WoW art appreciation thread

Today while browsing through WoWpedia I came across this really awesome art. It made me realise that there is so much great art out there that really capture the WoW atmosphere. It’s art like that that makes me want to immerse myself in this world and roleplay. In my opinion a lot of art goes under the radar and is therefore underappreciated.

I thought it’d be cool to just have a topic about art we like and and talk about it.

I’ll start off with this picture I found today that inspired me to create this thread:

I don’t know all too much about the old orcish or shadow council lore, so I don’t know exactly what’s going on. But this picture just has so much elements in it that it makes me want to dive in. From the bloodied deer skull to the captured female to the hooded strangers.

What is some art that inspired you to create your character, do a campaign, or simply enjoy the game?


I’m going to bend the rules somewhat, but the Hearthstone card Cult Apothecary is sort of a perfect match for my edgy shadow worgen that I thought it was apt for this thread.


Barring some of the expansion-specific cards, Hearthstone’s a pretty great source of WoW-based art overall.

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The most handsome orc I’ve ever seen.

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With my returned trust level 3 powers…I shall do wonders!


It’s good to see another Art thread, yet more dedicated to Fan/Blizz’s own art!

One of my own favourites:

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Is that you, Kump? :star_struck:

Heh, I remember learning to draw characters by re-drawing Metzen’s warcraft art. Unfortunately I got no examples of my own at the moment.

Hi folks!

Some really excellent examples out there, good to see! Any more favourites you’d all care to share?





Here is one of my utmost favourites.

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Perhaps my AU version who becomes the Canon Chieftain of Frostwolf Clan, after Drek’thar.

Hmmm… :thinking:

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Most things with Durotan will have me weak at the knees.

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I really like these two pieces by JJcanvas, I believe his name is

The art from Warcraft Traveler is gorgeous.

Also, I stan Makasa so much. As far as I know, she’s currently the only canonically black character in Warcraft, and I just love her design.

Oh no, the AU me is here.

Another one I like, as I love Lord Ravencrest


Lord Ravencrest… But better and called Jarod Shadowsong.

Also all the Malfurion Arts…

But this one is one of my favorites ;

Sorry, I’m such a fanboy for him :open_mouth:

I love seeing what the aspects once looked like when they took on daddy.

Nice to see blue people posting more on AD… perhaps hope?


Holy crap some of this art is fantastic.

I’m very biased and love the San’layn card art and the likes u_u <3

Find it on WoWhead or similar and post it?

I snap my fingers very powerfully.