WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

WoW Classic Era and Hardcore
Version 1.15.3
July 9, 2024

Classic Era and Hardcore

  • The Guilds user interface has been updated to provide more ease of Guild management.
  • Alliance players now have access to the Might of Stormwind, to a version of the Warchief’s Blessing world buff effect. This new buff is gained for turning in a new quest “End of the Dark Horde” in Stormwind and is mutually exclusive with Warchief’s Blessing.
  • The Songflower Serenade and Dire Maul Tribute buffs can no longer be dispelled by enemy players.
  • Druids can now train and use polearms.

Unsubbed today, it was fun while it lasted.


Hell Yeah! screw the dispellers.


How shall Blizz ever recover from this$

Thanks for letting us know!


Why give Druids Polearms? :rofl:

Edit: Oh wait Halberd of Smiting might work on a cat now, time to level lul

It´s in the intricate details of classic wow that make classic wow, not having rend in alliance makes a butterfly effect in which alliance players start new horde chars to pop it / they create horde priests to do a flawless rend mc/ they try a unique class like shaman… all this results in a exploration of a whole new world of classic in the other faction.

We can now do rend mc anywhere in the barrens that’s good enough for me.

Because of a series of happy coincidences by the original makers of the game we ended having a intertwined harmony that can be disrupt by any changes you make if you don’t have a deep knowledge about the game.

We don´t need retail accessibility of rend.


these are good changes coming to classic. can’t wait to see what kittycat druids can cook up with polearms they deserve it!

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Sad seeing u destroy our well preserved Classic.


I NEVER write on forums but this is so important.

Revert these changes of Classic Era/Hardcore! Make modified servers if you want but I have no faith in you doing anything in the spirit of Classic after what I’ve seen in SoD.

It feels to me like you’re testing the waters, to see what we tolerate. You didnt ask before-hand, you push and push until you get push-back then you stop and wait until the push-back receeds and then you do it again. Stop. Leave it alone.


The new guild tab is awful. Please revert it back to how it was.


This – or they try make so many change we all quit and then say: What we say! You did NOT want Classic!


Amazing work Blizzard. Now, the only thing that we need is to get rid of the boon cd’s because it is one of the last painpoints of getting world buffs right now.

I also wonder how many of these people complaining about these changes play on Era actively. I am raiding on classic era every single week and these changes are just a gift from god for sure.

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I play HC / Era only. And hate the changes


If you want to make changes like these, just bring a poll system to see what we want


Do you think everyone who chose to play on Era did so by mistake and actually wants to play SoD? Stop messing with Era with your worthless SoD changes.

You are once again shining with your otherworldly incompetence; you are a joke


Does classic team actually use some kind of version controls? This is ridiculous.
Stupid changes. The whole point of era was to try to replicate classic as it was in 2004-2007. I am fully aware there is a large population that wants no changes. I don’t know why they’re pushing seasonal server / SoD changes on people who have clearly decided what version of the game they’re interested in playing.


Era was supposed to be a museum to see how things where.

Even if it’s just an UI, this change goes against your statement when you made era servers.

I do get that Era/HC/SoD are all on the same client but you should understand that different types of players play on those.


how out of touch are you people? this is NOT what the era community wanted. if you’re gonna keep the bad “cata-roster” atleast make the old roster available to use.


First you took my fav farming quest in Desolace, because AlLiaNce DoESn’t haVe iT and now giving them buff that never existed in Vanilla? Like… why? Don’t take game that we loved from us because you want to pat some streamers in the head for screaming about sOme CHanGes. These people are not playing Era anymore but we are.