Wow current population

I play on a pretty dead server. Will check how boralus looks once home. Now we only need a FF14 one and ESO

I took 2 pictures in FF14 in just one of the 3 main places… couldn’t fit in 1 image so took 2… they are same place diff sides.

This is what people call “anecdotal evidence”

Eso is difficult because people are spread all over the place

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Tbh, they don’t need to do it, they can manipulate the original data, but I don’t have enough tin to make that large hat.

It’s free to try ff14 until level 35… so anyone is free to take a look themselves

Yes, that’s the exact definition of anecdotal evidence. I don’t doubt that a lot of people are playing ffxiv(I play it myself), but a screenshot, or a count of /who is not a proof.

Well someone asked, and I didn’t mind doing it.

This is due to sharding if you go near the boat on Silvermoon or Dreanor it is quiet there aswell .

Try places like Org and SW ive never even on dead servers seen them look empty :smiling_face:

1 person at the AH, 4 people at the central place in SW on my server :^) Most people are in Boralus or dungeons, not in SW anymore.

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Im on a “new players” server which means basically dead and the AHs are always busy visually but i guess thats made up with CRZ .
So i do feel for you :hugs:

uum, the horde Population is bigger than the alliance you know?

They have longer BG queues and that’s because they need to wait for enough alliance to be queued up vs them.

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Without looking on the internet I would say there are less people playing on my servers now than 6 years ago, a hell of a lot less!

But don’t take my personal experience as fact remember this is purely anecdotal or was it empirical evidence? :slight_smile:

@Venger: Neither. It was an honest question directly relating to the quote. I was hoping you would give approximate numbers, how many alliance, how many horde… A very simple question about your perceptions. You see, I did look up what I could and wanted to compare your perceptions to the minor bits of data I found, nothing more complicated than that…

This is what I call checking if this games have nothing to do in the outsite world.

In WoW you meet more people in the world than in the city’s, because there is always something to do. If the city’s are full , there has to be an event or nothing else to do.

But here is also my screen from wow dead server at the quest guy at Thursday night : “ttps:// brZT“

12 people sitting around there.

I don’t think I saw more people in Dalaran on my server during woltk at one point.

Ah, ofc, thought you were implying I can’t do who correctly on a semi-dead realm, sorry.

Trewl, thanks, that’s good info, it means at least the high pops are healthy.

Btw, die silberne hand horde is incredibly low, wasn’t a fluke some days ago, I found 35 people at 00.30 tonight and 17 at 2.15, in the past on weak realms\factions like these (but talking about years ago) they used to only go under 50 in the middle of night, 50 was like a guarantee.

So I think some realms should be looked into a possible other round of connections, considering we still have around 119 realms in eu, including russians.

Sure, probably most of the players in the city are doing circles while waiting for forming a mythic+ group, or pvp queue to pop. FF is different, because of all the crafting quests the cities are always almost full(at least in the ARR zones where I mostly play)

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Argent Dawn will be always full. These teens hardly leave for school.
Heck even WoD the world felt more alive.
My friends were online and I felt like I had fun in doing pretty much everything while now if I log once a week I feel bored of the game.
Everything is given to me and there is no point to do any content. Emissarys giving heroic / 2k gear difficulty/rate.
Its so boring.


I’m sorry I gave that impression. All good :slight_smile:

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Why don’t you get mythic / 2,4 gear than ?