Wow clone service

Your speculation is pointless.

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What speculation? You mean the speculation where they stated a FACT? The realms progressed to TBC then Wrath, just like they did originally. I find it amazing that people who didnā€™t sub/play for over 18 months are moaning that their characters haved moved (they havenā€™t, the realms just progressed to the next expansions). Customer service 10/10. Whine-babies 0/10 :smiley:


  1. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
  2. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.
  3. Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation.
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Clone service was a limited time - FACT. Not conjecture, speculation or whatever. Try to get your head around that FACT & move on.

Fact is, you dont know the tech, blizzard first line support people dont know the tech so just stop pretending. If there is enough demand its doable. If you can convert a classic char you tbc you can convert a tbc/wrath char to classic. Its not a like its a feat thats going to rival going to the moon. Its going to take a script, thats it. Your facts are a joke.

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So which fact are you struggling to get your head around? The fact that they only offered the clone service for a limited time? The fact that the realms progressed to tbc then wrath? I donā€™t see where I have made any of this up? Please enlighten me?

None of that really matters. The fact is that its possible to restore the charaters if there is enough demand. I dont care about your straw man arguments. Lets face it, all it takes is running a script on the character and convert them to classic and let people pick a new name.

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Except Blizzard stated the clone service is gone. Why return it so all the botters could restore the bot characters too? NO CLONES CHEERS BLIZZ. Donā€™t give in to the mouthy minority!

To capitalize on the new surge of interest in their game. Aka earn money and strengthen their brand. Stop wasting money on email direct marketing for expansion a-b-c and just let poeple play their charaters.

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Again ā€¦ only thing stopping you playing is you. Just roll a character & embrace it. Itā€™s not too late, or, play your original characters on wrath, orā€¦ donā€™t give blizzard any more of your money. Itā€™s your choice.

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Yes its my choice, to want to play on classic with my classic char and also how to spend my money, thats why it would be a good idea to let returning players have the choice to do so.

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No it wouldnā€™t be a good idea as it would allow the people who had bots to clone them back too. Just my opinion, but one I stand by. Weā€™ll just have to agree to disagree.

Ok thats fine. Having a different opinion is no problem. To me bots isnt really a concern though, the whole game is already flooded with gold buying, boost spam etc. Its a admin concern. For legit players I dont see the problem of continuing to play my t0/t1 geared charaters when there are t3 characters already there. Its just a matter of spending time in battlegrounds and raids rather than leveling a identical priest/warrior/warlock to what I already have.

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Classic realms are gone, ā€œupgradedā€ into TBC then into Wrath. Classic ERA realms are not the same, they just look the same at a cursory glance, Blizzard did not make new TBC realms and move Classic characters onto them.

Blizzard deleted the data for this on Classic Era, and a commercial company has to by law securely delete data so it is unrecoverable. They donā€™t just move it to the recycle bin, itā€™s a purge.

One last thing, itā€™s spelt characters not charaters.

What a terrible argument. You really think there is any difference GDPR/PII-wise of keeping a wrath character or classic character around. I guess that explains a lot about why you are consistently wrong when speculating about tech.

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No, but the deleting of them has to conform.

The characters are still there, on wrath, never logged into and useless. They are not deleted.

They were inactivate on both Classic Era and TBC until you chose where to play them, then when Wrath started they were automatically activated on Wrath and the inactive versions on Era were deleted.

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+1 to them enabling clones again, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll have a back up somewhere and theyā€™d make a lot of money.

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I guess you donā€™t know what permanently deleted means either.