WoW community worse than LoL?

So I tried to raid. In normal.

We’re waiting for the last ones in front of Ulgrax. When suddently the boss wipes the raid.
Apparently the Lead kicked someone. Out of spite they pulled.
It happened 2 times.
First: how much of a child are you to do that ?
Is it common ? Seriously ?
Second: why would you kick someone before anything happens ?

Finally we do the raid. Everything goes well. No wipe.
We kill Ky’veza. 2 people leave for no apparent reasons.
Apparently they didn’t loot what they wanted (poor baby). Or got “ninja” “their” item (poor baby, again).
And then in the span of 2 minutes, 15 or 17 people leave. Raid disbands.
Tried to find another group. Works. Disbands after 1 wipe.
New group. New wipe. Disband.

If you can’t handle death, go play story mode, or LFR, or solo games, or quit gaming altogether. But don’t come in an MMO where try, wipe, repeat, learn and git gud is the way.

Or am I missing something ?

I just returned to retail with TWW (stopped around cata back in the day). Played a lot of classic BC-LK-Cata and SoD.
On LK and Cata I hate this ilvl and logs crap. They police everything and everyone one feels so much like a pro and take everyone from above.
In the end if you manage to get in a raid, you know everyone will stick til the end and finish it. Or die trying.
But here ? Oh man, my reaction to this first raid experience was: WTF is this community ?

People often say “new raids are way harder than classic ones”. Might be true. Don’t know. Don’t care. But if you refuse to try’n’wipe it’s sure gonna be harder to clear.
At least on Classic or SoD people stick, try and repeat.

It feels like people want everything right here right now served on a golden platter without any effort. And as soon as it doesn’t work the way they want, they quit.
They have no resilience to failure. They have no patience to learn. They are fragile.

Is it the norm now ?

And this was normal mode. I wonder what happens in Heroic of Mythic…

I tried Mythic dungeons too. Funny how you will never get in a group with a lower equiped gear that the one you can get in that mythic level.
Why would I do dungeon that gives 595 if I have 600 ? I want to do something that gives me 603+ if I have 600.
Or am I missing something ?

Am I the best at my class ? Certainly not. Am I any good ? Let’s say I’m still learning mechanics. Am I well geared ? I guess 602 is not that bad.

But people don’t care about people I guess. They want fast dopamine. No failure. No waiting. No wipe. They want perfectly executed mechanics like if we were robots. Oh wait…

Where are my gamers ?
Where are the people that want to play the game ?

At least the LoL community, well, communicates. Toxic, but communicates. They don’t just leave for no reasons.

So if you read this and are too pissed by this behavior and are looking for members in your raid, I might want to raid with you :wink:
=> Lindele - Argent Dawn

I could finish by saying “welcome to retails” i guess :melting_face:

Oh, and in the end, 7 stayed, and thanks to a tauren Shaman who had the will to make a group again, we one shot the 2 last boss with this last group. Praise him.


AD problems.

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Aahh the pug life. Yeah, not for me.

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I wonder what magical version of Classic TBC/Wrath u played because all of this was very much alive in it


Just read over your post and here are my thoughts.

Kicking someone from a raid because they pulled on purpose or by mistake, it’s down to the right of the raid leader. They’re costing the players gold in repairs, and it can be frustrating to have these kinds of mistakes, when they shouldn’t be happening in the first place. So I don’t find anything wrong in this.

The 2 people who left could have gone because they may have already killed the following bosses and didn’t want to reduce the amount of loot that the others could have received. Or, they got what they wanted/not didn’t get what they wanted from the raid and left. The plus side is people can be replaced, as you’re not locked into 1 single raid ID like people used to a long time ago.

The WoW wipe & leave is something, which unfortunately plagues the game. You see these players in other games as well and the same comments are always said, “I bet that was a WoW player!”.

The whole ilvl and logs is more for people who want to actually get through content without a wipe within the first 30 seconds of a boss fight. With so many people now buying boosts to get through content, they want to exclude those individuals, which I completely understand and would back a raid leader doing this.

LoL players don’t leave for no reason because they end up screwing over their account as they have harsher punishment for that behaviour. If WoW had the same kind of leaver punishment system, then you wouldn’t see this happening.

But, as someone said, “the pug life!”.


Well it was certainly corrupted by ilvl and log checks like I said. But once in a raid I never had random leavers just because of one wipe.

Hm, nope or at least way less - ppl didn’t like to screw their ID for a week because of a few wipes; with no ID anymore, well…

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Maybe you missread or I wasn’t clear.

The lead kicked a dude first. And then because of this pulled the boss and wiped the raid.

I can understand the 2 ppl leaving after the boss. But not the 15 others. It’s so annoying and disrespectful.

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Oh sorry for misreading, yeah that is something, which is normally due to people having a weak/broken ego and want to have a little tantrum before they leave. You’ll see this happening a lot.


In wrath pugs I’ve seen people leave during trash after a boss because of random arguments about talents. This was when normal still had ID locks and long before cross realm, so so much for “server identity”.

As for OP:
Yes, it’s normal in raids.
Why do content for the same ilvl rewards as you’re wearing?
Because this expansion is about upgrade tracks, not ilvl. There’s an overlap between adventurer, veteran, champ etc… so sometimes even getting a lower ilvl item is an upgrade after you use crests on it.

In other games. Most people who still play WoW just want to gear up their barbie doll with the least amount of effort (and wiping) as possible. They see content as a vending machine, not challenges you might actually fail at.

PS: no community is worse than LoL’s.

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Not even close…

In LoL you’re frequently told to stfụ for merely greeting the team, and to off yourself when you lose.

And World of Tanks makes LoL’s community look like care bears. Merely bumping into another player is enough to get a colourful barrage of acts done to your family and wishful thoughts of cancer upon yourself.

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I get you. It’s like this, sadly. I think that you would have a better experience raiding with a casual raiding guild though where all of the stuff you mentioned is unlikely to happen.

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The short answer : NO. LoL is worse.

Play LoL if you want. :slight_smile: You will see the truth.

“Can’t handle death”; to be fair to them, you’re the one that’s on here complaining about it.

Go play story mode: if you want everything to go exactly how you envisioned it.

Oh I did for way too long. And tried like a year ago, did maybe 10 games. No one left, no one insulted anyone. It was almost nice to play
I guess I had one chance in a million x)
(I admit, it was for the clickbait. But in that raid (and dungeons in general), no one says sht and there’s absolutely no communication or reasons given to leave, it’s absurd)

In a dungeon, the lack of communication can be solved by being the ice breaker.

In other words. If you see no communication at all. Like a “hello” or “how are you” its because by definition you yourself aren’t doing it either.

So expecting others to do it for you is un-productive. Try it. Works every time.

As for raids, don’t PuG. Why PuG? There is no reason to do so. Dungeons are different because you need volume. Raids on the other hand, its just once a week.

nice bait topic. Calling people far more toxic for leaving or ninjapulling because they get kicked. Meanwhile you are calling people fragile and things like “poor baby”. Lovely irony.

Whats stopping people from saying to you that you are a fragile baby yourself because you get upset because someone leaves the group? Why would you get upset someone had to go or having to walk back a minute due to a ninjapull.

Thats part of the game as well, you play with other players and not

People might leave because of irl things or because they only needed a certain boss as they already killed the other bosses in another run.

Dont you see any irony when complaining about people expecting others to act like perfect bots while you do the exact same thing on here? You come to complain with a massive rant because someone slightly inconvenienced you. How are they the poor childish one while you have no patience either when its you being inconvenienced

I see where you’re going. And there’s a big difference between the two.

And call it irony if you want. If someone can’t bear a wipe, then yeah I call them fragile in the sense they have no resilience.
And you can call me fragile or upset baby if you think I am. And I’ll agree with you. Because I can’t stand people who sing up for something and quit right after.

When you (I say “you” as a figure of speach, not you specifically) sign up for a raid you tacitly imply to play the game together with people. By leaving without saying anything you break that contract.

I’m not talking or complaining about the 2 people leaving after a boss.
I’m not complaining at the rare people who write something in chat before leaving, like “it’s getting too late for me” or even just a “gotta go sry” (even if it’s not true, I don’t care). It shows respect.

I’m complaining at the 15 people leaving. Prefering not to finish, or finding a new raid, instead of finishing with the group that made it that far with no problems.
I’m complaining about the other 25+ people that left after just one wipe and disbanded. Thus refusing the game, the tacit contract of “playing together”, and giving up when facing the slightest difficulty.

I think you missunderstood me. And you made me realize I wasn’t clear.
I don’t really care about people leaving actually. I care that so many people leave without saying anything and don’t give a f about other people. And I care people sign up for something they don’t want to actually try.

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In ye olde days of yore Guilds were for Hardcore / Dedicated / High End / Challenging content. PuGs were for casual dip-in type content.

Today it’s reversed. You need a guild (or more likely a Community) to play casually in a friendly atmosphere. PuGs are for hardcore tryhards who treat leveling dungeons like M+ and a Normal raid like RWF Mythic.

It’s a vicious circle the more toxic the PuG scene gets the more the friendly helpful players leave to either quit grouped content or join a guild / community. Leaving the PuG scene even more toxic.

I don’t know I don’t play LoL

That depends on how you find your groups, here is a theory of mine that will hopefully help you;

Putting low effort into how you group up (ingame lfg function) will put you in a low effort group, ripe with the type of people you are complaining about.
Putting high effort into how you group up (curating your raid group, befriending and inviting good players, joining communities that work with blacklists for bad behaviour) will put you in a high effort group, ripe with the type of people you want to group up with.

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