WoW Classic ERA Update 2022 Wrap-Up

Hai server iz ded?

Iā€™m flashed, the hole Weekend 4 Valley Maps same time to Que
Era is everything else than dead


Itā€™s so lovely to see Classic ERA is alive and kicking. Iā€™ve been vocal in my wish for a classic ā€˜resetā€™ in a year or two - maybe three - but if we donā€™t get that Iā€™m happy you guys have the home you deserve. I hope it will last.

Iā€™m just a little envious and sad we donā€™t have the same for TBC servers. I know Iā€™m probably a minority but I love TBC and would have liked either a new TBC server that starts from p1 or an ERA server with an active community.

Iā€™ll keep dreaming I guess.


Not gonna lie. I was dead set to finally play TBC since the only way I did that was levelling on it through the WotLK expansion (it didnā€™t have the same feeling since few people still ran heroics in there, and even so at lvl 80).

I would have kept playing both Era and TBC, but after I realized how it launched pretty much as ā€œThe Boosting Crusadeā€, paired with the later Holly Longdaleā€™s interview about not doing TBC Era I was pissed.

I literally just did the pre-launch event to get the limited Argent Dawn tabard, did some screenshots on it, then uninstalled TBC.

I still hope they do a 180Ā° on that decision (like they are used to do but only on stupid ones) so that they can launch new TBC realms that will become TBC Era for good (no more stupid transfers to wrath because of the umpteenth cash grab because reasons).

You can find the specific part of the interview here if you are curious anyway:

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