WOW council and streamers

Yes I have, Did you not see where I stated one of the last questions where they ask what have you done to make a difference in this community?

They never were.

I don’t watch a lot of youtube videos on WoW but didn’t the majority of the big names and faces stop reporting on WoW? I wouldn’t be suprised if Blizzard tried to recruit from those content creators tho just to get their reach in

Personally I would run for the hills if I was one, I can see the council being targeted over a change Blizzard makes, or even a council member just saying something a large enough group to harass disagrees with. WoW players aren’t inherently toxic but any group as big as wow players has some bad apples in them.
As for youtube being clickbait, that’s just the name of the game today. I watch other non wow related topics on youtube and there is just no escaping it, it is just the way things are now.

For the wow council, I’d prefer if they atleast had the backbone to say what they think when blizzard does mess up. Some meek individual that will shy away and nod with things they disagree with will not do anyone any favours.

Bring the player not the class is a nice concept but it’s Blizzards current design that has basically thrown balance to the wind and has created these enormous gap between the top and bottom performing specs so, I hope they can get the balance back to a point where bring the player not the class becomes a thing, it’s just that going from anecdotal evidence from the last few expansions that’s just very unlikely.

Out of all these things I’d say titanforging is the one I would least want back, I am as casual as they come (check my achi’s if you don’t believe me) but that system just completely destroyed any and all fun on gearing for me. I would rather get a second shadowlands then see titanforging return now that I’ve re-experienced the game without it.

Blizzard however reducing droprates and saying it’s because titanforging got removed was just some weird pavlovian response that doesn’t make sense. I highly doubt the titanforging mechanic had a hidden modifier programmed into it that made gear more likely to drop in general. These were two changes that had nothing to do with eachother and felt like it was the developers punishing the players for disagreeing with them. (I say felt here for a very good reason, because that would be dumb, but the feeling is still there)

Bonus rolls and a restored droprate would be great imo, personally I’d say badges and vendors are even better then bonus rolls because bonus rolls are just an RNG version of badges, maybe take another lesson from WoD and let us upgrade item level with said badges so that you can still get a higher ilvl version of your gear without titanforging, just not RNG


No response received.

I’m not certain you understand what ‘ad hominem’ means. I know a lot of people love to throw around those ‘argument definitions’ that were on that website created by someone without a clue as to how to define the terms in question. (Shocker).

No, that was not an ‘ad hominem’ argument. I was directly stating that I did not think -you- had looked at the application. There’s no ad hom, I do directly mean you, not your argument, OK, so that is not how ad hominem works. I am not attacking your argument using you as the bridge to do so, I am directly, and blatantly calling into question -your- view.

We are still allowed to do that in debate. We are allowed to disagree with people you know? That isn’t what Ad Hominem actually means.

I’m neither your parent or tutor to help you with the possible terror of words and comprehension.

Yes, and it blatantly states there, that they are not asking for streamers, but anyone who has made a difference or helped in some way, and they even cite in the question, “This could include forum posts”

Most Streamers don’t come here, because they might get people calling them out on their stuff, rather than sycophants fawning on their words. So they are -really- talking about people who actually play the game, rather than those who make money by trashing it to the gullible.

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Let’s be real here. They can say anything in their blurbs and they will only bring on people with clout and not the average player who logs in for 2 hours and does some world quests and then logs off.

You also just confirmed what I said earlier in this thread they are asking for evidence of how you have changed the community which is impossible for the average forum goer here.

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Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. Which, is exactly what you did.

Seems you’re the one that doesn’t seem to know the meaning of it, since you attacked me and my motives instead of the argument itself.

You’re allowed to do lots in a debate, including Gish gallopping which you love to do in your big posts. These terms actually come from debating tactics, shocker!

Considering how poorly you do on arguments and debates, even on topics that you’re supposedly ‘well versed’ in like Voice Acting
 I don’t think you would do well as either, so I am thankful you are neither to me.

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Most of youtubers just copy each other, so if you invite them to community council you basically get 1 opinion for the price of N council sits. No offence

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They can do away with streamers if they dont wanna handle much negative feedback. As Alex Afrasiabi once said, “we try not to let negativity enter the dojo”. It was in the context of negative fans affecting the WOW storytelling but perhaps they will follow the same phylosophy for other aspects of the game as well.

Incorrect. I did not attack your argument via you as a bridge, I directly said I doubted whether -you- as a person had checked out the application process. I mean there is no ad hominem there, the correct term would be ‘hominem’ as in I am directly calling out yourself as a person as to whether you had done a thing.

Now if you said you -had- done so, and I continued to attack your argument based on the fact that it was -you- was making it, then that would indeed be Ad hominem.

No, I posited a statement that I doubted you had checked the application process. A Statement you have not confirmed or denied yet. Two different things.

Yes, the terms do come from debating tactics, they are also invariably incorrectly used on the internet ever since people saw that damned website that actually defines them incorrectly, but that is a side issue.

I do quite well actually, and I have not done poorly in a discussion regarding my career, are you just making things up now?

A factor I am certain we are both grateful for.

Hence the application process specifically states that you don’t have to be a Youtuber. I mean I’m not. Everyone I know of that has went “I’ll give it a go” is not.
If it -does- end up as a bunch of Streamers and Youtube ‘celebs’ then I will absolutely treat it with the scorn and scant regard that it will deserve, as a futile effort that will yield no good.

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”Streamer bad”

-anyone hardstuck 1600 or nothing past LFR or +2 keys.

Neither people whom play 80h a week, nor those that buy boosts anee barely part take in a branch of content with some seriousness should be the focus of the council.

Its the player who is dedicated, yet has a balanced play time.

Otherwise you get the 100h of playtime a week people saying ”hurrdurr no content”

Or you get the boosted, low effort, pet battle players coming in with the dumbest of ideas. And if you’ve been into the game for sometime, youd know, that the MoP ”community council” was ruined because they took on these low effort people.

Good, then I’m lit for this. I do take part in a branch of content. Might not be the branch you -think- should be taken seriously, but that is why they are asking for people who play varying facets of the game and not just those people shrieking abut mythics and keys.

Should be sound then.

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No, it was correct. A bridge is not needed, because instead you decided to attack me rather than the argument. Kinda worrying I can give you the definition and you still get it incorrect. At no point is there a pre-requisite for a ‘bridge’.

IE, I had presented that I read the application. The fact that you didn’t read that despite quoting me, is your issue not mine.

You sure don’t, considering all the stuff you got incorrect about Flynn and how supposedly ‘contracts’ that his voice lines being removed won’t effect his work going forward and you had stated that there’s really no reason for their voice lines to return despite the accusations coming out false.

Especially considering you have no understanding of how such things even work in the US but made plenty of assumptions based upon your experiences in a completely different country with completely different contract applications that would effect his work going forward.

It’s funny for you to point at that number specifically because you were unable to hit 2k in 3’s I guess?

Or as someone that’s never gotten cutting edge
 What was the point of your snide remark towards people when you’d technically fall under the same category on average?

Wouldnt say unable, i just jump between characters so much and finding a stable 3s is harder. Would be far easier hitting 2k in 3s if i put half the time into it. Specially as a healer.

You may say its snide. But its not entierly wrong.

In the PvE content for sure. I havent taken part of it as an organised thing since ICC.
And only this expansion decided to actually try to do some arena for rating as seen by 4/5 of my vicious mounts coming from this season. Terrible time to start PVP healing.

Sure my comment may have been rude. But id argue the gqme has been equally diminished by ”pet battle players” as spread sheet guilds. Half the systems we get are there to stifle maybe 500 of the top players, but end up punishing the rest of us far more, since, in this case, we wont level 4 different of the same class to have each covenant just to be sure we get ultra max out of them.

The high end is ruined by the spread sheets. The rest is dumbed down because ”i cant do silver proving grounds” and people that dont lack the insight to see that the paladin has pressed wings and now i need to react - or die.

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Blizzard has warranted this in the long run though. Though I don’t hold streamers in high regard they do have a point but some do push the boat out to get clicks and Revenue.

From that list I recognize Kelani and Soul but even those two are starting to get tired of the grind and you can see that from their recent videos.

You should go back a few years and look at Soul’s videos in Legion he was a very different guy back then lol

A streamer like Hazel, yep, even when most of the other streamers where feeding their fans poison about WoW she f.e. always kept the respect, plus she never left. Such streamers get my respect, she never puts down other players or games.

But now all of a sudden some streamers who hated and left WoW want to be in this, or their fans want them to be haha? Asmond/ Preach, nah ty.


Hazel is dedicated and puts out good content but her voice goes through me so I have to limit how much of her content I watch.

I really liked Preach but he became too much and he is raging even on the good changes in game also hard to believe that he really loves FF that much lol.

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In the 15+ yrs I have been playing this game, without any real breaks btw, I have seen many streamers. Its all fine to me and cant say I hate any of the ones I seen, but I get pretty bored with some of them acting like they are God’s.

They are just players as we all are and Blizz should not base any councel on popularity, streamers or forum members etc.
The group should represent all sorts of players, all sorts of play style, solo and group, pve, pvp , ages etc.


I think it’s a matter of perspective tbh. Do some people go too far in their videos? Probably.

Question I ask myself is why are they doing it in the first place. They could be doing it for clickbait or to appease to the general opinion of the playerbase (which is quite negative atm), but doing this has adverse effects. Making a negative video can potentially put people off playing the game, as it solidifies the negative emotion that people are feeling, which then can turn people away from consuming content outside they game making them loose subscribers. Which can lead to their own downfall.

Or they can be doing it through passion for the game and the sheer disappointment in the current situation. Sure some may go too far, but doesn’t everyone when emotions run high and your at the point of exploding, which some are. It doesn’t excuse their actions however, but it does give a different perspective on the whole situation.

On the flip side, being too positive is also a bad thing too. Criticising something you don’t agree with, with an almost sugar coated positivity doesn’t really help in the long run either.