypass resilience and have my gargoyle cast X3 too fast I wouldn’t complain either.

Instead I have a bugged freedom, a broken pet on dalaran, a travel time on my silence shot, a broken shadowmeld, and broken traps. So here I am complaining.

Edit : Also pet charge DRs stuns for no reason


If their class is broken beyond belief they have every right to.

This server tick thing affects everyone though.


Hunter is the most ridiculously overpowered and outright broken class after Paladin. Consider these bugs balance nerfs.

If you’re not trolling, you should stop giving your opinion on balance.

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As for the meleeing through pillars, etc. Even if it is the way things are supposed to be, PVPers do not want that. Noone does. It’s a random buff to melees that they don’t need.

Even on priv servers people have constantly asked for it to be removed, with the response “It’s Blizz-like”. Which is awful reasoning when you can do something to fix it. (also I don’t think pay2win for items is Blizz-like, but it’s funny how they allow that)

It’s the same as if they eventually add RoV. Noone wants it other than the most OP comps. LS/x and Beastcleave.

It’s a huge nerf to Rsham/Disc who don’t deserve it too.

They probably will end up adding RoV, but it’s whether they remove it after the backlash.

They will probably also have to nerf LS/x and BC and remove the ability to queue 3DPS if it exists, because retBC will go r1.

And ofc every bug, and adding RoV will benefit Warr/Pal. There is never a bug on any WoTLK server ever that doesn’t benefit that comp.


Frost leopards and bears in quest Tails Up [13549] are incorrectly referred to as male and female

Pls fix asap.

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I’m pointing out bugs here that are gamebreaking for every class and are an insult for people that are playing classic wrath. There are at least 40 things that doesn’t work as intended and all you can come up with is “Do hunters do anything else beside complaining about everything nonstop?” I’m just disappointed in classic community, bunch of boomers that are happy that Naxx is open and bossed don’t fall under the floor LOL. Try to be less close-minded Mr Tombcrusher please, we need to get those issues fixed not “consider it a balance changes” IT AFFECTS EVERY CLASS, DKs pets are also bugged…

And when I comment on a post saying there are tons of bugs in the game people bashed me for talking sh*t about Blizzard saying everything is functioning. Not a single day without bugs, this is the worst I’ve seen on WoW so far. Lock pets part I approve, it vanishes start/mid dungeon as well although I am not jumping los or anything. It just vanishes and gives me a SS. Lovely.


More to the list:

Can only equip, not use :wink: Still a bug.

  • Changing tracking type from eg. Veins to Flowers has lost its sound effect. Recent bug.

  • LoS is also bugged when in a cave. NPCs can shoot you far away and even through walls, but you can’t reciprocate, if there’s just a small bump in the ground you get “Target not in line of sight”. Equal rights for players and NPCs, thanks.

  • Opening map does not close your bags - since Classic launched.

  • Minimap are still showing carets (small up and doown pointing triangles) since 1.14

And last, don’t know if it’s a bug or works as intended. Minimap can’t be closed any more.

This is like it was in OG Wrath - maybe a bug … but

Was like this in OG Wrath, not a bug.

A huge Druid bug, still not fixed I believe.

Typhoon bug’.

Basically what happens sometimes after using the Typhoon spell is that your character loses all spell-animations, the ability to skill-up melee weapons, and your escape button ceases to function. Relog will fix the issue.

Glyph of Shred bug.

Using shred on dummies will not increase the duration of rip.


Shadowmeld will not cancel casting from enemy players.

How are they bugged?

not being reliable in using gnaw via macro.
often taking too long to react to commands.
getting stuck in dalaran arena.
and probably more

they deal way too much dmg and can ignore pillars

List of all bugs are in the first post. TLDR?? I know that you are ignorant, but hey please open your eyes.
Pets don’t go down on dalaran arena
Gargoyle can shoot through dalaran arena boxes if you place it “right”
Pets die from seal of vengenace in a one shot.
Ghoul is also hitting through pillar but this is a LoS bug issue.
Not enough? Ok i will ask DKs from my guild and then add a bunch more if you want

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That is not a bug. They changed it so you could not farm gold in old raids.