wouldnt bother mate. pretty obvious to anyone with a brain in their nut that this is about Vanilla, dude just tryin to not look stupid - just funny hes looking more and more stupid not acknowledging this is all about classic and bringing other expacs into it. desperate.
Hey guys, my biggest fear is what happends after 12-months. Maybe we can extend and make this period longer so people have more time to enjoy in game. But if your plan is to continue bringing new things after 12months that would be great (New content raids and 5man, pvp arena? ) . Just do not “kill” the game after 12months as we all love classic wow
No, it’s a seasonal format : at the end of the line (12 months, perhaps 14), the server is shut down, wipe, then reboots and you begin again at lvl 1 (with new tweaks/tuning). That’s the whole concept of “seasonal server”.
They said they were going to think about a way to not entirely lose your progression, so there will surely be a paid transfer to a ERA server at the end of the season. Or something like that.
Things sure turn ugly when there’s a mix of sunken cost fallacy and inflation of the ego.
I think WoW Classic being dead has more to do with this exact behavior and less with people having access to world buffs. Season of Mastery should therefore be replaced with ‘Season of Etiquette’ where it teaches players how to constructively provide feedback on opinions they disagree with. Maybe then the game would be less dead.
What i would like to see:
- Free respec cost
- wotlk talent system( much more reworked for all specs) and since u can only spend 51 talent points, u deff go deep into the talent. Gives other dead specs more opportunity’s
- arena’s ( rank against rank or something? )
u can cosider as a classic + thing but more fresh and approachable . I mean… the stuff now they introcduced its just another classic wow and ppl will bail out quicker than it was 2y ago.
That’s not classic+ that’s retail-
I love that they are doing the fresh servers thing, the best part of the game is leveling. Killing crabs and stuff. Only thing that bothers me is cross realm pvp. I would love if they removed that or made few special pvp servers with no cross realm pvp.
The most fun i ever had in classic was when honor was introduced but not battlegrounds. When you actually remembered the name of people you where fighting against and people that where on your side. It was magical super fun time.
Now i got nothing against battlegrounds, but they should be played with poeple on your server only. Sure you got long que times than, than go farm honor in open world.
Just a friendly FYI that we weren’t discussing Classic being dead, and if you read the conversation trail, you would see exactly why the responses I was replying to led me to type the line you quoted. To cover it quickly, I was replying to a truly bizarre and baffling thought, and the line you quoted is felt truly without any hatred or ego - simply bewilderment.
U got all this wrong bud, u will raid 3-4 times a week and bring all consumes, but u wont get gear, u will be filled with trash FR gear from bwl or aq NR gear or zg blue gear, to justify ur participation, while top tier per phase gear= officers/classleaders/guildmaster and friends, till u will simply be “benched” coz ur dps doesnt make the cut and u will be simply replaced by some1 else who got poached from a disbanded guild over loot drama.
bump !bump :0
classic fresh no changes server please drop it lets play move on forget som poop idea like classic era servers lets go home build a good nost server.
Kaivax stole my bike.
When are we going to get a world buff server to actually have fun in raids
The season after the season of mastery would make sense to include world buffs. Different theme each season would make sense.
NO ofc !!!
If they do such thing that version of WoW will be better then Shadowjunk and actual dev team will finally show themself as uncapable of making good new game and they will be FIRED.
So they intentionally ruining every old expansion remake to not be more atractive then retail wow, intentionally !!!
I don’t know how many realms are going to be in this SoM, but could we atleast have 1 force balanced PvP realm? Keep track of the active faction balance and for example just block the ability to create a character on the dominant faction. Would be a shame to release the honor system on launch and just have the realm completely dominated by 1 faction.
I don’t know all the details of how to do it while keeping the “But muh friends” false argument to a minimal, but hopefully something to remedy the issue would be neat.
The game is dead and worn out. Who should this 12 monthly cycle appeal to, except for a small hardcore part?
The few changes that they bring will only hold a small part.
More would have to be found so that the whole thing becomes more interesting again, i.e.
More flight routes
More cemeteries
Riding from lvl 30
More gold through quests
Less riding costs
New instances
Better servers and faction ratios (i.e. if the faction has reached the cap then there is a character creation lock / transfer lock)
I think Classic would have a lot more potential than TBC or Wotlk if they only got it right.
Fine, faster progression and more challenge is all good and fine, but if right out of the gate I know I won’t get BiS then sorry no thanks.
Remove raid lock! Problem fixed … Or allow more than one raid per week … Say 4 …
You won’t really miss on BWL and MC lockouts, even AQ should be plentiful but Naxx gearing you would very likely have to finish after SoM ends and likely ends on it Era realm.
You do realize that not even 2 months into Classic people complained of empty leveling zones? If you want to have fun in leveling zones with other people you can get that pretty much only when the server is fresh. Blizzard having it on faster rotation gives higher chances a fresh just started or will start soon so you can join on the FRESH wave.
IMHO there will be more quests to do at 60 due to exp changes so it will be easily to get few thousands just from late quests.
It’s not really expensive, especially when there are welfare options in the game… and getting mount gold is one of key aspects of vanilla.
Existing 1-60 classic world can’t handle anything after Naxx due to power creep and anything below it if it wasn’t BiS at endgame it also would have close to no “value” in a overly meta driven game.
hm…I’m curious if the fresh servers meet the expectations