Would you date the person above you? #44

((continued from the previous maxed out thread https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17619931924?page=26))

She frowns a moment and bites her lip briefly looking at Rylothia's profile from the dating agency.

"Well, I do usually think elves are really pretty, and I'm all about new experiences... but... she does seem to have a thing for skulls. In a major way.
I mean, it's a skull motif on a skull pattern topped off with a skull frosting, so to speak.
And I don't want to end up on one of those dates where I'm listening to someone talk obsessively about their hobbies all night. Especially when that hobby involves skulls somehow.
So erm... pass this time?"
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"Of course! Look. I'm not good with romance, never have been. but, maybe I could give it a chance? Well, no I would! I'm just... bah, forget it. Her kin would probably burn me at a stake for my banner anyway..." Thuldrell takes his leave, mildly infuriated at himself.
Nope, not a cowmum.
"A deadmon? Ya gotta be kiddin'."
β€˜β€™A Zandalari troll? In another life perhaps - your kind has men and women of considerable levels of beauty.’’ Elyssa shakes her head. β€˜β€™Too savage now, even for the savage night elves. You would not survive the struggle in our playtime.’’
"By Magni's sparklin' !@#$! Nae!"
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It won't go further then sharing a mug of ale and some chatting. Sorry.
"Of course! We can date, anytime, in any arena!" Draws weapons.
Sure! I got so many doll dresses I want to try on a gnome. This will be fun!
"Do you want to be my long-range fire support?"

*Extends a handful of burning fel-blossoms with screaming critter souls to Atodrell*

" ... you can watch my butt anytime."
Roifa tries to formulate an opinion.

"I've got enough issues to deal with myself, cheers. And !@#$, I thought the Un'goro Crater was wrinkly, but your face makes even it look like an oasis. Have you ever considered some moisturiser?"
''I......'' *Quickly covers her mouth and retches* ''...think I will lose my dinner.'' Ikaallu backs away, almost whacking Roifa with her giant flail by accident.
"Oh hey it's cool, I'm not into wildlife anyway."

Roifa offers the Draenei a cheeky smirk and even throws in a charitable thumbs up.

(Skip me!)
Me eighty-first wife 'ad a flail. Course she did nae 'ave a tail. Ah never did like 'er... think she ran off wi' a Orc. O' t' Orc carried 'er off, ah cannae remember.

Anyway! O' course.
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*Velaeda looks slightly surprised as the dwarf asks her out on a date*

Why..? Well, I've never really thought about it. I love dwarven culture and all but... I don't know? I mean, we could try, sure. What did you have in mind?
While cleaning her pistol the corsair eventually noticea the elf and stops doing so.

"Now this is one service I can't say I have used lately. And guess I'm lucky by havin' such a beatiful sight upon my return."
Tethenar regards the pirate curiously, an eyebrow quirked upwards on his near-perfect visage. He looks from Bonn to a certain gnome. Then back to the pirate. Then back to the gnome again.

"I think we can say that your... experiment... in how 'opposites attract'... is an abject failure. Now. If you will excuse me, I have more important matters to see to than playing these... favours..."

He says the last word most distastefully.
"I'd sooner cut ya den kiss ya. Afraid dere ain't gonna be no date between us. I like girls wit' a bit more color... and teeth... and fewer fingers."
29/08/2018 20:23Posted by Tethenar
Now. If you will excuse me, I have more important matters to see to than playing these... favours..."

He says the last word most distastefully.

"Why hello, handsome. Or are you truly? What hides behind that golden shell, I must wonder. What little one may know shows our eyes sharing a wholesome glow, so useful for nightly reading.


Might you come and read for all our night and more? A standing offer firmly planted as another assistant might open doors of advancement for us both. Myees... say, how resistant are you to common illness like rubella necrosia, greyscale and looping cough?


Test subject?! Perish the thought, no, vaccines! All the vaccines you can reasonably contain, a gift of perfect health for your time and sores, and no payment but for what effluence you gift in kind. Wait, a date? Oh, fifth of ninth, no sooner as all must be sterilised in advance."

30/08/2018 02:27Posted by Rhazane
"I'd sooner cut ya den kiss ya. Afraid dere ain't gonna be no date between us. I like girls wit' a bit more color... and teeth... and fewer fingers."

"Ah, armsman of the golden throne, might we share in faith and fluids? I do keep the most wondrous thing you may have seen of physicians and their fabrications; the fabulous injector!

Consider the flies and winged devils of the swamp at the foot of your fashioned mountain; sharp mandibles and proboscides, hungry for flesh that your gods grant anew as it is cut. Wondrous! A mere sample or three of this blessed hide and the injector will be yours. Imagine if you will, the draining spear at the bloodfly's beak but in reverse, giving where the fiend only takes, gifting science and cures where flying vermin steals. A fair trade..."
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Absolutely! I love the smell of a rotten corpse in the morning.