⏰ WoW Classic: Dungeons - "How much time should i calculate for X"

Good morning,
As a person who never made a Dungeon in retail cause i only played Retail 1 week. I like to know what is the expected “time” for each Dungeon. Cause right now i dont know if i should run Dungeon X 1 hour before going to Work/Eat/Bed or not.

So far this is my Experience in Classic as a level 26 Priest:

  • Ragefirechasm: ~ 30 minutes
  • Walling Caverns: ~75 minutes
  • Deadmines: ~ 60 minutes
  • Shadowfang Castle: ~ 45 minutes
  • Blackfathom Deeps: ~ 60 minutes
  • Stockades: ~60 minutes
  • Gnomeregan: ~ 90 minutes
  • Razorfen: ?
  • Scarlet Monastry: ?
  • Razorfen Downs: ?
  • Uldaman: ?
  • Zul’Farrak: ?
  • Maraudon: ?
  • Temple: ?
  • Blackrock: ?
  • Lower Brock Spire: ?
  • Upper Brock Spire: ?
  • Dire Maul: ?
  • Scholomance: ?
  • Stratholm: ?
  • Molten Core Raid: ?
  • Onyxia Raid: ?

it would be nice if you can share your opinion and complete my list, so i can make a time per dungeon rankeing. And Please Asumme no one is overleveled. DM for example with level 19-20 People and not 23+. I prefer haveing a “worse case”/ “below average” list then a speedrun list :slight_smile:

So far:
Gnome > BFD/Stockades/Deadmines > Shadowfang > Ragefire



It always depends on your group. Molten Core bwl can take from 20 min speed run to 4 hours+.
My group for example did 5 stockades under 1 hour.

I would say 1- 2 hours is average of a pug dungeon run


its Shadowfang Keep

Also, wailling Caverns took me 90min last run due wipe. but i would average it by not less than 75 minutes… but some parties are good and can be done in 60min.

Also, i think that you should split Scarlet Monastery into graveyard, library, cathedral and armory. As there is a huge difference between them

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It’s really hard to say. I’d say if you first time a dungeon get as much time reserved as you can. 2 hours at least. Some of them are short, of course: Stockades, Shadowfang, RFC, just to name a few… But when it comes to not-so-short ones, the difference will be pretty impressive between the fastest and the slowest party. I’d say still: as much time as possible for a first-time. And after that you get a feel for it. If you feel like you’ve some time constrains, try not to go with a party that feels unexperienced and/or not trustworthy. If you do have some time - join a wider range of parties and expect it to last your average time.

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BRD questrun may take a whole evening. Especially if someone wants to do an ally ony chain

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As someone else pointed out, I agree that Wailing Caverns should take around 75 minutes to complete.

Nice list and nice idea.


depends if you group is warrior tank priest healer 3 mages or not :slight_smile:

tip - it should be as its most effective

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If Sunken Temple (Temple of Atal’Hakkar) is not taking you five hour then you’re classicing wrong! :rofl:

I remember running temple being one of the best evenings I ever spent in a dungeon. But then, all of our group were complete nutjobs and kept laughing too much at our cluelessness.

If, however you intend to do dungeons with a very serious group who know all tactics and are correctly specced/prepared then everything will be quicker than average. But where’s the fun in that?

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SM gy takes half an hour, maybe 25 min.

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Replace the warrior tank with a lock and it’s even more efficient, a warrior tank is useless in a mage group since they won’t hold aggro at all

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With a good group that can do aoe pulls, stockades full clear takes 10-15 mins. SM GY around 15mins and SM library 15-20 mins.

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Stockades should never take 60 minutes to clear, maybe 15 max (even with a wipe) looking forward to the BRD timer, I remember spending hours in there one Saturday back in Vanilla.

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How about ranking which instances are the shortest by travel length and by mob density? My guess is that stockades is one of the shortest by travel - with SM graveyard behind.

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