Staying subbedtill 8.2 if that fails I’m off forever. I’m simply not playing anymore or can bring up the willpower.
Yep but you see 5+ quarters in a row they lost millions of players “But it’s oke! They have 32m left!” or “Can be the same people playing different games!”. No matter if you call it customers, players or MAUs they just keep losing them and 8.5% remains 8.5% no matter how much they wanna change the difinition. It’s on an eternal decline, they need to break the trend and fast. Seeing how even HS is having 50% less revenue which is their precious mobile game. Blizzard themselves admit and show it by their actions (enquiries/surveys for example HS, closing down their HotS etc.) it’s going horribly yet people will keep trying to convince themselves and others otherwise. I just wanna be realistic and not create delusions.
I loved feral till MoP, till the seperation came… Purely bear tanking wasn’t my thing nor my fun and feral only became worse. Current state? No longer logged for play anymore.
This whole expansion is reversed WoD in terms of content yet nothing worthile/engaging to do, classes have been stripped. Only two that feel right are DH and assassination rogue for me. The times I catch myself blinking to get hp, cursing for not being able to slow as a fire mage or not having Phoenix Flames anymore.
They need to reverse the pruning and give specs back what made them (seals for paladins for example) and what made their roation and options oke (Phoenix Flames baseline). Also stop changing them every expac radically, so sick of this…
I want my pre-Legion SV hunter back. With deadzone and option to go petless or not. Alas even that is gone for me.
Look out now what I learned here if you acknowledge WoW’s problems or you refer to a YT who isn’t 100% positive you get turned into a doomsayer. 8.2 is Blizzard’s final chance, for most of us.