WoW Anniversary Realms are the Worst of Warcraft

The Anniversary Realms truly show how far this game has fallen: -

  • Massive overpopulation making levelling an incredibly painful experience and forcing players down the route of purchasing boosts, often with real money.
  • Massive overpopulation meaning essential materials are ridiculously over-farmed making it impossible to get materials unless you buy them with gold, which people often end up doing with real money.
  • Cartels ensuring that the boosting market is cornered and anyone who disagrees with them or tries to undercut them is mass reported and automatically banned.
  • Blizzard taking a complete hands-off approach and relying on automated systems to monitor the servers as they are too cheap to pay for GMs.
  • “LFM HR everything”
  • People immediately abandoning groups when they don’t get the drops they want as they know there are absolutely no reprecussions.
  • Having a single megaserver for either PvP or PvE and relying on layers, which are easily abused, to try to control overpopulation has been an utter failure.
  • Having a release schedule that is far too fast and which caters to the few rather than the many. (Also not adjusting drop rates to account for this increased release schedule)
  • Changing the PvP honor system to become a basic grind that has nothing to do with PvP. And although the previous system was still a grind it was FAR more difficult than what has now been implemented, you are going to have a server eventually almost full of Grand Marshalls and High Warlords. (Also the timing of releasing Rank 14 negates a lot of BWL gear, which was idiotic timing.)
  • Bots EVERYWHERE! Due to some of the points above, players have turned to real money transactions and we now have World of Swipecraft, which in turn has resulted in more and more bots.
  • Efficiency above all. Don’t dare PvP in PvP, don’t dare not use the optimal routes in dungeons or raids, don’t dare have fun unless it is within the lines of the most efficient method of playing the game.

This used to be such a great game, with a great community, but now it’s mostly a disappointing mess and predominantly its the players fault. Yes it’s an old game, yes it’s all been done before, but it still shows how far things have fallen, it’s not even a shadow of it’s former glory.

And yes this is just a rant post, but it’s something I think a lot are feeling judging from in game conversations i’ve had, so it’s worth saying.


nost when …

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This is why Berny plays on glorious hardcore.


Yes it gets worse each fresh. Still the best Wow you can play though, by far.


Yes, good morning

If this is bad, imagine how bad TBC is going to be…so many people on such a small area

oh man, i would give so much for a fresh nostalrius server. I had the most fun in whole Vanilla there, except 2005. The classic community is very different, already since 2019, they dont like fun

Come to classic era. We have herbs.

I dont want to hate on your post but i strongly disagree with a lot of your points.
Been playing anniversary since release and yes it was heavily over populated on release. But ive been doing a few alts inbetween raiding and havent had many issues questing or doing professions. I dont think ive ever seen a bot either. I cant comment on pvp as its not my thing. I do agree the phases are going a bit quick, like BWL release on the 20th and I have got all my BiS but then I was getting into raids as a fresh level 60 with green/blue gear so im sure i can do BWL without all purples. Please dont think I am trying to argue with you but my experience seems a lot different to yours. I’m loving anniversary classic and im riding this out for TBC. With retails World of Goofycraft i dont plan on going back to retail anytime soon