Would you faction change for PVP queue?

I would not, imagine being alliance :face_vomiting:


I don’t have to imagine. It’s pretty great! I don’t like uggos.


Imagine waiting 1-2h to actually play the game, only to get steamrolled by an alliance premade :sunglasses:


ofc if it’s free

Seeing as there is less faction identity in TBC with the capital being shared and only really needing to go to Orgrimmar to use the AH it really makes little difference what faction you play…Well other than Alliance having instant queues whereas Horde players might get a Q pop by the time they reach retirement age.

But yeah…For the Queues…I mean Horde!

I play both, and enjoy both.

If its free 100%. Paid, maybe.

Yes plz ! even if i need to paid

How about being Alliance with Horde racials and short queues?

I was ally until Legion on retail and a belf female mage on Arena Tournament. So I was playing both factions. My friend was horde on retail, and called me to play with him. I had a free boost, so since Legion, I’m a member of the Horde! :slight_smile: When they give us faction change, I’ll probably go gnome female to hardcounter mages. Both factions are good and all racials are amazing in TBC. It’s WoTLK where humans start to shine and they will be the no1 “must-have” race.

1/3 of arena population are undeads btw

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Being part of the same faction that has Gnomes? Lmao no thanks…

I started to, but it’s just painful without a boost. It’s not so bad for me because I can queue for 3 BGs in the morning then alt-tab and work, takes over an hour for the first one to start but then the queue pretty much drops to 15mins. If I didn’t have this luxury I’d roll an alliance rogue right now.

Yes, just few will switch sides. Most will stay on the horde side believing that others will do it. The queues will stay and people will complain again.

I think we both know that if, let’s propose a Night Elves had personal 20% haste mini Blood Luust I mean balanced PvE ability Berseking in Wrath , you were fist to faction change into them and play with said Gnomes for shorter BG queues.
Just like in my suggestion:

Nope, because I have a job.

Because those are the neckbeards actually willing to waste their lifetime for gear to be viable in arena.

I wouldn’t, and I’m not going to. I’ve been horde since I was in elementary school, I don’t think I’m going to change that soon, I’m too attached to the faction.

You’re assuming I care enough about the Horde buffs, I play horde because its been my chosen faction since 2006. This new breed of meta players is a completely alien world to me and it is definitely not why I PvP with horde.

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