WoW chat police is turnin the game asocial

What a title huh?

So before I go into the matter, about me:

  • I have had an account of 10 years back, i started back when i was a teen (15-16), I still have this account to this day, but its empty now since I moved my charcters out of it for their safety. Details bellow.
  • I was a little arrogant- admitedly, quite annoying kid, as everyone else.
  • Got a few strikes on my account- some rightfuly others not so , and others absolutely question them to this day (getting a penalty for saying “shut up” ?).
  • This month my account got falsely flagged which resulted to me appealing it multiple times, just to find out it was falsely flagged indeed which resulted in me getting my perma ban revoked. So far so good.
  • I decided the best decision would be to move my toons to a new account- as I did.
    Just to be safe.
  • Before I move on to the next part, here are some objective facts to remember on how penalties work:
  1. Penalties increase in severity but they never diminish, even if a lot of time has passed you will still be judged harshly if you had multiple strikes even if its 4 years ago.
  2. The only thing that resets is the “Warning” window.
  3. The “Warning” window can go to waste for false reports. Meaning you might or you might not have an extra chance.
  4. No matter if you were rightfuly or wrongfuly banned. You might or not have to wait days to get unbanned.
  5. Bans might be a cash-grab. Why? Because you can keep your collections in case you get perma’d but you have to pay for a new expansion and a new subscription plan.

So what happened after I got perma- banned and unbanned?
As i said above- i had too many strikes on my account from back when I was a teen, didnt want to risk it so I made a new account, and moved my 2 main characters there the moment I got unbanned.
I started playing, I did a nice 5 day run getting real sweaty in PvP, avoiding to use chat at all costs and when I said something it wouldnt even be mildly offensive.
I wake up today, I log in and 5 minutes in without me even saying anything, just pvping, i get a Warning for behaviour again.

First of all 2 things need to change:

People who report you need to file in detail what the player does and this file needs to go to the player as well as the GMs. Why ? because most of the cases GMs dont provide the detailed reason for your report and penalties. This will also help with fighting back and penalise people who falsely report.

Ban severity for Average Joes.: Look guys if we put it on a scale there 3 types of bad actors in WoW:
Average Joes, who dont even swear but are a little rude or catch attitude from time to time.
Racist Andies, who also swear and are absolute pain.
Exploiters, griefters, boosters, gold for cash sellers etc. you get the drift.

Being a little rude is probably the lowest crime someone can ever do if we put it on the scale.
This should NEVER get you perma banned.
Debatably even banned but a silence is all this person needs to be dealt with.
Ban the racists permanently I dont even care.
Ban the griefters, boosters, exploiters permanently. Thats good for the game quite directly.
But for the love of God and everything holy
Average Andies shouldnt shake when they simply attempt to speak their mind.

Another solution would be since we all got accounts from 10 years ago, and people mature, so instead of holding them to the same regard maybe make penalties severity to diminish after a few months.

Example: You occasionally catch attitude - you get multiple penalties times and times again , your ban severity becomes from 1 month to 3 months to 6 months ban (For the sake of example), okay but you were a good boy, you learned your lesson, for 3 months you havent had any accidents until you do, but instead of being perma banned , you get a 1 month ban again.

Am I making sense ?


Just be honest, what are you leaving out of this part? Who did you insult and how far did you go?

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I am being honest. I wouldnt write this otherwise.
You can strawpick and be sus of me all day, i cant prove anything, all i can say is I didnt do nothing wrong or if i did I am absolutely oblivious of what it is since after I moved my toons in a new account I started being extremely careful of what I write.
And i can tell you with confidence I didnt say/do anything in my understanding.
And as I said you can be sus about me all day long, i cannot prove or disprove anything.
Or you can focus on whats objective in the thread which is:
Perma banning people for weaponized sensitivity does nothing good and is just side profit for Blizzard since addicts wont simply stop playing after getting perma’d.


Nobody sees any chat logs here therefore nobody can have an objective opinion about your post.

I spent a few years in Moba games before returning to Wow in Shadowlands, and that taught me some behavior skills

So far I have gotten zero warnings about anything because there is no need to be toxic and annoying.

You have to revamp your mindset entirely to understand that you will sometimes lose because of others, and that’s okay

Every player in this game (except the ones who did illegal RMT stuff) has gotten to their pvp achievements if they spent enough time and effort. If you have this in your mind you will realize that despite losing many games if you keep playing you’ll achieve your goals, whatever they are, if you put the proportional time and effort into them

So based on that, stop caring so much about petty loses and things that make you mad. The main reason people get mad is because they think it’s somebody else’s fault that they lost. That may be true, but it’s also your fault for playing with those people, e.g being on their level.

So get better so you can start playing with better players, thefore you won’t have reasons to be mad about losing because of others anymore.

That’s the logic I follow and that’s why my friendlist is 15 times larger than my ignore list

Realistically you will never get banned for 1-2 false reports or such. People who do get banned get banned because of MANY reports because of consistent childish and toxic behavior

Griefers barely exist in Solo content, it’s simply people who are not good at the game 95% of the time. Boosters exist primarily in premade brackets, and those aren’t often seen either, unless you have reached very high MMR and by that point you should be good enough to have a chance.

There’s no reason to speak your mind ingame. Play the game and add something constructive so you can win. If you make somebody feel bad, that won’t make you win or give you rating. That will only give you the satisfaction of being an a hole. This is basic knowledge.


Yes, thats why the core of my argument isnt what happened to me. I do realize this but there objective truths in my argument which we can freely debate.
The only reason i bring it up is because other players will bring it up anyway since I had a post about it before and I want to be transparent so we can have a productive discussion.
I dont rely on people believing me and my case and by all means - dont believe me, its fine.

I swear to God I wasnt.

For the last 5 days i leveled up and im at 2.6 rating right now, im pretty happy with everything, and I havent had any meltdowns or anything like that. Im just spaming Blitz all day and people get weird, at best i respond with “it is what it is, i did what i could, sorry if thats not ideal.” and the furthest thing ive ever said was “bro dont camp me you’re 2 , in a 1v1 scenario i’d win easily” in regards to wpvp where 2 people were trying to camp and trash-talk me, after which i put em on ignore and Heartstoned out.

I was never mad.

I absolutely agree with this. I see nothing wrong with it.
My issue comes to what is deemed offensive because clearly I dont even understand at this point.
Anything that can be seen as said in a bad tone , no matter that it doesnt have any insults or anything like that could be seen as verbal abuse in my experience.
Thats issue #1 and issue number 2# i got is the severity of bans for the lowest, questionable if even a crime things, like getting an attitude once in a while. Added by issue #3 why is severity of penalties not diminishing over time ? You can have lots of stirkes from your teenage years and 5-10 years later u could get permad if u slip one extra time.
Thats all im debating.

Regarding the penalties diminishing over time, I have no idea. This is better to be discussed with a GM via ticket ingame rather than a forum post. Yes, those may take a week or more to respond, but if you care enough you will wait it out. If you get an automated response, simply reopen the ticket and ask to discuss it with a person in case the automated response didn’t help.

Getting an attitude once in a while can mean many things. You have to consider the perspective of people taking many things as offensive, even if they aren’t that offensive to you.

Sadly in this day and age people get offended way too easily by nearly everything. The very act of whispering people after a bad outcome of anything is deemed toxic by most people. But if what you are saying is not constructive in any way, it’s pointless.

Yes, you can call some healer a “insert gamer words here” but what if instead you told the guy what to do better so you could win later on, or next time instead?

It’s simply better to tell people what to do so you can win. If you’ve already lost and won’t be seeing those people again, then queue up again and forget about it. You’ll win the next one, etc.

The best option in that sense is telling people what to do BEFORE the game begins. Sure, many won’t listen, but some will, and that’s something.

I’ll add a personal example. My Shuffle winrate as a very bad spec right now is good simply because I tell people how we’re going to win. Go X, swap X, do this, do that. Please Mr. Warrior Intervene me when the Rogue oneshots me every 20 seconds. Please Mr. Paladin BoP me early on my Warlock into zugzug melees, etc. Sometimes people listen. And we win. Despite my terrible C tier garbage class.

In terms of World PvP, that is absolutely irrelevant in every single way. Get your bloody tokens weekly quest done, and then don’t engage in meaningless combat if this is causing issues for you with chats and whispers.

So basicly what you’re saying is a 26+ years old man is about to get banned for fuming over a video game.

Just by your forum activity I can tell you are the guy perma typing and crying.

This is just a fan made story. Back in the day toxicity and the whole report system was very much inapplicable.

There was no behaviour warnings. There wasn’t even enough situations to report people for toxicy, that’s a brand new feature with shuffle introduced. I cannot think of one guy banned for toxicity pre solo shuffle release.

Why don’t you just say the truth?

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This implies a GM will have to do something. Obviously not gonna happen. They have full hands troubleshooting more important stuff, like payment issues.

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a) automated responses
b) this isnt a personal matter
c) Why do you think its better discussed with a gm and not by forum post? I want to turn towards the community mostly.

Thats why chat logs should be presented everytime you get a report.
Thats why rules should be more clearly defined.
Thats exactly the problem Im trying to describe.

It can seem pointless and it can also not be constructive.
Humans are logical but not everything we do is.
Playing this game is very illogical for example but its logical in the emotional sense.
The same way, catching a little attitude or feeling the need to express something.
If its not objectively offensive - you shouldnt be punished, especially not severely punished.
I really deem Perma bans as the ultimate punishment in the frame of Wows punishments.

Btw i got penalized one time because i said this about my own class.
How would you feel if that happened right now ?

Dude lets stop pretending humans in general are so highly logical and lets not pretend like Wow players are uppon the most healthy ones either, psychlologically speaking wow is the pixel drug as that is as close to heroine given as example by many.

The contract was introduced in pre-patch of shadowlands which is in 2019.
5 years ago.

The truth is im unbanned. I wouldnt be if the case was different.
Thats the short attention im willing to give you.

Alright bro, each to their own. You’re literally acting like the CEO of the behaviour system as if you build the system. I am sure you did nothing wrong. You were “just arrogant, quite annoying kid” 10y ago.

Well i dont act as arrogant as you by any means.
So there you go. You’re worthy of it yourself.

Yet you got banned and I did not, thoughts?

Im not banned. Thoughts ? seems like you cannot read.

i completely understand the post and i agree, but most people wont agree until they are also unfairly banned at some point “but it never happened to me” works until it doesn’t.

sadly this post proves precisly once more why u don’t want to interact with most of this community who have biased answers and terrible takes, or flat out piss u off even more than u were before

its not even about toxcicity its literally people replacing the ignore button witht he report one and once uve go struck one too many times its penalty time

ofc iof u are rose and sunshine in the chat and only write xD or don’t even type chances are you will go most of your time without ever incurring a penalty, and if u don’t see anything wrong with never interacting with an online community good for u
its just pure nonsense at this point, its rly quite sad, truly, that we had a better time when people could log an alt and flame the S out of u when u killed them, as opposed to now when healers pass you without healing when u are dying to a dot and if u say “thanks for the healing bruh” he has already reported u.
joke of a community.

as for my background, i played wow 20 years, and i was fine, 20. in guild, off guild, with ninjalooter, with people that flame, flaming people, JUST FINE.
suddently, during shadowlands, i had my account falsely flagged, becaus ei made a group for a rare and the rare wasn’t up, and my account was silenced for 7 days, after 4 days of making tickets i got a gm to not BOT ANSWER ME and finally he was like “oh damn, u r right, this was just a case of mass reports in the lfg because the rare wasn’t up”
he removed the silence, but didn’t revert the flag, after that, first offence was 1 week of ban, then it was 2, and then i was perma

in 2 months i lost a 20 years account because after asking 50 times to stop breaking polymorphs in soloshuffle to your typical zugzug 3 melee lobby i snapped and called them “zugzug clowns” which is one of the 2 things i said that got me perma, the other, im not sure i can post on the forum, as its a bigger offense than i thought apparently, but its w/e, when there is an ignore button, i find it stupid that people just right click report on mass w/e they have the chance, report button should be fremoved, and put on the wow website, for ACTUAL REAL OFFENCES like deaththreaths, constant harrass, racism, sexism and so on
atm u can literally be banend for a random argument, or a typo, which is extremely stupid, someone else was banned recently, and he posted on the forum ofc his post is gone in a matter of minutes, we don’t know why, and im assuming most of u don’t care, i care if people are getting banned in extremely unfair ways

damn snowflake generation i swear, could never live 2007 halo lobbies.


I know you don’t want to talk to me for some reason but i still gotta add to the topic because i completely agree with you.

There are no GMs that check anything anymore, it’s completely automated and run by AI. I had a dude who got banned after being reported for this:

It’s the same on the forums. I got a month at some point for absolutely nothing (in comparison) and i even got replied this “While overall your post was mild, we have a history of penalties on it, which is how it is a month.”
And i agree with you. You shouldn’t be held responsible for something that happened 10 years + ago. That’s just stupid.

I haven’t been banned from the game yet but then again i don’t really talk in shuffles or BGs and i also don’t abuse exploits (not directed at you OP, just mentioning it). Also people who know me know that i am actually a chill person, especially ingame.

But then there is special people like this rogue from yesterday who whispered me an essay after losing a 2s game. Normally i don’t even bother but i was on voice with my friend and we had a good laugh over him so i gave him some of the attention he craved for. Still, in the end i got tired of it and just reported him. And seeing how he goes crazy after a 2s (2s of all brackets) loss i will definitely not be the only one to report him.
Idk, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything. :man_shrugging:

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I highlighted the two main elements which you managed to connect, and you dare to call it objective…

That’s a pure form of a conspiracy, not really speaking in your favor:)

Well, this is what you’re still failing to understand. WoW is a soloq game nowdays. If you played any popular soloq game, League comes to my mind, you would have known that by any means, you never type a word.

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that is exactly whats being talked about, as a long time league of legend soloq player, that encountered the same issue over there in the span of multiple years, u got to admit, that is edited by moderator
its a terrible system. did it ever fix toxcicity on league ? log league right now and tell me the game has been BETTER since the banwaves started in season 4-5
or hell, just watch the videogamedunky video…

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No, its not.
Also what is my favor ? What will I gain from this ?

I do acknowledge this very deeply but what Im trying to communicate is how crazy and unproductive this is.
On top of that Blizzard found a way to cash out on it.
The older your Account → the more strikes you might have → the harsher the penalties get since no matter for how long youve been a good boy, penalties dont diminish back to being a 1 month ban-> the more likely is for you to get perma banned → now because you played for so long you will feel bad for losing your collectables of 10 years → make a WoW2 account inside of your perma -banned account and buy the expansion and a subscription plan → you get to play imidietely , keep your collectables → its all been a cashing scheme this whole time.jpeg

2nd variant → get too many strikes → oh damn.gif, i better pay to move all my toons to a new account before its too late → its all been a cashing scheme this whole time.jpeg

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It is, and the fact that you don’t see it worries me.