Hi there Classic Era enthusiasts, current Era players and maybe soon to be new members of our community!
We Era players should be very happy about everything our community-driven efforts have achieved this year. We have made a point as to why a forever Classic server is viable, and our efforts have resulted in continued population growth and activity over time. I am very excited about 2023 and the prospects for our community. But first, lets highlight some of the major milestones achieved this year:
Population growth: anyone who started early in Era knows the desolated place these servers used to be. Like tuaregs in the Sahara, we barely managed to put together a ZG/MC raid at times. Today, this has changed → We have 40 man raids 7 days a week, multiple pugs, and a miriad of guilds clearing Naxx weekly. If you want to raid, you WILL raid and enjoy all Era content. The Firemaw cluster today has achieved a size of a former medium sized classic server, and our PvE cluster (Pyrewood Village) has also experienced growth over time.
Leveling guilds: the community has know leveling guilds to accommodate for new players and help them questing and forming low level groups. These guilds have more than 50+ players online every EU evening in Firemaw (Warpath (H), The Dungeon Delvers (A)). They have been a huge part of our success and feeders to our raiding guilds. I am not aware of the PvE cluster situation, but if there is a similar case, please comment below!
Economy: from my own observations, the economy has doubled in the PvE cluster and is now 5 times bigger in Firemaw. Needless to say you can buy and sell stuff easily.
PvP: ok, here I may get different opinions based on personal experiences. What I have experienced is the move from only bgs on the weekends, to bgs every evening, sometimes with multiple bgs opened. The opening of AB/AVs on its dedicated weekends, and the forming of very intense and skill-based PvP guilds (BASED (H), lmao just jump looser (A) - Firemaw). The level is getting higher as more gamers (albeit still a small number), have decided to make Era their home and test their skills against each other.
Era dedicated discords: today we do have a dedicated NA/EU discord server in which we talk about all things Era and have together made an effort to define the message our community wants to give to potential/curious players and also foster NA/EU relationships. In EU, we also have a PvP discord with more than 600 members in which we discuss all things pvp and organize battlegrounds.
Content creators: we now have Dwarflord, Morphius, JayTV with over 3/4 of a millions views in youtube helping put the message out that we are here, highlighting the good and bad of Era. Their work is super appreciated.
wPvP: although not as intense as it WILL be, drama has gone down regarding the killing of world bosses. I can only see this growing, as we go into 2023.
Speedrunning: now we have a speedrunning scene in both factions, with guilds from NA/EU competing for the best 40 man raid clearing times. This happens as it did during Classic, during the DMF circus week. Even though I do not participate nor probably will, it is very cool to see the peeps pushing the limits and trying their best to establish such an important Classic aspect in our community.
I could keep going on and on and on. Still, I will highlight one last thing I believe is worth a mention:
- Because of our community efforts, we now have direct contact and support from a dedicated Blizzard Dev. You may think this is not much, but again, all things above have been exclusively community driven. So having a bit of help and attention from Blizzard is, if anything, a plus!
Just want to thank everyone who is part of the community for the great times and memories and hope to see you pushing the limits and nurturing our wonderful community in 2023! Happy New Year all!!
Thanks for fixing the BG weekends, would love to see more action in wPvP!
I want my early morning AVs back, with coffee and croissant, defending Iceblood

Still the evening Warsongs are at least a good start, hope we maybe get regular evening Arathi Basins soon? 
Thanks to all of you guys, both Alliance and Horde, for keeping Era alive and kicking. 
ℳᴇʀʀʏ ℭʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs & ℋᴀᴘᴘʏ ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs!!!
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I transferred from SoM recently and I’m quite surprised how good and alive this server is.
Great post! And a great community we have indeed!!
Classic always has the best community.
I transfered from SoM, I do miss some features it had but if I have a thriving community I’m all game!
Glant, nice games today you legend!
love the little duels we have in silithus man
can’t wait for you to get geared and have some serious duels 
Thanks for this Bananoid, it’s been great to see the progress this year. (It’s even clear to see in your posts, as the responses you’re getting now are mainly positive and not people complaining about era etc… thank god for that)
Regarding Leveling Guilds, on the PVE Cluster, I’d say your main levelling guild would be Weary Travellers.
The biggest difference I’ve seen economy wise between the main PVE & PVP Cluster is you tend to find more “In Guild” trading within PVE and a more active Auction House / Selling on PVP (However, that’s only my experience so I could be entirely wrong with this).
As someone playing across both, I’d say the PVP Cluster is definitely the busier of the two, however the PVE is alive and active, it’s most certainly grown this last year, quite considerably.
Lets not forget about Hydraxian Waterlords as well, from the Hardcore perspective. Of all the realms, this appears the most active of them all for Hardcore (This has been helped by the Kargoz push over Christmas and encouraging players to partake).
Generally speaking, Era is in a great place for both the old and new. There’s talk currently of trying to get the 10-19 PVP bracket firing again, which I think would be enjoyable for all. It’s easy to get into, easier to gear (In comparison to getting full T3 to be at the highly competitive level of PVP) and generally speaking is thoroughly enjoyable.
Either way, if you’re looking for help or a home from a PVE perspective, by all means reach out to myself - any character who’s name looks something like Deezy (or similar) is most likely me.
Roll on 2023 folks!
Haha yo, i appreciate them also. Oh it is coming
Yo Sengira my man! Come join us, we have it all! A few Kronos legends as well.
As for your message Deezy, thanks a lot for the notes. I am not as aware of the state of the PvE cluster but I do have a lvl 1 parked in your SW AH to check things out from time to time and say hi to a few people. Indeed, I talk to you guys and know things are gotten better so for all those interested in PvE gameplay, they should check your message out.
After I wrote the message I thought I had forgotten about the hardcore community, and how could I have! Indeed going off in Hydraxian Waterlords at the moment and hopefully will become a staple of the community in 2023!
TBH never even thought about play ERA but now I am super interested.
Is there a HC scene in Era? On Pyrewood perhaps?
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There is an active scene on Pryewood
5…6 guilds (Alliance) that support each other but also act completely independently
Raids take place daily, Naxx is cleared Weekly
there is even a 19s Community
the Auctionhouse is trading and at least Ironforge and Stormwind are invigorated
now that the bonus bug has been fixed, the PvP scene should come alive again
Worldbuffs are announced ( Discord ) pre Raid groups also take place Daily
As mentioned in the above response, there is a HC Community within Era.
However, there isn’t really one on Pyrewood. You’ll find the main HC community over on Hydraxian Waterlords (It’s an RP server, but outside of HC I believe only has one guild on).
Now’s the time to get involved as they’ve been running a HC community challenge with Kargoz since roughly the 14th/17th (I can’t remember) of December.
Hope this helps.
We started having some duel evenings outside SW (and maybe Orgrimmar too?) recently aswell popping again, which is a huge + for me. Hoping to see it grow more.
P.S. Also, Horde, please start contesting world bosses again.
PVE is boring!