Apparently, Asmon did apply for this ‘council’ - Blizzard allegedly gave him a negative response
Edit - here’s the link
Apparently, Asmon did apply for this ‘council’ - Blizzard allegedly gave him a negative response
Edit - here’s the link
Most streamers say and do content depending on what’s trending and what gives them more clicks and viewers.
Their opinions should not be taken seriously.
They also play games what is trending .
Yeah i know but i don’t think Asmon really need such a place either. His voice is well heard, they just don’t wanna listen to him either out of pride or simply out of not liking the person that is not for me do decide.
But i s pretty obvious that if Blizzard was interested in what he had to say, they would not need to sweat to find his opinion.
yeah asmongold should not be on the council same with with all influencers imo…
i know they wont like that… but they already have a platform to voice their concerns they do not need another.
I am not sure about Asmongold. Not really talking about him right now but if you worked at Blizzard and someone is keep trashing your work and saying negative things about you all the time would you give them promotion or any more power? I don’t hate Asmon he can be too much and I can understand why some people doesn’t like him.
i get that irl from idiots who are quick to judge… its nothing new…
people do not like streamers because they consider themselves experts on subjects and that their personal opinions speak for everyone which watches them…
both are not true… they are just glorified average player…
just like you or me.
sooner blizzard wake up and realise asomongold is no different to ‘joe blogs’ who played the game for years…
that is when blizzard has started taking the right path… giving streamers special treatment was always bad practise for the game and was always destined to end badly in design…
Yeah, Another thing is WOW token. They are keep asking for it to be deleted. from the game. I know some people who can’t afford to pay for sub like one of my guild mate single dad with 3 kids he farms herbs 1-2 hour a day to make gold to buy game time and I also know some people who are lazy to farm gold so they just buy a WOW token. There are many different players . Some people don’t know other peoples struggle and they only think about themself.
a dad of 3 probably should not be playing wow imo… but i guess that is personal choice…
just like he made when he had 3 kids i guess.
remember he made that decision and put himself in that position…
wow tokens are still bad for the game regardless if mr.baddecisions can afford the game or not.
its when the game starts bending to account for those bad decisions, that is when we end up with WoW 2021(not positive)
and they included forum posts / discussions. I am sorry but if you dont have feedback on the forums why should you want to be in the council?
Along with getting some of the more skeptical but still constructive people on board as well, at least from among the streamers. It needs a mix of both positive and negative feedback for the developers to hopefully listen to and take pointers from. This doesn’t go for just streamers and content creators, though those are the ones where it’s easier to gauge their stance, but also for the more regular players signing up.
I’m skeptical whether this thing will actually help in the end or simply be more of a PR thing but if those who get in can’t contribute with constructive feedback and simply go “this is bad” or “this is good”, without elaborating, then it’ll simply be wasted time and ressources.
I just read the article and watched the stream, I had to laugh, but then at the end I thought to myself are Blizzard really that stupid? I mean I am NOT advocating that Asmongold is on the Council, but I am really surprised at the response he received.
“What was unexpected was Blizzard’s response, which said that Asmongold’s request ticket had been resolved with the following response: no response posted.”
Even if they hate him, would not a diplomatic response have been in order? Could they have not just said something like, ‘Thank you for your application, the response has been overwhelming and we are grateful for the support of our players, unfortunately on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful.’
Instead they handed him more ammunition to use against them, seriously I don’t understand why they would do this.
If i were Blizzard, i would create a rule for the Council:
The reasoning is simple:
The streamers dont really care about the game, they are in a business wich is to get trafic to their page/vids.
WoW for them is just a product (not a game), that serves as a way to get viewers to their pages/vids in order receive money from sponsors with advertising.
This council is supposed to be to get feedback from players that play the game to have fun, not as a business model.
Why not? We do not know his family life or what routine they have, we also do not know how old the children are (they might be older and need less full time attention). Are we really saying who should or should not be playing WoW?
It was diplomatic.
The answer they should have give him should be:
“***k off. Go play random game X, that provides you with the most viewers that enjoy your negative and doom feedback.
Kind regards, Blizzard”
In Portuguese we have a good saying for people like him:
“Estimo que te fodas”
i guess but what i was getting at was it was through his own actions that he finds himself in the position hes in … its through no other actions than his own.
he cannot afford the sub because of those decisions he made in life. nothing related to blizzard or the actual game…
it still does not validate the wow token as a good thing for the game.
all the wow token did was turn the gold sellers into boosters.
You are letting your dislike of streamers colour your view, try looking at it from a pure business strategy, they are still saying no but giving a polite response.
I personally believe a polite response gives little ammunition to your opponent.
So I stick to what I posted, they didn’t think it through and just reacted based on their dislike and he will use this against them. But of course if you think your response would have worked better, then I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
Did anyone else get a reply to their submission? I asked several people and they got nothing… Fruitless as my own submission was I didn’t get anything either. Bit odd Asmon would get a reply as if he opened a ticket instead.
edit: And to add it would be a really weird way for Blizzard to answer his reply as well, especially now.
I did not get any response from them at all.
They can still do the streams they wish, just not belonging in the council.
Im not letting my supposed dislike of streamers colour my views, there are some (few) streamers that arent about the clickbait.
What i care about is the game improving and not trying to make money from playing it.
edit: typo