WoW coming to Xbox?

Elderly abuse!


It’s about time.

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On the youtube video comment section

someone posted " So Warcraft games coming to Xbox ?"

Xbox replied : Now you get it

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Here is your controller bro


I dont know how they expect a controller to play most classes, as long as i dont have to encounter console-degends
im happy

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Implying the LFR type is any better that we got right now… :joy:

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For real what is up with LFR atm 3 weeks later as a tank I’m top 4 DPS and ppl don’t know to move the fire ring away… It was decent until this week.

Don’t XBOX console players have access to an Xbox keyboard? also, people can still just register via Microsoft and buy World of Warcraft from their own platform without the need of

I play Age of Empires II / Mythology and I get XBOX players that are able to play on par with us PC gamers, so by that logic people either has access to their microsoft accounts or can utilize some form of keyboard attached to consoles.

I just hope they do what Diablo 4 did, and make it a toggle. I don’t want to be grouping with people who don’t have a keyboard to interact.


You can literally just plug in any usb mouse and keyboard

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Thought it was the case, but I was unsure.

I can’t see it ever happening. Warcraft and maybe other Blizz games sure, not WoW though.

As for the roadmap, I’m 95% certain that green is the indication of Legion remix as, it tracks after the “success” of MoP remix, the timeline of that release and the colour green matches closely with Legion.

So easy to use and has great games.

Come or not come, it wont really make a difference. Everyone will be eventually on the levels they are supposed to be in the content they want to play. Keyboard and mouse or controller doesnt really matter what they use. If they dont progress with controller then you wont see them for long and same otherway around. And for all other content it dont make any difference what device people use to play the game that passes us by in the world. I know one streamer pushed hpala atleast to 3k if not even r1 in shuffle with a controller lol. There is a controller specific ui as addon also for any who wish to play like that, funnily it looks more functional and better than the default ui.


It would be interesting to see what Xbox achievements would be tied to the game. I could be tempted to try it just for that.

:cat2: “God kitty” for when you first take druid feral :heart_eyes_cat: form for the first time. :cat2:

I can’t imagine playing anything with a controller, least wow. I’m using logitec keyboard with extra macro keys + razer naga and i still use 0-9 + ctrl+0-9 + shift+0-9 + f1-f9 + shift+abcdefgrq, space etc.

There basically isnt a keybind that I DONT use. Then there’s the chat, which means console peasants would have to use voice chat, but afaik not a single person uses this in wow so…

but hey, if it means I can get more easy kills in wpvp then why not lol. Free real estate.

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I just imagine the time playing starfield on PC and then xbox. Trying to aim with the xbox controller. Its hard mode for sure.

With L and R buttons :man_shrugging:
a,b,x,y = four keybinds
l1 + a,b,x,y = four new keybinds

BTW, people already play with controller.

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