Wow current population

Staying subbedtill 8.2 if that fails I’m off forever. I’m simply not playing anymore or can bring up the willpower.

Yep but you see 5+ quarters in a row they lost millions of players “But it’s oke! They have 32m left!” or “Can be the same people playing different games!”. No matter if you call it customers, players or MAUs they just keep losing them and 8.5% remains 8.5% no matter how much they wanna change the difinition. It’s on an eternal decline, they need to break the trend and fast. Seeing how even HS is having 50% less revenue which is their precious mobile game. Blizzard themselves admit and show it by their actions (enquiries/surveys for example HS, closing down their HotS etc.) it’s going horribly yet people will keep trying to convince themselves and others otherwise. I just wanna be realistic and not create delusions.

I loved feral till MoP, till the seperation came… Purely bear tanking wasn’t my thing nor my fun and feral only became worse. Current state? No longer logged for play anymore.

This whole expansion is reversed WoD in terms of content yet nothing worthile/engaging to do, classes have been stripped. Only two that feel right are DH and assassination rogue for me. The times I catch myself blinking to get hp, cursing for not being able to slow as a fire mage or not having Phoenix Flames anymore.

They need to reverse the pruning and give specs back what made them (seals for paladins for example) and what made their roation and options oke (Phoenix Flames baseline). Also stop changing them every expac radically, so sick of this…

I want my pre-Legion SV hunter back. With deadzone and option to go petless or not. Alas even that is gone for me.

Look out now what I learned here if you acknowledge WoW’s problems or you refer to a YT who isn’t 100% positive you get turned into a doomsayer. 8.2 is Blizzard’s final chance, for most of us.

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Nah i wont turn in to that dont worry. (i wish i could to be honest :smiley: )
It is not about just youtubers, mate even palyers are complaining on chats. And not because of the infulence of youtube, they dont give a F about youtube. they Give a F about the expansion and its state. I only share some point of view and agreeing with some youtubers athats all, becasue my experiance and thiers are huntingly the same. and i experianced those waaaay before i even watched anything on YT about thier opinions of the expansion.

Apart from that, I gave a couple more checks, don’t think we do much with those but I’ll post any info I got: earlier on on quel’thalas, my main realm, which has always been a bit ally dominated, and I play on horde, I found around 410 characters, it was around 23 in the evening, which is not that bad, although there’s been rumors it was a new player realm for a while, and that this made it rank up, example made it go from a low pop to a medium or from a medium to a high in the realm classification, they fluctuate a bit depending on time of the day.

Later on, however, at only 00.30, I found only 130 people on die todeskrallen, which is a 6-way connection of german rp realms, and most importantly, it was a horde check and this time horde is the dominant faction, I used census plus for that, but then I did a couple of manual checks, I found under 50 people that were between level 20 and 110 (I checked 1-110 but people under 20 aren’t registered), under 50 people 111-119, over 50 people level 120, and under 50 people level 120 blood elf (most common horde race), this seems quite low and 00.30 is not the middle of night.

But again I’m gonna check draenor as soon as I have time during an evening with censusplus, I hope people agree that finding less than 3.000 people on such a realm would be pretty low, based on historical standards, at peak time.

It’s obvious that no matter the result I will find, draenor, silvermoon, kazzak etc., those 10 realms will not suffer population issues, but there are A LOT more low pop realms which are actually fairly empty, it’s those I’m talking about, unless you want to merge every single of the other 100 realms into 4-5 and have 15 total realms with a high population and nothing else.

You meet them if you agree with them , atleast for a big part. YT doesn’t recommend them to you, well they do but don’t agree and you keep watching them? Why? Or the all-time favourite where they watch 1 vid and base their entire opinion on them on that, AZ wants to save WoW and he is straight forward what kind of good news can you report nowadays? He made an entire video with how beautifull BfA was yet the treasures are worthless, nothing to discover and pretty barren. So even exploration is dead, then compared it to previous expansions and other games how you do it correctly. Nope just a doomsayer who likes earn money from clicks.

“Epic Game Store bribed even more studios!”

It’s the whole gaming scene atm there is hardly any good news to report in it’s current state.

Well i dont know the guy who you have mentioned in your comment honestly. :smiley:

And i agree with your last sentence.
I was so hyped to be honest when Blizz announced BFA. i was like wooow i wanna quest there and there i literraly jumped in my chair each time when a new zone picture popped up, and when it went live it was like thats all? i mean siriusly? thats all you have after legion? Im not saying legion was perfect oh hell no, but at least it was eventful, it had life. things to do. not like now lets be honest. everythign is so gated the loot, the story lines, hell i dont realy even rember the story of this expansion :smiley: wich is sad becasue i love the story of this whole game.

There is sooo much missing in this expansion for real. The loot is so overly rngezed that basicly the expasnion set is rather punishing then rewarding our efforts :D. The Classes are so badly changed. just one expample i am a mage and i love my class, but damn when a lower geraed frost mage then i am with sheet stats on its gear pull out more damage on frost then i am on arcane thats sux, and not becasue i cannot play with a mage, i know inside out of my class, including stats, and rotations ect. I have been playing mage sience vanila, ( fan fact that i have played on Us realm till panda came out) and i joined EU at Wod prepatch). arcane is so weak basicly it is at the bottom at the dps list. The azerite traits giving so low damage bonuses that basicly makes arcane pathetic, while frost doing so strogly that basicly over shadowing arcane, wich actualy a bad desing, each specialization should be equaly strong. ( i dont know much about fire mages, becasue i dont met one sience lunch that tells alot to be honest about the over shadowing specializations) and thats just only one class out of many.

Back to the RNG. it is not just the loot, but the damage is also based on RNG wich is also a bad desing lets face it, people when they choose dps classes, tehy dont want to pray to the RNG gods to make higer damages, they want to do flat out high damage. without RNG. sure its an mmorpg, but the rpg element of this game is gone looooong ago. I woudl suggest Blizz in that case to put every stat on the gear instead of F ing around with RNG like every slot should contain primary stats, and then every secondary stats. So it wont F up basicly the whole game based on RNG, you dont have enough crit your spells cant crit offten well F it how am i supose to stack up crti when the game is showing down versatility uppon versatility down in to my throaght? Get anotehr piece of gear? yeah right, decrease the RNG (drasticly) (oh and also make sure same pieces are not dropping, or worst not for my spec)and i will do it.

And the list of issues just go on and on and on. It is basicly stupid. The current state of the game is nothign more then a cosmetics, mount shopping hoarder with pokemongo. With Zero content, No rewards at all, (at least usefull ones) reputation farmings locked behind gating world quests, the stroy line is flat, cos its gated the hell out of it. it is a MESS. compered to other expansions. This expansion Dosent have that WOW factor at all and i can still go on with the issues with this expansion set… Sure the art department did an amazing job, (oh god some armors realy needs to be gone becasue they are so uggly that i would even consider to give it to charity while the NPC’s are wearing so badass looking outfits, it needs to be changed to be honest) and the voice acting. there are soem positive sides of the expansion, but the problem is that thsoe positive things are brealy even exsits in this expasnion.

@Megapixel: Since a few leading CP users play on Draenor… the current stats for the evenings look like this…

|16|302|2|3327|13||1 : 11|
|17|246|15|3395|10||1 : 13.8|
|18|227|2|3534|7||1 : 15.6|
|21|259|4|5061|4||1 : 19.5|
|22|236|8|5037|11||1 : 21.3|
|23|234|5|4097|14||1 : 17.5|

So, depending on server time expect to see between 3 300+ and 5 000+ horde. :slight_smile:

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I understood, I just wanted to clarify that there is a limit so that others don’t do /who and think their realms only have 50 online at any given moment.

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This shows us that you don’t understand the issue BFA has. No one calls it a second Wod. You know why ? Because that problem which Wod had , nothing to do between raids, does not exist in bfa.

Wod had good pvp and solid raids but problems in out site content. So do as a favor and try to understand why people critic a Expansion and not assume anything you wish would happen. :slight_smile:

You aren’t ?

Yes i am not mate. You are the one who thinks this expansion is soooo perfect and soo good, while the player base is droped, an the basicly each forum thread in some point a complain about this expansion. It is completly up to you to live in ignorance, but saying everything is fine and WoW doing great is just a straight lie. It is a dellusion.

Google PC-EU Server Update - April 11

If you can’t be bothered here is a snippet:

Starting in January we’ve had an influx of new players - we’ve have had some of our highest weekly average user, daily active user, and peak concurrent user numbers in the last six weeks since we launched on console back in 2015. So, it was in January when EU players started noticing degraded server performance. We made tweaks and updates to the service to free up extra database resources and other boosts to performance, which is why you have been seeing more and longer maintenance outages than normal in the last couple of months.

I really dislike bfa and I think it’s the worse pvp expansion we have had.

Where is your proof again ? Stop dodging the question and proof it :slight_smile:

I don’t see any numbers = the game is dying and failing.

Why are you asking proof? it is not enough for you to see how many people are complaining about the expansion? and how many of them left? and the fact that blizz lost 8.5% of its base? and those numbers mostly effected by WoW? it is on the net if you need your god damn proof so hardly do some reasherach instead of reapeting your self like a brainless undead. You energy vampire.

You have to take into mind that blizzard has more than one game so those lose’s are over all titles some of which are now closed down .

Because iam a man of science ? [quote=“Medívh-arathor, post:274, topic:49618”]
it is not enough for you to see how many people are complaining about the expansion?

Do i have to look up the threads again about how :
tbc killed WoW
Woltk killed WoW
Cata killed WoW
Mop killed WoW
Wod killed WoW
Legion killed WoW
Bfa killed WoW

? God dam, there are forums posts about how Zul gurub ruined WoW In classic . What does that proof ?

That’s not how Mau work. Again. Please read up what Mau are and how they are made before you use them as source for anything.

  1. the one who is claiming something has to prove it, not the one who is asking. And you claim WoW is doing bad and has low subs

  2. my research about this topic only showed me that the game is doing better than i thought, since I hoped bfa would make WoW crash, to make them realize that pve items Ruin pvp. But sadly it seems they do good.


My proof is the actual physical presence of players on my servers. There isn’t any because they’re largely dead. They used to be really active but now they are barren. I don’t need any other proof than my eyes and actual playing experience.

Statistics can be very easily manipulated, almost too easily. Go play then make your mind up.

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@Venger: Hmmm… Since I am curious… Without looking on the internet, how many players would you say are left on The Maelstrom? :slight_smile:

Not really. The only way is to manipulate the sampling. And that can be very easily checked.

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@Shumensko: And that would require very drastic methods… Such as somebody at Blizzard MANUALLY manipulating Armory to impact WRP, WoWProgress, RIO, RealmPop and others… or somebody, again, MANUALLY sabotaging WCR uploads.

EDIT: Additional afterthought… the former is almost impossible to even imagine… and the latter… I know maybe half a dozen people, who might be able to and none of them has any reason to. :smiley:


I can’t see the proof ? How is that a proof.

Or do you mean you FEEL as or less people play ?

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In wow in the main areas where lots of ppl should gather (like the boat etc). Its typically close to empty…and thats on a higher pop server. I cant imagine what its like on a low pop server.

Ppl always laugh about GW2 and how its dead. Yet when im in GW2 in areas where ppl gather there are always 20+ ppl on my screen: h ttps:// (screen from 2 seconds ago)

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