WoW community worse than LoL?

But you got friendlists,guilds and communities for this. So you can find a group of friends who want to do that as well.

People ragequitting is just the risk of pugging imo. You put alot of random people together ofcourse there is going to be some friction and difference in opinions. For example when i do LFR there also are times i just quit because finding a new group would be faster than staying with the current one. Thats just what sometimes happens with pugs, You dont have the same amount of patience when you see people making the same dumb mistakes over and over again even tho people keep telling them the tactics making the run last many more hours than it should be

In the end people are far more patient with people they know than some rando

Uhm, why would someone stick with such group when there is multitudes of others that may be more successful? There is always chance you get boosted for basically free.

As long as you are in raid for gear, that is.

PS there are only goals, each goal can have one or more strategies of achieving, and each strategy has operative tasks to be executed. Therefore other pugs are a resource to achieve your gameplay management goals. “Playing together” is just sentiment, illusion to some and effective tool of coercion to others.

After reading your post you come across as toxic yourself to be fair and people leaving and joining raids has been a thing since MoP flex raids.

6/8 has just been a 60 min blast in normal for me each week, no issues.

But yes, people will leave on wipe or after they boss they needed, that’s just PuG life.

On heroic i join Pugs as well doing 4/8 pretty quick.

But princess is pretty hard for PuGs in Heroic, so not killed that one yet.

The raid is very puggable & easy this time around, just make sure you join the 20 or 30 man raids.

The 30 man groups are just killing the stuff so easy.

I would like to recommend you to follow Twitch streamers who bring viewers into their raids.
This has helped me a lot with raid content in the last couple of expansions.
Viewer raids generally have a core of geared and skilled regulars and are open to people who are willing to listen to instructions and have a good attitude.

My favorite one is ScruffyGG. The things he will ask from the raid members is to be fully enchanted, having a reasonable entry ilvl (the type you can get outside of raids even) and to join the discord so you can listen to instructions without stream delays

If you like the less scheduled raiding but cannot stand the issues with PuGs, I think that you will do well there.

PS: There is no worse gaming community than the one in LoL though.

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I wouldnt recommend the pug community, its better to find a guild that suits you and your needs. I’ve never played LoL so cant compare, but we do hear alot of stories from bad pug experiences :sweat_smile:

There used to be an animation where Obama plays LoL and due to how he saw people treating others in the game, he decides that humanity is gone and what is left is something else and fires nukes all over the world.

NO, just no, if you compare lol community to wow’s you don’t know what you are talking about

Sounds like a normal pug raid…

Well, for good or bad, pick-up groups r basically that. No pressure to stay because you can be replaced quickly. That’s a double-edged sword exactly because of what you listed - people can be selfish and unlike in classic you can find new people from inside the raid. No reason to stay or keep someone you dislike. Call it selfish, if you want, it likely is. People do what the game allows them to.

Now the new more prevalent craze is also to leave keys if you’re inconvenienced. Sucks, yes. Poor key holder wasn’t at fault but they’re punished by the system.

Now, what you can do is:

  • join a community, there r many many communities, including a few big ones like scared of dungeons and no pressure.
  • joining a guild to try and have a better time. It sucks, yes, but that way you can ensure people won’t leave. That being said majority of my pug experiences are really positive, even invited someone to a guild yesterday after a run.
  • avoid certain groups. It may sound silly but some groups have names that may tell you what to expect. “Blasters, pumpers, fast run” whatever else. Expect them to be toxic by default. Guild runs are so-so. It could be nice people looking for more, could be new guilds having trouble, could be people kicking strangers mid-pull to remove their loot availability. Yes, that’s a thing. Yes, I hate it. Join groups with generic / silly /names that have like “chill” or so in them. They’ve generally been positive in my experience. I’ve made friends in such runs.

Hi. Can you add me on bnet to have a chat? Tammz#2233
we’re tryin to fight the exact thing u encountered , by forming a steady raiding group/m+ groups to clear content with. Wish we could bring back the cata days (they’ll tell u to go play classic if u miss it), but that’s the player base you find now. Here’s our post, check it out :slight_smile:

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