Would you date the person above you? #44

“I suppose you are going for the looks and charms of a scoundrel. What can I say. Keep going, you will perfect it eventually. Meanwhile, where is that coffee you mentioned?”

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“Don’t associate yourself with that shady scoundrel! I am a way better bad influence on you”

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While i do dig crazy chicks.
They keep life interesting.
The entire old god worship and elven sacrifice is kinda of a bumber.
Still i am sure i can outcrazy the crazy.
So why not.
I dont see it last long but a few good nights is nice.
Just got to make sure to keep sharp objects away from her.

I have never dated a druid but would be open to it? We both are healers are we not?
Though no animal forms whilst inside!!! The vindicaar’s carpet was never the same after the druids visited last month…


Oh my! You must be suffocating in that heavy armour! Let me help you out, let me free you! A nice late night swiming in a lake would help you… then some diner under the moonlight in the cover of darkness

Stare at Zymara for two seconds before taking her leave.

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Yeah i dont think i got the charm, wits or patience to defrost that ice queen.
I will pass.

Kalyria stares at Malifcus for two seconds before taking her leave.


I think we should discuss it over a bottle of Arcwine

I don’t think you will have a time for that dear. You can enjoy some freedom while the war lasts, as soon as it ends I am coming for my Fiancee and we will drink Arcwine happily ever after. In the meantime…

What would you say about meeting somewhere in Nazjatar?

Ahh Nazjatar…
Ruins, shadows and strange whispers
Your long lost, now a bit snake-like relatives…
Maybe we could organize an archeology-themed, a bit grave-robber and tombraider date?
It could be fun!

“Archeology-themed, a bit of grave-robber and tombraider date? Well burn my eyebrows! What are we waiting for?!”

Leave my beloved alone!
Hmm… well, she is not here so… let me see you could sneak in to my Estate, fool my guards and surprise me in my private sanctum sanctorum
If you could do it, little shadow, we could talk

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Strools back with plate of fruits and Arcwine.

Oh! I see you were showing the city to our lesser kin. How nice of you. But I think I will have to steal you as there is a matter of dire importance for us to attend to. And that is empting some of my wine cellar to make room for new bottles.

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Ah! If this lovely lady would be up for it, Perrivix would gladly bring her along to the shelter for homeless children in Stormwind. There they could entertain the children, him with his large collection of toys and trinkets, and her with her mystical arcane magic. After a good meal the kids go off to bed, and he asks Sahoenna if she has a good story to entertain the young ones with. Regardless if it’s him or her who tells a story, the children will sleep soundly tonight.

A date? With a… gnome?
Please, even I’m not that crazy

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No. Never. Undead only.

Nope, definitely not! For a moment I almost mistook you for a lady in a purple dress, luckily my eyes still serve me!

I woudnt date that slimball even if he was a good looking woman.

“Unless ‘date’ is code here for ‘drop him into the Twisting Nether,’ not gonna happen.”