WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Thank you so much for MoS ! It was simply needed at this point, and it’s such a quality of life improvement.

Mind you : this post doesn’t even have 20 likes, but I can assure you that just in my guild, 100 people would put a like on this post.
Forum people are a vocal minority which is absolutely not representative of the player base, quite the opposite.

Also, do people know of a game named “chess” ? Google it up, and be amazed : more than 1 000 years old, absolutely no graphic improvement over the last centuries, and people compete worldwide to parse in it !
Incredible, isn’t it ?

Thanks a lot for MoS, dear Blizzard !

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart:

Already back to p

Could you please fix the following bugs ASAP.

  • warlock pets lost all their learned abilities
  • mage T2 set has no textures
  • rain of fire is bugged
  • officer chat doesnt work anymore
  • consumeables often cant be used: says item cant be found

I probably miss many others but this is unacceptable. Fix this. This annoys me to no end…


Shame, Shame, Shame!
Keep it classic


im angeryade i played era since day one and played from launch i play both factions raid naxx kill world bosses get rend kill a few unbooned people r14 both side ect, its all together the game. each one of these things brings interactions with other players and right here you have taken away 3 of those possible interactions
i dont play retail anymore- dont like it
i dont play sod- dont like all the spells and the lottery of what im fighting and no chess style fights just nukes - aswell as i dont follow the hype crowd
allso none of these changes have been asked for
i play era because i like the no changes and still im learning new things about the game still
but today now after you at blizzard are pushing these changes on us without any want or need for them i am going to unsub untill this is reversed
i hope meny people copy me in protest to these changes


First you butcher Era pvp activity to make ranking casual for your new Retail x Vanilla funserver and now youre starting to mess around with the original classic class-kits on Era realms? Its a shame that the legacy of vanilla wow is managed by people that are so much out of touch.


If somehow the crazy idea of add non asked (disrespectful) new features and change the classic game in order to let’s say obtain the growing population on classic server into retail to probably satisfy the shareholders or orders from your brilliant marketing research team or whatever people thinks its a good idea , let me tell that myself like many that start playing 4 years ago in classic will cancel subscription and move to private servers to play other game.


Just be honest and admit that the classic team has no intent to keep supporting the old interface.
Why even remake the old interface when classic launched 2019 and even keep it in ToC with the DF patch?
BfA, Shadowlands and Dragonflight had the new interface and still you gave us the classic one.
Why stop with that now?
Just stop lying and admit that you don’t give a flying :duck: about Era.


@ BLIZZARD: Stop doing and trying Damage Control- and Limitation. FIX IT and dont touch it again. You promised us #NOCHANGES to Era. Thats, why we play Era.


Exactly, absolutely out of touch. probably no one of the boss game designers even try to understand the era community

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Totally agree, i am on era, because of Blizzards promise, nothing will be changes on Era.

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Alliance should have never gotten MoS, even beter, the should fix WCB to be HORDE only, paladins are already borderline broken as a class compaired to shaman, havine MoS just make alliance to go, hence why all the top guilds went alliance in 2019. am happy ya got the buff though as the MC trick in org was aids to do, but again, alliance should have never gotten in to begin with.

PS where is remove the debuff cap crap, i want my lock to do more then CoR and be usless in raids

little change here little change there in the long run is a lot of change just keep ur hands off it !!! as customers its time to unionize to put these people with the unions laywers when they have factionized the costumer base like this u will have 30% that wants it this way 30% want it that way 1 solution unionize !!!

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100% agree. thats the reason why we play era.

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Blizzard is going to be the Greatest Griefer of All Time / GGOAT

We need a elon musk to buy out classic so we can have some freedom otherwise we are doomed and have to suffer under these woke people and there body 1 body 2 fixes HAHHA


How is it possible to be so out of touch and mess up again and again and again


they broke the classic game by adding stuff in SOD and then just added it to the patchnotes to make it look like it was intentional


Thank You Blizzard, a step in the right direction. #MakeClassicBetter

Don’t let these forum keyboard warriors get to you.
Most people in game actually welcome and enjoy these changes.

“most people”? Half our guild unsubbed and is looking to go back to those ‘other’ servers… A lot of people play classic because it is classic, not because they want retail stuff being forced on them, especialy since it was announced as something that would stay true to the legacy version. What’s next, have all wordbuffs by default all the time? Add paladins to horde?