WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

u guys need to log out and get help

esp that 77 shaman

Also i’m not saying just because a majority wants something its a good/bad idea and it should be done, people tend to be stupid on average and have no idea what the longterm consequenes are of their actions.

But it’s certainly not like ‘the community’ is opposed and the people who want RDF are the outliers.

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It’s always the pro-RDF players that claim that they are the majority though.

It’s BLIZZARD that is saying that they KNOW what the Classic audience want. Not me or anyone else. Blizzard is saying that. They are literally saying that word for word. They know what the Classic audience want.

Personally I could not care less what the majority wants. I want Classic without RDF. I will buy that game if Blizzard sell it to me. What the majority wants is totally irrelevant for my enjoyment of this game.

I do however enjoy having a community in the game. A realm to play on. Familiar faces and guilds to meet in dungeons. Social dynamics and stuff like that. It’s important. Stuff that RDF is taking away.

That’s why I have no problems with stuff like a temporary Joyous Journey buff. It adds something to the game without taking anything away like RDF does.

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Yeah…yawn…wake me up when we’re in MoP Classic. MoP, the point when WoW got good. Timeless Isle itself was better than all of originial Classic+Cata.

What you’re getting stuck on here is the word major.

Which I never said.

The Cataclysm version of what I described was worse cause the quest hubs were reworked. Cataclysm removed a whole bunch of freedom ranging from questing to talents to specs to gearing.

It’s kinda why Cataclysm sucked.

What the hell, we’re not getting RDF ever. That’s the whole core of the argument.

Nor do we have progressive patches which I’d be more than happy to have.

I liked it the first time around cause I could force myself to do it with the hope of Blizzard changing their mind.

This time around I likely won’t utilize it at all cause pure questing without seeing another person ever bores the ever living crap outta me, I’ll just log out and play Rimworld or something instead.

edit cuz ran outta new posts:

You know damned well this isn’t true at all lmao. Heck, you even make that very argument in that very same post. As an anti RDFer.

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Every poll ever taken anywhere online since the announcement of no RDF in April has had between 59 to over 75% of the voters in favor of having RDF. While this is by no means conclusive since disgruntled people have more reason to participate in such poll, it is still at least some evidence that the majority wants RDF, while there is literally 0 evidence, other than Blizzards word, that most people do not want it. And Blizzard is known to ROUTINELY lie in almost all of their pronouncements.


Desperate from Blizzard


(post deleted by author)

Awesome. TY.

Not all of us played TBC and had full raid gear to speedrun from 70, so tyty.

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What? Well done Blizzard, you’ve proved yourselves to even more backwards than ever before. You’re trying to create a “new” product by doing exactly what you did to ruin it back then, by listening to a minority of lazy, whiny complaining players.

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There is, alot of data supports that RDF harmed the sub numbers. Blizzard have them and thats why they decided to not even introduce it later down the line for wotlk.

Where? Link it if you could, please.

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Really? Cause for me it’s a problem of both sides. Although one of prevailing argument from anti-RDF side was of course that “Blizzard Listened to the Majority” being thrown around. There’s also distinction being made between “True Classic Fans” that are the one you should listen to and “Retail (Though now more commonly replaced with WotLK) Tourists” that have no right to voice their opinion that’s been used more than once over this entire debacle.

Personally I can’t say if I understand what Blizzard’s want to do. If I were to wager a guess they’re now trying to appeal to those that don’t enjoy the leveling experience by making it shorter but they miss that it’s still not enjoyable for some (in the end you will be repeating same quests over and over again, you just need to do it for shorter amount of time). People will use it of course but it won’t really fix the problem of low level content being dead.

“It’s a great time to finish leveling a character, create a new one, or invite friends to join you in your adventures.”

How are we supposed to invite friends when all servers are locked? Unlock servers at least for character creation so friends can really join us like you state.


Start fresh with your friends on Thekal and enjoy the only English duo-faction pvp server. It’s like 3x times bigger than a full wotlk server was back in the day. It was also fresh for wotlk so you will not be far behind.

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One of the strongest anti-RDF arguments anyone have posted lately :thinking:

What you are experiencing is layering though. It sucks that it splits levelers into different shards even when a zone only have a handful of players in it.

So that’s it then, Blizzard have caved in to the screeching whiners that don’t want to play an MMO and demand instant gratification and super-fast speedrunning.

Should have known that this garbage was just around the corner, and this is now coming very close to a quit moment for me, the only thing preventing it is the fact that it can, thank God, be turned off; though this in itself sucks.

If they absolutey insist on catering for lazy people who can’t be bothered to play the game they subscribe to at least make this stupid speed boost opt-in instead of forcing people who actually want to play the game properly to opt out!

The whole reason I didn’t play for the first few months of Wrath was because this crap was enabled.


And that’s the state of game currently without having RDF. What a surprise.

For a month dear Lorraen. Will I use it? Dunno with NK getting more barren than Barrens i might need to make an Alt on Mirage Raceway or somewhere else as I’m not willing to oay Blizz more than my sub.