WoW Classic Zones by level

WoW Classic Zones by level.

Alliance zone levels

Zone Level range
Dun Morogh 1-10
Elwynn Forest 1-10
Teldrassil 1-10
Darkshore 10-20
Loch Modan 10-20
Westfall 10-20

Horde zone levels

Zone Level range
Durotar 1-10
Mulgore 1-10
Tirisfal Glades 1-10
Silverpine Forest 10-20
Barrens 10-25

Contested zone levels

Zone Level range
Redridge Mountains 15-27
Stonetalon Mountains 15-27
Ashenvale 18-30
Duskwood 18-30
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30
Wetlands 20-30
Thousand Needles 25-35
Alterac Mountains 30-40
Arathi Highlands 30-40
Desolace 30-40
Stranglethorn Vale 30-45
Dustwallow Marsh 35-45
Badlands 35-45
Swamp of Sorrows 35-45
Feralas 40-50
Hinterlands 40-50
Tanaris 40-50
Searing Gorge 45-50
Azshara 45-55
Blasted Lands 45-55
Un’goro Crater 48-55
Felwood 48-55
Burning Steppes 50-58
Western Plaguelands 51-58
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60
Winterspring 53-60
Deadwind Pass 55-60
Moonglade 55-60
Silithus 55-60

Since not everyone use addons or play by leveling guides, some people might find this a useful list since ingame you can’t see a list of the zones by level. Altho it is really easy to find a similar list on most sites dedicated to WoW Classic or Vanilla, why not add a list like this here, to the Classic forum aswell, still better then the whinig or crying and someone might find it useful hopefully.

To make it a bit more interactive tho since this is a forum after all:

Which Zone (or Zones) is your favorite and why? :slightly_smiling_face:


Duskwood is probs my fav zone.

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  1. Azshara - best looking zone, I like the mix of brown, yellow and red. Feels very solitary and calm, it’s a rarity to meet a player there (apart from the Golden Pearl farmers).
  2. Elwynn Forest - best forest layout in the game. Feels like a real forest that is close to human settlements. Everything is so detailed there. I also like the proximity of Elwynn and Stormwind to Burning Steppes, I’ve always wondered how the dragons haven’t advanced being that close.
  3. The Barrens - very different from 1. A lot of players, full of life. Also a lot of open space, you can clearly see the distance. And the most important factor - nostalgia! Everyone (from Horde) knows that zone, they’ve surely spent a lot of time there.
  4. Redridge Mountains - nice colours, a good mix with land and water areas, nice paths in the forest in the eastern part. Also the tower there.
  5. Deadwind Pass - gloomy, mystic and somehow tight. And Karazhan which should have been a part of original Wow but didn’t make it unfortunately. /cry
  6. STV, Westfall and Arathi are also nice.


  1. Searing Gorge - what is that zone? Seriously, what is it? A hole that the dark irons dug? Why?
  2. Felwood - bad to navigate, no cool sub-zones, you just want to pass through it as fast as you can.
  3. Dustwallow Marsh and Wetlands - swamps (and ugly ones, not like Swamp of Sorrows). Bla.
  4. Badlands - just bad.

swamp of sorrows is awesome and also sunken temple

My favorite zones are:

Dun Morogh, cuz I like snowy zones and it is a peaceful starting zone.

Teldrassil, it’s impossible not to love that beautiful place!

Durotar, I love how barren and desert like it is and the jungle islands and sea.

Barrens, a really good zone with a lot of content and peaceful atmosphere.

Darkshore, because I love dark forests like that, and cloudy beach and sea.

Duskwood, because it’s a creepy forest and I like the quests aswell and story.

Thousand Needles Shimmering Flats, part cuz of super easy navigation.

Dustwallow Marsh, because it’s a creepy forest swamp and I also like the sea.

Feralas, I like the atmosphere of it and the islands are really good aswell.

Tanaris, because it’s a desert and it’s easy to navigate and there’s the sea aswell.

Azshara, lovely autumn theme and beautiful, peaceful place.

Un’goro Crater, because of the lost world theme.

Silithus, a truly epic zone, I love it, perfectly suits endgame.


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