WoW chat police is turnin the game asocial

Following these 2 observations :
#1 “You can’t be language reported if there is nothing to report”
#2 “Gameplay-related reports are thrown to the trash and never acted upon

I made an addon that:

  • Disables chat in solo shuffle (100% of the time, no exception)
  • Prevents writing anything on the instance chat (100% of the time, no exception)
  • Only allows a predefined list of “safe” messages to be /w to strangers in PvP, except if that stranger /w me first
  • Blocks all incoming messages from unknown characters whose nameplate I haven’t seen recently
  • Blocks all outgoing messages that contain typical swearing/insults as a final safety net

Never had a behavior warning since then.
Additionally, when I get horrible/annoying team mates, I just AFK the game or troll them (see observation #2).
And now I language report any message I dislike on instance chat and whispers :heart:

Welcome to the new social meta

i get reported for being a bad healer in solo shuffle its just the way it :confused:

So because you pay money to gain entry to the servers means you can say whatever you please in chat? :joy:

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That means that if I dont break the game with hacking/botting it’s very unfair to restrict me from playing the game.

And by the way you see “social contract” rules when you log in, not when you press “pay” button on site.

And yes, definetely you should be able to say anything in the game where ignore button exists.

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You read the part then about not being abusive? Good. I’m glad you can read.

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They should just make an unmoderated, unfiltered chat channel which you voluntarily opt into which has no report button so people with thick enough skin can just go ham on each other with no concern about getting banned.

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this is big solution but they dont want to give a solution. They want to implement politics. To show off how they care about bullying and how much they have no intelorance in any violation of their pinky - sensitive - semi binary rules …

They care about political correctness. The impending of wokeness. The elimination of manliness. The diversity and universal love.

They dont care about the epic legacy of this game.


yeah none of them would join it though. they don’t want to trash talk other people who can take it, they want to trash talk some mum of 3 in a random BG who didn’t cap the flag fast enough or some 472-484 healer at 1400 MMR in shuffle who they think is to blame for them also being at 1400 mmr.

Its hard to believe people still get banned for flaming/toxicity. Most of us are in our 20s and 30s. I suppose the frontal lobe for some people is not fully developed yet.

Last time I got banned for this stuff was in mop/wod era when I was 16.

This is really hilarious that someone can justify perma bans for using chat.
You are probably one of those colored hair people who actively scream “MY CHOICE MY CHOISE”.

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you made a choice when you made your battle net account and clicked agree to the terms of service. no one told you to do this. you did it yourself. the same agreement will ban you for hacking, botting and so on.

what is so difficult for you to understand about this? are you upset that you thought rules don’t apply to you or something? did you think you could just gigachad your way around the ToS? LOL

i m 50 and i crave toxicity, inflamatory chatting and bad words. I like to curse, humiliate and belittle all game characters.

I want all these pixel-toons to feel my irrevocable wrath and nasty hatred.

All this is forbidden.

What people need is tenderness and love.

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This will not go through if we were in USA court. There was a lot of prededents of social justice, because no one will read 20 pages of contract for playing the game.

And if someone in the game acts like a bad person and deserve those words then its absolutely normal btw.

Are you that soft or what? Gonna cry all night cause someone insult you in the game?

no it wouldn’t. you clicked ‘agree’ to the terms of service. you can’t just go into the game and bot in the US or dox someone or threaten or harass them because you’re a US citizen. do you live in the world of family guy or something? LOL

im rock hard

I would.

I do.

You can’t trash talk such people. They instantly ignore/report the moment they feel attacked or questioned. Just yesterday I asked a DK after a solo shuffle round if there was any particular reason he didn’t press Chains of Ice or Death Grip a single time in a 3 minute round. His reply was: ‘Oh you’re one of those’ and he put me on ignore and probably reported me. Trash talking low rated/bad players is just as useful as Stevie Wonder’s telescope.

Btw I suggest you watch a high rated NA Blitz game, those guys go CRAZY on each other even at ‘high’ rankings.

It would have been amazing to have this. But I wouldnt dare to join if I saw you in there :scream:

Then stop justifying stupid things.

sure - but look at the rest of the thread you’re in. its people who don’t play any rated mode and farm their reports from random BGs or sub 1500 shuffle/blitz. they’re not raging at each other because they’re passionate about the game and trying to improve. they’re raging at each other because they are miserable IRL and need to let off some steam on Janet, 37 from Birmingham who wanted to play a cheeky random battleground on her boomkin

There is an ignore button made for Janet.

“will you sign this terms of agreement to not be a bad boy in our games”

Spheria: yes i agree

“ok you cant be a bad boy in our games”

Spheria: w-what? i didn’t agree to this?!

bro :smiley: